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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Improved Searching for Items

    One thing that i'm finding difficult sometimes in the auction house is finding specific types of items that I want to purchase or even see if they are available for sale. I'd like to have an option added so that you can look for specific add-ons rather than having to type in the specific name to find it. Example: Intelligence instead of clever.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by AharontheGuardian View Post
    One thing that i'm finding difficult sometimes in the auction house is finding specific types of items that I want to purchase or even see if they are available for sale. I'd like to have an option added so that you can look for specific add-ons rather than having to type in the specific name to find it. Example: Intelligence instead of clever.
    I generally agree, but the database can only go so far before it's spending too much time with every active player character running intensive searches rather than cycles to keep from lagging. DDO isn't a search engine.

    That said, I take your suggestion and counter with a shared player character search tool. Usable only in the login screen, you can search for items in the AH, SE, or all your characters for an item.
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