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  1. #41

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    I capped the Twilight Blade. The main challenge was getting slammed in EE quests without decent PRR. I like Fury for the fury melee hits while stealthing. DPS is not that good. Missed chances are excellent. Best thing about shadow veil is that you have an 'oh s**t' button for jumping out of trouble while healing etc.

    I suggest the following:
    1. change precision to Combat expertise and run in LD. This will give you improved combat expertise for another 20 PRR. (Combat expertise blocks fury, a raged effect, so you cannot twist this from LD into Fury.)
    2. Run in earth stance with the iron skin enhancement. This adds another 30 PRR. At cap, the only reason for Wind stance is the doublestrike which is not much better than the extra crit multiplier from earth stance. Plus you need the PRR; yup, monks are forced into earth stance...
    3. You will get 30 PRR from LD. Along with gear (around 25-30 PRR at cap) you have serviceable damage mitigation. Along with rarely getting hit (Dodge around 27, 25% incorporeal, Displacement lasts forever on an extended dragonmark at cap...), it could work well, around 100 PRR (see Outlaw's suggestions).

    This makes it a zergish build though which is not my playstyle. I made a TF longsword and played around with the offhand longsword, sometimes using Celestia. The optimal gear set will be to put make a ToEE set bonus and put the ToEE longsword in the offhand. With the Harper Improved deception, you can wield any weapon, which is really fun.

    I did not miss out much on the ranged attacks, save in a few specific quests.

    I have TR'd into the bow version which I am still tweaking. It uses the classic arcane archer furyshot/10k/manyshot but on a dex-based elf with shurikens. This is very EE viable since you can stay far away from the heat, let those cute Pally and Barb aggro machines eat it.

    Ranged version Feats

    1 : Point Blank Shot
    2 Monk : Shuriken Expertise
    3 : Rapid Shot
    3 Monk : Zen Archery
    4 Monk : Path of Harmonious Balance
    6 : Quick Draw
    7 Monk : Ten Thousand Stars
    9 : Precise Shot
    12 : Manyshot
    12 Fighter: Improved Critical: Thrown
    15 : Improved Precise Shot
    17 Rogue : Improved Evasion
    18 : Master of Forms
    20 Rogue : Defensive Roll
    21 Epic : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic : Improved Sneak Attack (will probably do precision here since I could not fit it earlier)
    26 Destiny: Guardian Angel (not sure about this)
    27 Epic : Blinding Speed (may not need this)
    28 Destiny: Not sure yet. Doubleshot is not worth it since it is always on cooldown from manyshot and 10K.

    The AA primary imbues affect throwing weapons so for trash I use either paralyze (it eventually lands, even with DC 18; they roll a 1 at some point) or improved frost with Razorend in the offhand. The result is everything is slowed by either hamstring (Razorend tendon slice, or you can use the Seal of House Dun robar with tendon slice) or lethargy (then they get pinned for 3 types of movement debuffs or even pin-helplessness). Burst damage from slayer arrows (which work on shurikens also) and fury shots. This also makes it easier to stealth quests; for example, I solo'd EE fleshmakers at level 22 (with some careless deaths though).

    I do not have IC: Thrown but I find that Shadow star, a level 2 shuriken, works fine; its deception attribute helps also slow enemies coupled with my avithoul ring. I believe it is still bugged for an expanded crit range so it aids with stacking ninja sting, frost lethargy et al. I prefer it to my cormyrian throwers. Anyway, I use the shurikens really as a means for regenerating Fury and stacking debuffs. It helps your fellow party members greatly.

    Both builds coukd benefit from 4 fighter levels, taking it from the rogue side. For the Blade, this means PRR from defensive stance, TWF defense (5 PRR) and weapon specialization with the loss if Opportunist.
    For Bow you get IC thrown and precision, setting up Combat archery and maybe Blinding Speed.

    Edit: most of the time I am chucking stars so switched to ic: thrown.
    Last edited by Saekee; 07-31-2015 at 08:16 AM.

