Originally Posted by
I see, you are unable to actually quote anything which refute my post, and instead think linking to a thread self-evidently proves your point. Got it.
ohhh, so your just too lazy and want it all spoonfed:
linked from this thread, no fusilage whatsoever
Heavy/Light BAB Rapid Reload Rapid Shot Time (seconds)
Light +0 Y 75
Heavy +0 Y 74
Light +4 Y 76
Heavy +4 Y 72
Light +14 Y 68
Heavy +14 Y 69
Light +15 Y Y 56
Heavy +15 Y Y 57
from the very first post of the thread ive allready linked a couple posts back. wich prooves the whole "one second" thing.
now would it have been so friggin hard to just click on the link, that it justifies highjacking this thread?
The problem is that the threads that you linked to contained information that
proved that you were talking nonsense in your earlier post, and that I cited directly. Look at my last post, and how I not only link to a thread with evidence, but also quote your false claim and quote the empirical evidence that proves your claim to be false. This is how it works.
if anything it prooves how i did my homework. *cough*
your turn now, wheres this so called "evidence"?
the numbers are pretty clear, and THATS how it works.
NUMBERS baby, not your "my guts tell me" bs.
...which was never my argument, nor my issue with your post - my issue was with your absurd claim that repeating crossbows are worse than non-repeating crossbows. You have constructed a strawman.
how exactly did the threadtitle confuse you in any way?
In summary: go back home and put more effort into your homework.
despite me risking to sound repetitive: unlike you, i actually did.
and now, *shoo* back under your bridge troll!
allso, im still curious about those "evidential" test series(es)...
and welcome to the age of science, where numbers matter over oppinion(wich in your case still isnt backed up by any means other than "i say").