actually its exactly the other way round: the guys who opted for heavies, well knowing that they cheese around the 1round reload-delay(that does not apply for lights,
i however dont see them firing at twice the rof) it comes with, and the movement penalty for that matter, are too "full of win"(i.e. not interrested the slightest in any
good balance, as long as their built wont end up the cheesiest) to even realize that light repeaters are penalized, compared to heavies, without any justification for
those smaller damage dice.
again, they dont get anything in return: neither granting lights the "in line" additional multiplyer or larger thread range for smaller damage dice, nor is the increase
in rof anywhere noticable and far far from twice as high.
and lets not forget about dualwielding mechanics.
so, despite the fact that theres numerous reasons to do "something", and that i suggested to actually add one, or some, changes that are in line with, or leaning towards
pnp(wich would ultimately not allow me to acess both. *duh*), you still make up the above accusitions?
propably you shouldnt take your own habbit as standard, when it comes to "sense motive checks". -.-
last time i checked i didnt have to throw classlevels or feats at short or longbows, picking an apropriate race did the trick, neither did any of my rangers longbows
transmute into any other sort of bow.
obviously few ppl like the idea of merging feats, so lemme suggest a couple changes to lights, that particulary apply the same way to the other exotic weapons as well:
increase thread range to 18-20
or increase multiplyer to x3
or increase rof by ~30% (wich should allready be the case)
or half movement rate while reloading heavies
and/or allow dualwield with according penalties (for both)
and just to get this straight(call it a preventive measure, for "certain" folx with selfish personalities):
ive got an arsenal of HEAVIES lying around, and other than for checking out the difference in rof never use any lights as it is atm.
so yeah, changes like the movementspeed penalty would hurt me as well.
/edit: allso,
where exactly do rogues get to use repeaters for free anyhow?
say NO to being forced into a certain class! if i want that theres tons of other lame mmos out there. ~~