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  1. #721
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    I think Yellow looks better, the White ones could be mistaken for just how it looks but that could well be just me being an idiot


  2. #722
    The Hatchery
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    LrdSlvrhnd's Avatar
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    Yeah, I agree, the yellow looks better. More distinctive.

    Thanks again for all you do! I need to remember about that Shroud solver to play around with for practice every so often.
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
    Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh

  3. #723
    Community Member Thunder-Monkey's Avatar
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    ....I'm hoping to have a release sometime early next week.
    Huzzah! You Rock, Ellis!


  4. #724


    I found a Color Blindness Simulator that simulates eight different types of color blindness. For completeness, I added the original thin red borders to the yellow and white picture then ran the combo of three through the simulator. In all cases, both yellow and white were clearly distinguished so we have our choice for either. (Red was hard to see in around half of them.) While white is a bit stronger for some types of color blindness, I agree with you guys that yellow looks better in the normal view.

    Here's a pieced together image of three different flavors of color blindness comparing the images. I'm guessing the poster who brought this up has some form of one of the ones on the right.

    I should have already checked this before I initially released it. That's my bad. At least now I know how to check going forward.

  5. #725


    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    I found a Color Blindness Simulator that simulates eight different types of color blindness. For completeness, I added the original thin red borders to the yellow and white picture then ran the combo of three through the simulator. In all cases, both yellow and white were clearly distinguished so we have our choice for either. (Red was hard to see in around half of them.) While white is a bit stronger for some types of color blindness, I agree with you guys that yellow looks better in the normal view.

    Here's a pieced together image of three different flavors of color blindness comparing the images. I'm guessing the poster who brought this up has some form of one of the ones on the right.

    I should have already checked this before I initially released it. That's my bad. At least now I know how to check going forward.
    This is a nice tool I will have to remember to check it out and rework some of the DDO Character Planner with it.
    Main Characters Adarshae, Adenasenka, Nimithar Pyri and of Argonnessen
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  6. #726
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    For the shroud puzzle solver, I've doubled the thickness of the lines. What works better: Yellow (left) or White (right)? Or maybe a different color altogether?


    I also added a "Medium" option to the contrast choices on the skills screen, halfway between low and high, and set medium as the default.
    Probably the white lines. I tried to change the lines, but couldn't see the color well enough to get it to work correctly.


  7. #727


    Quote Originally Posted by Huor_Twotrees View Post
    Probably the white lines. I tried to change the lines, but couldn't see the color well enough to get it to work correctly.

    Can you see the yellow ones? They look nicer than the white ones, but if you can't see them I'll switch to white.

  8. #728
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    I found a Color Blindness Simulator that simulates eight different types of color blindness. For completeness, I added the original thin red borders to the yellow and white picture then ran the combo of three through the simulator. In all cases, both yellow and white were clearly distinguished so we have our choice for either. (Red was hard to see in around half of them.) While white is a bit stronger for some types of color blindness, I agree with you guys that yellow looks better in the normal view.

    Here's a pieced together image of three different flavors of color blindness comparing the images. I'm guessing the poster who brought this up has some form of one of the ones on the right.

    I should have already checked this before I initially released it. That's my bad. At least now I know how to check going forward.
    You are indeed quite correct m8, my (partial) colour blindness comes in the form of the red/green group (formal name afaik) which is the most common type of colour blindness. Mine does not affect my ability to drive in that I can still distinguish between red and green (traffic signals etc) but on those images, specifically red-weak and red-blind, it's hard to impossible for me to see the outlines. The red-normal is fine/better but I'm not sure how much my monitor is helping with that in all honesty hence why I suggested the yellow since it sticks out like a sore thumb (just in a good way )


  9. #729


    Updated July 30th, 2017

    Character Builder Light v2.3 release notes:

    • NEW: Skills screen now shows different background colors for native and cross-class skills
      • Adjust contrast to your personal preference
    • Bugfix: Builds with very wide Leveling Guide enhancements lines no longer throw "Overflow" errors on load
    • Abilities with multiple ranks now properly ignore prereq ranks taken if prereq doesn't have ranks
      • Dragonborn Tier 3: Draconic Heritage => Tier 2: Dragon Breath
      • Divine Disciple Tier 1: Spellpower => Tier 0: Emissary (of Light/Darkness)
      • Divine Disciple Tier 3: Spellpower => Tier 0: Emissary (of Light/Darkness)
      • Unyielding Sentinel Tier 3: Intolerant Blows => Tier 2: Fanaticism
      • Unyielding Sentinel Tier 3: Endless Lay On Hands => Tier 3: Healing Hands
    • Data changes:
      • Artificer trees updated
      • Artificers now get Warhammer and Light Hammer proficiency
      • Artificers can now take Improved Critical: Bludgeoning as a bonus feat
      • Epic Eldritch Blast and Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast descriptions updated
      • Spring Attack can be taken as a monk bonus feat at monk level 6, but not monk level 1 or 2

    Cannith Crafting Builder Lite v2.0.4 release notes:

    • Updated Spell Resistance scaling values (some values suspected, some missing)
    • Minor internal changes

    Compendium v1.1

    • New pack: Mines of Tethyamar
    • NEW: Sagas
      • Right click a character column header or go to Tools
    • NEW: XP Tab
    • NEW: Wilderness Tab
    • NEW: Play button in top right of main screen for launching game client
    • Any progress other than Elite is now drawn with dim text
    • Add/Edit/Delete/Reorder characters now auto-updates open screens: Challenges, Sagas, Patrons
    • Changed natural order of packs:
      • Moved Trials of the Archons to after Gianthold
      • Moved Secrets of the Artificers to after Devils of Shavarath
    • Shroud puzzle solver borders changed from red to yellow and thickened to help color-blind users

    Descriptions updated by wiki crawler:

    • Bladeforged Tier 4: Weapon Attachment
    • Deep Gnome Tier 2: Color Spray
    • Deepwood Stalker Tier 2: Improved Weapon Finesse
    • Enlightened Spirit Tier 3: Eldritch Burst
    • Enlightened Spirit Tier 4: Spiritual Retribution
    • Enlightened Spirit Tier 5: Spirit Blast
    • Half-Orc Tier 2: Lock Bash
    • Harper Agent Tier 1: Strategic Combat
    • Harper Agent Tier 3: Strategic Combat
    • Knight of the Chalice Tier 2: Exalted Cleave
    • Knight of the Chalice Tier 3: Vigor of Life
    • Mechanic Tier 0: Arbalester
    • Mechanic Tier 0: Tanglefoot
    • Mechanic Tier 0: Targeting Sights
    • Mechanic Tier 0: Improved Detection
    • Mechanic Tier 0: Expert Builder
    • Mechanic Tier 1: Sharpshooter
    • Mechanic Tier 1: Thunderstone
    • Morninglord Tier 4: Amaunator's Brilliance
    • Nature's Warrior Tier 5: Alpha Strike
    • Nature's Warrior Tier 5: Celerity
    • Shintao Tier 1: Ki Shout
    • Tempest Tier 4: The Growing Storm
    • Tempest Tier 5: Cuts
    • Tempest Tier 5: Dance of Death
    • Vanguard Tier 5: Shield Charge
    • Warchanter Tier 0: Weapon Training
    • Warchanter Tier 0: Song of Heroism
    • Warchanter Tier 0: Fighting Spirit
    • Warchanter Tier 0: Victory Song
    • Warchanter Tier 0: Warmaster

  10. #730

  11. #731
    Community Member Thunder-Monkey's Avatar
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    Most Excellent!


