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From Through a Mirror Darkly, http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Skullduggery_Kit :
Skullduggery Kit - Belt - Bound to Character on Equip - End chest and Cygl'ghax's chest
ML14: Intelligence Skills - Exceptional Bonus +2, Dexterity Skills - Exceptional Bonus +2, Colorless Augment Slot, HRandom Effect
ML15: Intelligence Skills - Exceptional Bonus +4, Dexterity Skills - Exceptional Bonus +2, Colorless Augment Slot, HRandom Effect
ML16: Intelligence Skills - Exceptional Bonus +4, Dexterity Skills - Exceptional Bonus +4, Colorless Augment Slot, HRandom Effect
HRandom Effect: Hit Points +30, Protection +6, Seeker VI, Speed VI, Disable Device +13, Hide +13, Jump +13, Move Silently +13, Open Lock +13, Repair +13, Swim +13, Tumble +13, Dodge +6%,
ML25: Intelligence Skills - Exceptional Bonus +4, Dexterity Skills - Exceptional Bonus +4, Colorless Augment Slot, ERandom Effect
ML26: Intelligence Skills - Exceptional Bonus +6, Dexterity Skills - Exceptional Bonus +4, Yellow Augment Slot, ERandom Effect
ML27: Intelligence Skills - Exceptional Bonus +6, Dexterity Skills - Exceptional Bonus +6, Green Augment Slot, ERandom Effect
ERandom Effect: Hit Points +50, Protection +10, Seeker X, Speed X, Disable Device +20, Hide +20, Jump +20, Move Silently +20, Open Lock +20, Repair +20, Swim +20, Tumble +20, Dodge +10%
Another nice item to slot a Gift in.
The way I see it, you can either put it in something end-gamish, as you are doing Livmo, and thereby avoid having to swap in your Voice or whatever at the end of every quest.
You can put it in a minimum level whatever and have it right away when you TR.
I guess it depends on whether your character is done leveling or still growing![]()
Or bothI run Delera's and Threnal every non-Iconic life, and Argo has quite a bit of VON5+6, ADQ1&2, eChrono, etc. so I have a fair few greater tokens to spare. I'd pass to anyone I run with if they asked.
I currently have one in:
1) Jade ring (ML1)
2) Int+6 ring (ML13) - temporary for this life, will probably be unslotted soon.
3) Guardian's Ring (ML19)
4) Shamanic Fetish (ML24) - from a past Ranger life - I shuold probably unslot and re-use this one.
5) Lantern Ring (ML26)
I've also sold one accidentally - I had one in a set of Iron Beads that I stuck on the ASAH.
Woot woot! I do that too!
I feel that Master's Gift is one of the nicest items in the game. I enjoyed your piece on it as well.
And whoa! This list is almost the same as mine. I start with Jade Ring and switch to a trinket at L7, etc and end witha 26+. My level range is 1, 7, 15, 20, 24*(will be adding one to my new L24 CC Splyglass : ), and 26+
To add to the wall of knowledge, I like slotting the augment in the CC items, so I can pass them amongst my toons. My main account has 16 toons and I'm running 3 sets. I have only 1 new L24 for Livmo. Will get the other 2 next go around. Altogether I can make 40 toons on each server accross accounts and the Master's Gift is awesome with a BtA item. Realistically I only play several toons at a time and it's nice to be able to move the XP boost around within an account.
If anyone read this far, there are a couple of ways to pass the augment accross accounts. You can use the Shard Exchange and/or a Cannith crafted item.
Last edited by Livmo; 02-09-2015 at 06:31 PM. Reason: Prbably mo mispellins 2