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  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vellrad View Post
    3. Will cloak/bracer stack with healing amp dragontouched armor? If not, meh.
    It will not stack with any of the former Healing Amplification 10% items, which currently grant +20 exceptional bonus:
    * Random loot: Lesser Convalescent
    * Named items: Book of Amaunator, Momento of War, Vengeful Protector, Wall of Wood (level 15 and 16)
    * Crafted items: Dragontouched Armor (Eldritch), Greensteel weapon (Tier 1)

    I'd rather farm remnants for BtA gear than dragontouched stuff (btc).

  2. #102
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post

    We're definitely open to all feedback about the balance of these Mysterious Cloaks and Bracers.

    It takes me about a week to get Fawngate from 20 to 28 without caring a bit about xp strategies or boost. When I get to level cap, these will be definitely competing with your new mysterious cloaks and bracers for a precious slot.

    A picture is worth a thousand words...but im an artist so that is how I think.

    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 02-15-2015 at 03:49 PM.

  3. #103
    Community Member Monkey-Boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daine View Post
    I just ran a TR through Korthos, skipped Sacrifices and Necromancer's Doom and would have picked up about 100 remnants, probably missed a couple of remnants along the way. Sometimes 1 or 2 remnants, sometimes more, I think the largest pile I got in Korthos was 37.
    How is this possible with no champs in korthos?
    Last edited by Monkey-Boy; 02-14-2015 at 11:53 PM.

  4. #104
    Community Member wayreth602's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey-Boy View Post
    How is this possible with no champs in korthos?
    I'm currently running a TR on a toon. There were champs in Korthos at first release of champs (I had a hireling die from one in The Cannith Crystal). These champs would no longer be there since the change to stop them from appearing below level 5.

    So, it might have been possible on first release, but would no longer be possible with the changes.

    Edit: On topic I like the cloaks.

  5. #105
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Festival Augments
    Limited time, and super high prices? What's the point, when most of these are already available all the time for much less grind?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    "Diamond of Exceptional Strength +1", 3000
    "Diamond of Exceptional Dexterity +1", 3000
    "Diamond of Exceptional Constitution +1", 3000
    "Diamond of Exceptional Intelligence +1", 3000
    "Diamond of Exceptional Wisdom +1", 3000
    "Diamond of Exceptional Charisma +1", 3000
    Already available 100% of the time for much cheaper: 5 Epic Raid tokens. In The Twelve.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    "Diamond of Strength +7", 3000
    "Diamond of Dexterity +7", 3000
    "Diamond of Constitution +7", 3000
    "Diamond of Intelligence +7", 3000
    "Diamond of Wisdom +7", 3000
    "Diamond of Charisma +7", 3000
    "Ruby of Sovereign Flame", 2000
    "Ruby of Sovereign Frost", 2000
    "Ruby of Sovereign Acid", 2000
    "Ruby of Sovereign Shock", 2000
    "Ruby of Combustion 114", 2000
    "Ruby of Glaciation 114", 2000
    "Ruby of Corrosion 114", 2000
    "Ruby of Magnetism 114", 2000
    "Ruby of Resonance 114", 2000
    "Ruby of Impulse 114", 2000
    "Ruby of Radiance 114", 2000
    "Ruby of Nullification 114", 2000
    "Ruby of Devotion 114", 2000
    "Ruby of Reconstruction 114", 2000
    "Sapphire of Resistance +7", 2000
    "Topaz of Fire Resistance 35", 2000
    "Topaz of Cold Resistance 35", 2000
    "Topaz of Acid Resistance 35", 2000
    "Topaz of Electric Resistance 35", 2000
    "Topaz of Sonic Resistance 35", 2000
    These are all available full-time in Gianthold, for a few Restored Relics and 1 Commendation of Heroism.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    "Sapphire of Defense +14", 2000
    I never checked: did the old PRR augments become PRR/MRR when MRR was created? If so, add this to the above list.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    "Diamond of Insightful Strength +2", 3000
    "Diamond of Insightful Dexterity +2", 3000
    "Diamond of Insightful Constitution +2", 3000
    "Diamond of Insightful Intelligence +2", 3000
    "Diamond of Insightful Wisdom +2", 3000
    "Diamond of Insightful Charisma +2", 3000
    Hey, some augments that you can't already get whenever you want! Nice...well, except the price.