  2. #42
    Community Member thalliwell's Avatar
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    Thanks for the many write-ups and bits of advice that you've been putting into this thread, Saekee. I love unconventional flavor-y builds and will be tr-ing into this within the week. I look forward to having a lot of fun with it!

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by thalliwell View Post
    Thanks for the many write-ups and bits of advice that you've been putting into this thread, Saekee. I love unconventional flavor-y builds and will be tr-ing into this within the week. I look forward to having a lot of fun with it!
    Hi thalliwell, I am glad you like it. I created it as a rogue option pre-U25-rogue buff. Now with mechanics devastating all content and pure assassins capable as dex rogues, this build has comparatively fallen way behind.

    However, it has some nice perks:

    • very easy gearing--no rare Improved deception weapon farming
    • it whips through heroics (but then, what doesn't?)


    • needs LD for the Melee power and PRR boost for EE (EH is easy for this build).
    • poor dps

    Also, I stuck to wind stance but that is not optimal in EE in which monks are forced into earth and iron skin. Here, then, is my recommended feat progression and eventual enhancements:

    1 : Least Dragonmark: Shadow
    2 Monk : Two Weapon Fighting
    3 : Weapon Focus: Slashing
    3 Monk : Whirling Steel Strike
    4 Monk : Path of Harmonious Balance
    6 : Combat Expertise
    7 Monk : Deflect Arrows
    9 : Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    12 : Master of Forms
    12 Fighter: Improved Critical: Slashing
    15 : Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    17 Rogue : Improved Evasion
    18 : Grandmaster of Forms
    20 Rogue : Opportunist
    21 Epic : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic : Improved Sneak Attack
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    27 Epic : Blinding Speed
    28 Destiny: Elusive Target

    Combat expertise gives up the fort bypass but IMHO you need the extra 20 PRR from improved combat expertise, either as a twist or directly from running in LD. Between iron skin, greater earth stance and ICE you start with 50 PRR before gear, destinies etc. which will put it over 100. With improved evasion, incorp and displacement, that makes for very good defenses. The offensive punch is lousy, though; monk weapons have a poor crit profile. You could drop the longsword approach and take quickdraw and shuriken expertise for some thrower fun (with high dex this will work well).

    Here are my recommended enchancements:

    Enhancements (80 AP)

    Elf (12 AP)
    • Elven Accuracy, Elven Dexterity
    • Phiarlan Dragonmark Focus III
    • Lesser Dragonmark of Shadow, Enchantment Lore II
    • Greater Dragonmark of Shadow

    Thief-Acrobat (3 AP)
    • Staff Control
    • Fast Movement

    Harper Agent (37 AP)
    • Agent of Good I, Dexterity, Agent of Good II, Dexterity
    • Harper Enchantment, Traveler's Toughness III, Awareness I
    • Magical Endurance III, Know the Angles III
    • Highly Skilled III, Versatile Adept III, Dexterity
    • Vigor of Life, Dexterity
    • Harper Enchantment: Deception, Versatile Adept III, Magic of Patience

    Ninja Spy (11 AP)
    • Basic Ninja Training, Advanced Ninja Training, Shadow Veil
    • Faster Sneaking III, Acrobatic I
    • Agility I

    Shintao (13 AP)
    • Bastion of Purity
    • Deft Strikes III
    • Iron Skin III

    Kensei (4 AP)
    • Kensei Focus: Heavy Blades
    • Haste Boost III

    The Kensei haste boost is optional; you could take those 4 AP and get more sneak attack damage or ninja sting. You could also drop elven dex and put the 2 ap into longsword damage there as well--some options but not a lot of wiggle room.

    Twists: balanced attacks is recommended and of course cocoon; if not in LD twist ICE; if in LD, then Dance with flowers. I tested some other unusual twists like Improved invisi but this build's long displacements do not benefit from that side aspect of improved invisi.

    I love stealth play and have come to realize that the best way to stealth in epics is through ranged combat and, in particular, throwers. Pin is that powerful. Jakeleela's recent thrower thread (as well as my experience with the Twilight Bow) has revived my desire for a thrower with Tier 5 mechanic and monk shadow veil. So that is my current new incarnation.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  4. #44
    Community Member thalliwell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    Hi thalliwell, I am glad you like it. I created it as a rogue option pre-U25-rogue buff. Now with mechanics devastating all content and pure assassins capable as dex rogues, this build has comparatively fallen way behind.

