I would like to suggest some changes to the Adventure Compendium that I and others would find helpful.
On the ADVENTURES TAB, things would remain relatively the same, except that Epic versions of quests would be on their own line instead of shoehorned in with the Heroic version. For example,
Lords of Dust
Lords of Dust (Epic)
Would be two different lines
The CHALLENGES TAB would remain essentially the same.
The WILDERNESS TAB, like the Adventures Tab, would separate Epic and Heroic versions of the same areas.
The PATRONS tab would remain unchanged.
You would then add a COMPLETIONS TAB that would separate Heroic and Epic versions of quests and have the following information:
Adventure Name Level Completions (Casual) Completions (Normal) Completions (Hard) Completions (ELite) Current Ransack
You could also add a similar tab for Sagas, showing which have been completed and at which completion level.
This would be incredibly useful for those of us who play more than one character on a server.
Thank you.