    I suggest scrapping from the "limited time Festival Augment" list everything you can already get any time. Which is most of your current list. And perhaps adding in more of the random un-buyable augments, like the ML 28 ones.

  6. #106
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Remove all the Gianthold and Twelve augments.
    Suggesting massive nerf why?

  7. #107
    Community Member B0ltdrag0n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cetus View Post
    Well, I'm patiently waiting for some rewards that have some endgame/capped player relevance. Whole lot of "meh" right now.

    I think the cloaks are good as there are not many decent cloaks, but that's about it.

    Unique augments! Give us some unique effects on augments!
    Officer of Renowned

  8. #108
    Community Member B0ltdrag0n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post

    This really doesn't help with discussion
    Officer of Renowned

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post

  10. #110
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Well, it's nice to see another source for all the low level augments.... But the price is too steep for new players.

    At the other end of the spectrum, there's nothing appealing for Vets. The cloak is at best a filler if you have an empty slot...
    But otherwise it doesn't have any real appeal that will make you shuffle your setup to make room for it.

    While I would refrain on the Healing Amp augment until you can add them as Epic Greensteel items, I agre with others that the Champions should give augments
    and stuff that cannot be found anywhere else and that has some appeal to end gameplayers/veterans. Otherwise the tokens are going to be just yet another
    trash that gets bypassed while we quest ( like most of the collectables... they were nice when the level cap was 10 to 14.... But even with the changes made most of
    them are not worth collecting ).
    On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...

  11. #111
    Community Member the_one_dwarfforged's Avatar
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    i like that you will be able to get insightful 2 augs but honestly, they are pretty common right now and i think we all know why. so i cant get excited about this. earlier wouldve been better.

    i will be getting the cloak but its a swap/part time item at best for me.

    everything else seems like a waste of your time.
    You are but a lamb, ignorant of your own ignorance. You no longer interest me.

  12. #112
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    Your prices are way to high. There is no way I would ever pay 2k for a resist 35. Giant hold vendors are way cheaper in time investment. Also, the hero lvl augs would only be a god investment if you were doing hero TR's and had static gear. I am also not going to pay 100's of tokens at lvl 6 to pay 100's more at lvl 9 and again at 13 and again........ Most if not all the Augs you have posted have cheaper costs else ware.

  13. #113
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    A brief reminder that current Player's Council members are urged to not post in this thread for approximately 36 hours, so we can get feedback from the community at large initially untainted by those who have seen this topic already, and earlier iterations of this topic.
    It's a nice list and it's commendable. The bracers/cloak looks nice. One note tho, what most people (I think anyways) are looking for is a good source of skill augments. It's easy enough to get stat bonus augments and there are plenty of items that cover these aspects of spell power, stat bonuses and resistance. But there are very few effective sources of skill boosts. At least for the coveted augment slots. There are a few out of the store but it doesn't cover all skills.

  14. #114
    Community Member Thar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    At the risk of promoting a particular (wonderful) fansite:

    As with the initial list and the Flasks and the added augments here and the new Festival list, we aren't saying we're done yet.

    I'm not sure why players believe we're against Healing Amplification Augments. They are not part of this round of feedback, though the reminders that they are desirable are fine. (We already know this, but it's OK to remind us.)

    We have been against increasing even more Healing Amplification since before the revamping pass recently done to Healing Amplification, but that's been done so you can expect more Healing Amplification in the future.

