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  1. #1

    Default Help with a refund

    Okay, I need help here. I'm not been facetious or anything, I have a serious question.

    I have a 12 month VIP subscription, and I was wondering if there is a way to get some sort of refund for all the time lost with all these unexpected downtimes, delays in updates/hotfixes/maintenance etc. I am really upset that for the n-th time I had a free day and I could not use it to play the game I paid for.

    So the question is: would you advise me to cancel my subscription if I get so frustrated or do you think it would be worth to be patient? I mean, would I be better off as a premium user?

  2. #2
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    Jun 2013


    knowing turbine i would assume they should have a disclaimer for that in the user agreement.
    You should check that out

  3. #3
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lyrecono View Post
    knowing turbine i would assume they should have a disclaimer for that in the user agreement.
    You should check that out
    It's in there.

    OP: There are ~8760 hours/year. So that $99/year sub is costing you 1.13 cents per hour.
    How many hours would you like a refund for?

    Okay, seriously: Just be patient. All games have down times. Be happy the folks have been able to make it to work to keep things running as well as they are.
    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 02-12-2015 at 06:32 AM.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    It's in there.

    OP: There are 8760 hours/year. So that $99/year sub is costing you 1.13 cents per hour.
    How many hours would you like a refund for?

    Okay, seriously: Just be patient. All games have down times. Be happy the folks have been able to make it to work to keep things running as well as they are.
    Its one thing to have the game inaccessible for a bit. Its other thing to have it be down every time you have free day/evening. I live in a bad timezone, where I loose whole day of game, each time they update. So if the game goes down in Monday, and Wednesday, when I am free, I can not play it for entire week, since I have other tings to do.

    That said I don't have VIP, as it is not worth buying.

  5. #5
    Community Member legendkilleroll's Avatar
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    Every downtime there will always be someone who's plans are ruined, get over it

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Honestly, I think MMOs or anything technology based really aren't for you. You may wish to find a new hobby.

  7. #7
    Forum Turtle
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    While I certainly understand your frustration(I was playing an Asian mmo for a while and in the same boat), you also have to understand that these things are integral parts of mmo's. Computers require maintenance to work at their best. And the servers don't get turned off and restarted every day like most personal pc's (not all, some people leave them on forever at home too) and don't get that fresh start to work out any built up glitches. And while some os are better than others, there is no such thing as a perfect os that can operate at peak efficiency until the end of time. Just like when installing new software at home, updates don't always go as planned. Things break. Weather hits.

    You might be better off looking into a game produced locally whose downtimes would work better with your time needs presumably while you were at work/school/family/whatever the issues are if this is something you are unable to live with.
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