    However, it has some nice perks:

    I love stealth play and have come to realize that the best way to stealth in epics is through ranged combat and, in particular, throwers. Pin is that powerful. Jakeleela's recent thrower thread (as well as my experience with the Twilight Bow) has revived my desire for a thrower with Tier 5 mechanic and monk shadow veil. So that is my current new incarnation.
    Thank you very much for the updated info. I do understand that it won't be top DPS for a rogue but as you've managed to combine many unique abilities into a cool stealth build, I want to give it a go. Also, I regularly stay with a static group and as such have accepted my place as lower on the DPS scale for this life anyway. I look forward to having a lot of fun with your build and hopefully can come back during and after the life to give some feedback.

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by thalliwell View Post
    Thank you very much for the updated info. I do understand that it won't be top DPS for a rogue but as you've managed to combine many unique abilities into a cool stealth build, I want to give it a go. Also, I regularly stay with a static group and as such have accepted my place as lower on the DPS scale for this life anyway. I look forward to having a lot of fun with your build and hopefully can come back during and after the life to give some feedback.
    Thx thalliwell--let me know by posting here! my play advice is to spam fist of iron with earth finisher and add the ToEE set (although may not be worth the grind to make a longsword and cloth armor, the former being useless on builds today). since you are in a static group you might be better off maxing INT and using KtA heavily; take wand and scroll mastery as well as improved traps from mechanic to help your party with CC (web traps) and some scroll healing!
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  6. #46
    Community Member thalliwell's Avatar
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    Hi Saekee, I'm up to lv 13 and while I've been enjoying the playstyle of the twilight blade a lot, I'm thinking of switching it to a thrower version. Do you have an updated version of the thrower with possible enhancements? I'd much appreciate it if you do. Thanks!

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by thalliwell View Post
    Hi Saekee, I'm up to lv 13 and while I've been enjoying the playstyle of the twilight blade a lot, I'm thinking of switching it to a thrower version. Do you have an updated version of the thrower with possible enhancements? I'd much appreciate it if you do. Thanks!
    Hi thalliwell, I have a post a few up with the thrower version. I would drop zen archery & manyshot and take precision.
    If you do not take manyshot, you can take master of forms at 12 and grandmaster at 18 so you get that +4 dex from wind stance or run with water stance for ki regen and boost to 10K.
    For enhancements, you want Tier 5 mechanic. You could go tier 5 Harper and take tier 4 mechanic fletching too although AP will be really tight, especially if you want 12 for dragonmarks and 11 for shadow veil. Monk can also give you Sting for 13 and faster sneaking in the assassin tree is excellent; note too that you want 3 ap from acrobat for run speed! It is up to you how you wish to play it. You don't really need high defenses on throwers since nothing gets near you...especially if you are in a static party like you mentioned.

    I recommend mechanic tier 5 since the mech tree has wand and scroll mastery and improved traps--you can use web traps on trash amazingly well. Both will be great for your party.

    Here is the list; note that you can take the dragonmark instead of grandmaster of forms:

    1 : Point Blank Shot
    2 Monk : Shuriken Expertise
    3 : Rapid Shot
    3 Monk : Precision
    4 Monk : Path of Harmonious Balance
    6 : Quick Draw
    7 Monk : Ten Thousand Stars
    9 : Precise Shot
    12 : Master of Forms
    12 Fighter: Improved Critical: Thrown
    15 : Improved Precise Shot
    17 Rogue : Improved Evasion
    18 : Least Dragonmark: Shadow or grandmaster of forms or weapon focus: thrown
    20 Rogue : Defensive Roll
    21 Epic : Improved Sneak Attack
    24 Epic : Overwhelming Critical
    26 Destiny: Guardian Angel
    27 Epic : Blinding Speed
    28 Destiny: Doubleshot
    Last edited by Saekee; 10-25-2015 at 12:32 PM. Reason: added feats

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