    We're definitely open to all feedback about the balance of these Mysterious Cloaks and Bracers.
    Love the heal amp, the prr/mrr doesn't appear to stack at end game so meh... how about something that stacks but only for non heavy armor? give the light armor guys a fighting chance.

    as for pots, why in the world would they be on the same timer as the eternal heroism flask that we all got. To put all that work in and then have to pick which one to use... is silly. Your basically saying, here is these wonderful potions but you can only have/use one...3
    Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.

  15. #115
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Summary: More powerful versions of the standard rewards augments, and Mysterious Cloaks & Mysterious Bracers.

    Mysterious Cloaks & Mysterious Bracers
    These are intentionally identical items. We're choosing to put out a Cloak version and a Bracers version to make it easier to mix into the puzzle that is juggling items between your equipment slots.

    • Minimum Level 7: +15 Exceptional bonus to Positive Healing Amplification, +11 Competence bonus to Magical Resistance, Green Augment Slot, Yellow Augment Slot, Masterful Craftsmanship 4
    • Minimum Level 14: +30 Exceptional bonus to Positive Healing Amplification, +18 Competence bonus to Magical Resistance, Green Augment Slot, Yellow Augment Slot, Masterful Craftsmanship 4
    • Minimum Level 21: +45 Exceptional bonus to Positive Healing Amplification, +25 Competence bonus to Magical Resistance, Green Augment Slot, Yellow Augment Slot, Masterful Craftsmanship 4

    Pre-answering some questions that came up from the Council: Masterful Craftsmanship 4 reduces the minimum level by 4 (so while the first item has a minimum level of 7, it would normally be 11). Yes, that's an Exceptional bonus to Healing Amplification, the same bonus type given to the old 10% Healing Amplification items before the recent Healing Amp changes. Competence bonus hasn't been used for MRR before, so this would stack with everything made so far.
    No issues with General augments being available for trade for remnants.

    Festival augments.. would like to see the "Festival" flavor ... like how we had for Mabar.
    Ruby of Ghostbane, Ruby of the Vampire Slayer, Ruby of the Endless Night...

    As to the Cloak/Bracers.. looks pretty nice, looks like something I would want to work into my TR'ing gear sets.
    1. it possible to have a Negative Energy / Repair version of these..
    or even better..
    ..can they be coded to work with all 3 (Positive/Negative/Repair).. and just amp incoming beneficial energy..

    ps.. Still waiting in anticipation for healing amp augments.. repair and negative too..

    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post



    The remnant drops themselves are pretty screwy..
    Heroic seems to drop the same amount of remnants as Epic.
    I got a range of 1-37 in a level 4 quest .. easy peasy.. I get the same amount ranges in Epic Elites which I find more of a challenge.
    I was surprised to get more than 5 remnants at a time in Heroics.
    I am also surprised to get less than 5 remnants for any Epic Champion.. felt like a rip off..
    Is this working as intended.. if so I can see myself rolling up a veteran level 4 toon and farming easy goto harbour quests when it comes to remnant farming instead of running challenging content.
    Last edited by JOTMON; 02-15-2015 at 08:50 AM.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
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  16. #116
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Limited time, and super high prices? What's the point, when most of these are already available all the time for much less grind?
    Already available 100% of the time for much cheaper: 5 Epic Raid tokens. In The Twelve.
    Well I like them because... not everyone raids.

    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    These are all available full-time in Gianthold, for a few Restored Relics and 1 Commendation of Heroism.
    I was thrilled to see these. Again not everyone raids or has a stockpile of Commendations for other reasons. (Not implying anything against you.)

    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    I never checked: did the old PRR augments become PRR/MRR when MRR was created? If so, add this to the above list.
    I believe the combination PRR/MRR augments are new, which realistically means all old PRR augments will probably be considered trash after this is introduced.

    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Hey, some augments that you can't already get whenever you want! Nice...well, except the price.

