The new single weapon fighting feats are far more powerful than any of the other fighting styles. Coupled with the changes made to the knight of the chalice Paladin tree produce criticals at heroic level of over a thousand damage. No other fighting style even comes close. Two handed fighting just gets a increase in glancing blows as u progress and two weapon fighting only gets a greater chance of a off hand attack. SWF gets a increase of 30% attacl speed and a 50% increase in damage with greater SWF. That's before crits. A paladin wielding a rapier does more damage than any barbarian wielding a great axe. You need to scale back SWF on Orien 50% of all melee are now SWF Paladins. You have once again increased the power of the most powerful class in the game. I'm starting to think your overpowering them on purpose but its ruining the game. Every party is 50% to 100% Paladins or paladin hybrids. Pretty sad.