So I know the level cap increase is down the road a ways. That is why I am asking now. When the level cap is raised to 30 will we get level 30 hires? I ask because, in my opinion, Kaylen is the best hireling. I have been questing with her for years. As soon as I reach level cap, err I mean level twenty, she is one of the first people I group with. Why? We went to Sschindylryn, a level 22 area, to do a few slayers. A picture is worth a thousand words.
So I don't neccesarily want new hirelings, what I want is Kaylen to take 10 epic levels, max out Magister to keep those DC's up, and keep being one of the best Sorc's to run with. How many sorc's you know that carry Haste and GH?
Do you have any current hires you would like to see made "epic?"