    I suggest scrapping from the "limited time Festival Augment" list everything you can already get any time. Which is most of your current list. And perhaps adding in more of the random un-buyable augments, like the ML 28 ones.
    I like the whole list, regular and limited time, but I wished that some of the rarer augments had been included such as deathblock, fear immunity, blindness immunity, feather fall, fortification, (these were also left out of Gianthold, where level applicable) and furthermore I wish the list of augment effects could be expanded to include:
    Sapphires of Dodge (1 through 8)
    Emeralds of Speed (1 through 8)
    Topaz of True Seeing
    Topaz of Freedom of Movement
    Sapphire of Fortification 105 (lvl 12)
    Sapphire of Fortification 110 (lvl 16)
    Sapphire of Fortification 115 (lvl 20)
    Sapphire of Fortification 120 (lvl 24)
    Sapphire of Fortification 125 (lvl 28)
    Rubies of Stunning, Vertigo, & Shatter with zero level ruby being +1 and the 4th level ruby being +2, going up by 2 from there but ending at level 24, I don't have the heart to add anything higher than what is currently in-game. I feel its balanced well enough because these effects can be acquired on high end named equipment and not take up a damage slot on your weapon. But having these available as augments would open up itemization and make weapons/shields with multiple slots more useful.

    Seriously a one stop place to go for any and all augments is a great idea. I use the collectible vendors when I've stockpiled for a few months however it can be aggravating not to mention time consuming to need something in a hurry and have to look up (on wiki) who to go to for it, check your bags for turn-in collectibles, run to said person and try to get what you want randomly or precisely (Gianthold, Twelve) and then get back to where you need to be to keep questing. A single vendor is a great idea. Convenience! Huzzah!

    Now about the cloak/bracers, I hate to say it but they should be toned down just abit... please use tweazers devs not a sledgehammer. Also I would rather these be cloak/belt because most of my characters use cannith crafted or random generated belts for almost the entire course of the game except for maybe my monk. Whereas I usually end up wearing various named bracers from level 3 - 28. I wouldn't complain if we were given a choice of cloak/belt/bracers. I'm not actually complaining now, just saying what I would find more useful.

    Thank you for your time,
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
    Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd

  17. #117
    Community Member Monkey-Boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Limited time, and super high prices? What's the point, when most of these are already available all the time for much less grind?
    There is no point.

  18. #118
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Well I like them because... not everyone raids.

    I was thrilled to see these. Again not everyone raids or has a stockpile of Commendations for other reasons. (Not implying anything against you.)

    I believe the combination PRR/MRR augments are new, which realistically means all old PRR augments will probably be considered trash after this is introduced.

    I like the whole list, regular and limited time, but I wished that some of the rarer augments had been included such as deathblock, fear immunity, blindness immunity, feather fall, fortification, (these were also left out of Gianthold, where level applicable) and furthermore I wish the list of augment effects could be expanded to include:
    Sapphires of Dodge (1 through 8)
    Emeralds of Speed (1 through 8)
    Topaz of True Seeing
    Topaz of Freedom of Movement
    Sapphire of Fortification 105 (lvl 12)
    Sapphire of Fortification 110 (lvl 16)
    Sapphire of Fortification 115 (lvl 20)
    Sapphire of Fortification 120 (lvl 24)
    Sapphire of Fortification 125 (lvl 28)
    Rubies of Stunning, Vertigo, & Shatter with zero level ruby being +1 and the 4th level ruby being +2, going up by 2 from there but ending at level 24, I don't have the heart to add anything higher than what is currently in-game. I feel its balanced well enough because these effects can be acquired on high end named equipment and not take up a damage slot on your weapon. But having these available as augments would open up itemization and make weapons/shields with multiple slots more useful.

    Seriously a one stop place to go for any and all augments is a great idea. I use the collectible vendors when I've stockpiled for a few months however it can be aggravating not to mention time consuming to need something in a hurry and have to look up (on wiki) who to go to for it, check your bags for turn-in collectibles, run to said person and try to get what you want randomly or precisely (Gianthold, Twelve) and then get back to where you need to be to keep questing. A single vendor is a great idea. Convenience! Huzzah!