  12. #732
    The Thing That Should Not Be lipidoidal_maniac's Avatar
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    Default Suggestion/request for compendium

    I like the feature to grey out the packs in the compendium. What I was hoping for was to be able to keep track of what quests I could run with my non-vip friends. I was envisioning each character having a detail page with a VIP check box for all packs enabled, or the ability to mark packs that are purchased. With that information, the boxes could be xd out instead of greyed out since they are unavailable for that character.
    Orien! Kerkos wiz-> sorc -> druid -> bard -> rogue -> monk -> ranger
    artificer -> favored soul -> paladin -> fighter -> warlock -> barb
    Blighttongue barb -> ranger -> fighter -> monk -> bard
    Seekn cleric -> fvs -> druid

  13. #733

  14. #734


    Updated September 13th, 2017

    Character Builder Light v2.4 release notes:

    • NEW: Cleric Domains
    • NEW: New Favored Soul bonus feats at class levels 2 and 7
      • Level 2: Grace of Battle / Knowledge of Battle (CHA / WIS to hit and damage)
      • Level 7: Stout of Heart / Purity of Spirit (HP / SP per FVS and Epic levels)
    • Added detail of warlock pact bonuses to descriptions
    • Spells screen now refreshes when changing feats (for Warlock Pacts)
    • BugFix: Cancelling a drag operation now removes slot highlight when only one valid slot
    • Battle Engineer Tier 4: Shatter Defenses moved to Tier 3 (May reset build enhancements on load)
    • For builds with Racial AP, enhancements screen no longer flags build as dirty on open
    • BugFix: Fixed intermittent bug with auto-saving the backup build
      • (This usually presented as a fatal error on the enhancements screen)
    Main Screen
    • BugFix: Fixed scrolling issue with mouse wheel and mouse drag

    Cannith Crafting Builder Lite v2.0.5 release notes:

    • Spell Resistance values completed (all verified)
    • Split "(New) Gearset" combo link into separate "New Gearset" and "Load Gearset" links in footers

    Compendium v1.1.1

    • BugFix: Saga progress no longer "shifts up" when first quest in saga is blank
    • Changed native order of Gianthold quests: Moved Feast or Famine to first position in pack
    • Added new LinksList template for Colors: Black and Blackgamma (see Colors below)

    • New color scheme: Blackgamma
      • Similar to black, but darker for while game is running with gamma correction
    • Added command line support for switching color schemes with a shortcut
      • Switch with a single click using Compendium LinksLists

    Descriptions updated by wiki crawler:

    • Arcane Archer Tier 3: Terror Arrows
    • Arcane Archer Tier 4: Banishing Arrows
    • Arcane Archer Tier 4: Smiting Arrows
    • Arcanotechnician Tier 3: Automated Repairs
    • Deepwood Stalker Tier 4: Leg Shot
    • Half-Orc Tier 4: Raging Crush
    • Half-Orc Tier 4: Power Rage
    • Mechanic Tier 0: Tanglefoot
    • Mechanic Tier 1: Thunderstone
    • Mechanic Tier 3: Ooze Flask
    • Mechanic Tier 4: Leg Shot
    • Ravager Tier 3: Festering Wound
    • Ravager Tier 4: Dismember
    • Season's Herald Tier 1: Beguile
    • Shintao Tier 5: Violence Begets Violence
    • Spellsinger Tier 1: Sonic Blast
    • Swashbuckler Tier 2: Action Boost
    • Vanguard Tier 5: Shield Charge
    • Warchanter Tier 0: Song of Heroism
    • Warforged Tier 3: Improved Body
    • Warforged Tier 3: Memories of the Last War
    • Warforged Tier 4: Weapon Attachment
    • Warforged Tier 4: Warforged Resolve
    • Warforged Tier 4: Memories of the Last War
    • Fatesinger Tier 5: Bound Fate
    • Primal Avatar Tier 5: Chill of Winter
    • Shiradi Champion Tier 1: Stay Frosty
    • Shiradi Champion Tier 2: Pin

  15. #735


    New version is up. Release notes in previous post, highlights below.

    This is the update for U36.2, which hasn't been released yet. If anything changes when U36.2 goes live I'll repost.