    Now about the cloak/bracers, I hate to say it but they should be toned down just abit... please use tweazers devs not a sledgehammer. Also I would rather these be cloak/belt because most of my characters use cannith crafted or random generated belts for almost the entire course of the game except for maybe my monk. Whereas I usually end up wearing various named bracers from level 3 - 28. I wouldn't complain if we were given a choice of cloak/belt/bracers. I'm not actually complaining now, just saying what I would find more useful.

    Thank you for your time,
    you can get tokens from epic quests, not just raids.

    the level 24 GH augment vendor requires 1 Commendation. given the drop rates of remnants, it would actually be faster and easier to run a norm FOT than to acquire 3000 remnants.

    thos DB, FF, Blindness, etc you can get from the Twelve vendor for just 20 epic tokens, which again is far faster and easier to get than 3000 remnants.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  19. #119
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daine View Post
    I just ran a TR through Korthos, skipped Sacrifices and Necromancer's Doom and would have picked up about 100 remnants, probably missed a couple of remnants along the way. Sometimes 1 or 2 remnants, sometimes more, I think the largest pile I got in Korthos was 37.
    No you didn't. But thanks for illustrating my point... New players will leave Korthos with 0 (zero) Champ Remnants, they will be around 3rd level, and thus 100 remnants is crazy.

    Vet players have THOUSANDS of Remnants going into this, and in all likelihood would not bother with a +1 stat or a +2 stat augment anyway.

    So you almost can't price the ML1 and ML4 augments rock bottom enough for them to EVER BE USED. They should be priced like a newspaper or anything else that is quickly disposable (i.e. whatever's in your pockets, loose change, the left overs from a cup of coffee). In fact the ML1 augments should drop on the ground like collectables in Korthos, or even come on starter gear preslotted. Put 5 remnants in every chest in Korthos and price them at 25 or 30...

    You can't GIVE AWAY low level augments. and they want fresh level 4 first lifers to farm 8 or 10 Kobold Assaults (to throw out someone elses guesstimate) after they leave Korthos?

    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey-Boy View Post
    Wait . . . what?
    Yeah I mean what more is there to say... Except he must be the ONLY person on the forums who thinks Sev's quote about new player expectation to not play Hard or Elite showing up in peoples Sig's is an attempt to flatter Sev. as opposed to what it is, seizing on a Dev's faux pas.

  20. #120
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    you can get tokens from epic quests, not just raids.

    the level 24 GH augment vendor requires 1 Commendation. given the drop rates of remnants, it would actually be faster and easier to run a norm FOT than to acquire 3000 remnants.

    thos DB, FF, Blindness, etc you can get from the Twelve vendor for just 20 epic tokens, which again is far faster and easier to get than 3000 remnants.
    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Already available 100% of the time for much cheaper: 5 Epic Raid tokens. In The Twelve.
    He said Epic Raid tokens. That is the part I was answering to, is there someplace you can trade regular epic tokens for epic raid tokens? AFAIK you can trade the epic raid tokens for regular epic tokens but not the other way around. It would be nice if we could trade Commendations of Valor for Commendations of Heroism too, high exchange rate probably but would still be nice.

    I've never done FOT, I've tried to get my friends to run it several times... no one feels up to it or the couple of them that have done it don't feel they know it well enough to lead me. I've tried to join a few groups that have posted them, but when I tell the leaders I've never done it they don't seem to want me in their group. Also finding time to raid is difficult because i have two small children and I can rarely give 100% of my attention to the game. Raiding is a rare thing for me. I appreciate that my play style is not the standard, and you are probably right that 20 epic tokens is easier to acquire than the champion remnants (at this time) but that doesn't change the fact that a single vendor with all augments should have been implemented for convenience sake long ago.

    Also no comments on my ideas for new augments? oh well.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
    Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd

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