    Character Builder Lite
    • Cleric Domains
    • Favored Soul bonus feats
    • Fixed mouse wheel and drag scrolling for build display on main form
    • Saga bug fixed
    • New LinksList template for switching color schemes between Black and Blackgamma
      • New color scheme Blackgamma: Same as black, only darker, for while game is running with gamma correction
    Cannith Crafting
    • Simplified gearset links in form footers
    • Spell Resistance scaling values updated

    EDIT: Note that the new Favored Soul bonus feats haven't been added to wiki yet, so right now the links in the feat details area go to dead links. Once the pages have been created the links will open them properly.

  16. #736
    The Hatchery
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    LrdSlvrhnd's Avatar
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    Opening my FvS, I'm getting a Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range, with a notepad file popping up saying

    3 Errors:

    Feat not found: Energy Resistance

    Feat not found: Energy Resistance

    Feat not found: Energy Resistance
    And then I broke something by going into the build file with notepad and deleting the Energy Resistance, so I need to rebuild *anyway* lol But just thought you'd want to know.
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
    Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh

  17. #737


    Quote Originally Posted by LrdSlvrhnd View Post
    Opening my FvS, I'm getting a Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range, with a notepad file popping up saying

    And then I broke something by going into the build file with notepad and deleting the Energy Resistance, so I need to rebuild *anyway* lol But just thought you'd want to know.
    The notepad file popping up with the errors list is correct and expected behavior; they changed the name of those feats and that's how it's supposed to react if you take feats that later get removed. It's just a courtesy heads up that those feats are blanked out in your build since they no longer exist.

    The runtime error '9' is a different story. PMing you now.

    (You opened the binary .bld file in notepad and edited it? That's a no-no in terms of general computer use. Notepad should only ever be used to edit text files.)

  18. #738
    The Hatchery
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    LrdSlvrhnd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    The notepad file popping up with the errors list is correct and expected behavior; they changed the name of those feats and that's how it's supposed to react if you take feats that later get removed. It's just a courtesy heads up that those feats are blanked out in your build since they no longer exist.

    The runtime error '9' is a different story. PMing you now.

    (You opened the binary .bld file in notepad and edited it? That's a no-no in terms of general computer use. Notepad should only ever be used to edit text files.)
    Yeah, I figured out that Bad Things happen when you do that *g* Lesson learned for the next time lol

    Going through the rest of my builds, nothing else popped up with that runtime error. Sadly, the Shatter Defenses being moved not only reset the tree, but reset the leveling guide, even though my arti didn't take it. (Weirdly, BE enhancements were replaced with Warpriest enhancements, until I closed & reopened the planner; I'd been through several other characters since rebuilding my FvS, and went through several after noticing it the first time. Reopening the planner fixed it though, so less a bug and more a weird oddity.)

    EDIT: No, I was wrong, I did take Shatter Defenses, I was confusing it with Wrack Construct... or maybe Disable Construct... one of the construct ones, at least lol) Makes sense that the leveling guide would go poof in this case.

    EDIT 2: I was very confused when checking my arti's enhancements for a starting point to redoing the leveling guide and seeing Shatter Defenses at T4, 'til I re-read the patch 2 notes and saw that it moved lol
    Last edited by LrdSlvrhnd; 09-13-2017 at 11:22 PM.
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
    Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh

  19. #739


    Just ran across a bug with the latest release, which might also go back a few releases:

    My Favored Robot build file throws a runtime error that crashes the program when I try to open it immediately after running the builder. However, if instead I open my Evasion Paladin build first, I can then open the Favored Robot build without error. (Other than the error log telling me that the Energy Resistance feats weren't found, but that doesn't crash the program.)

    I'll track down and fix this bug, but in the meantime, if you have builds that crash the program on open, try opening other builds first.

    EDIT: This is likely the same bug that hit LrdSlvrhnd, and based on his edit in the previous post there's definitely some weirdness afoot. I'll try to get that squared away soon.

  20. #740


    Found the workaround:

    When a build gets deprecated (like Favored Soul Energy Resistance feats this update) the leveling guide temp array doesn't get initialized properly. Open a different build with a leveling guide first, which initializes the temp array, then open the favored soul build.

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