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  1. #1
    Community Member DrWily's Avatar
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    Aug 2013

    Default Ka'karifer, the Blade of Retribution

    Alright, so this is only the second build I've come up with that I've put on the forums, and the first one I'm actually testing in-game thus far. I haven't gotten Necro4 yet, so feel free to tweak the gear I have listed (incomplete as of the time of editing).

    Build Goals:
    Run an Occult Slayer (pretty obvious)
    Do something with the Runearms in my bank besides have them collect dust
    Run a Barb that does SWF (Yes, Single-weapon)
    Be able to solo stuff on Elite (both Heroic and Epic), or at least contribute to overall usefulness in a party
    Do stuff without Raging. Ever.

    Race: Shadar-kai (mostly for flavor so you can pick any other race and it'll work)
    Level Split: 13 Barbarian/4 Artificer/3 Rogue

    I kinda went loose on stats since I didn't know exactly what I needed, and I don't remember what stats I had at start. I will update this as I finish adding up all the gear bonuses.

    Str: As high as possible, more damage will help on this build (13 minimum at start for PA and BSword Prof)
    Dex: 13 minimum (enough for Dodge)
    Con: 14
    Int: 12 is enough to get most if not all skills (especially with an Int tome)
    Wis: 14, could be set higher if you want higher Will saves
    Cha: 6 (dumpstat)

    Balance: 7 ranks for GSWF, no need going any higher
    Disable Device, Open Lock & Search: All as high as possible. A third of your levels are trapper levels, it only makes sense using them.
    Use Magic Device: High enough to use whatever scrolls you plan on using without failing (for me that would be Teleport and Raise Scrolls)

    Lv 1: Power Attack
    Lv 3: Single-weapon Fighting
    Lv 6: Cleave
    Lv 9: ISWF
    Lv 12: Dodge
    Lv 15: GSWF
    Lv 18: G Cleave
    Arti Bonus Feat Lv 20: BSword Prof.
    Lv 21: Imp Crit: Slash
    Lv 24: Overwhelming Crit
    ED Lv 26: PSWF
    Lv 27: Blinding Speed
    ED Lv 28: Forced Escape


    This is my take on what I call a speed-hit build. The goal is not to hit as hard as possible, but as fast as possible, for 2 reasons.
    • It builds up Weapon Bond quicker, which is needed for 2 main abilities: One Spirit and Driving Force.
    • It builds up Blitz faster.
    • It procs Nightmare's weapon effects more often. Which means more healing, more crits (level drain), and more Phantasm procs killing off mobs for you.



    I'll update this after I hit 20.
    Last edited by DrWily; 02-09-2015 at 02:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member DrWily's Avatar
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    Aug 2013

    Default Gear List, Enhancements, and Epic Destinies

    Current Enhancements

    Current Destiny: Legendary Dreadnaught

    Weapon: Nightmare, the Fallen Moon, red slot Star Ruby
    Runearm: Lucid Dreams
    Armor: Shadowhide
    Goggles: Shadowsight EE, green slot Good Luck +2
    Helm: Dragon Masque
    Necklace: Eidolons, green slot Golem's Heart
    Bracers: Dumathoin's
    Ring 1: ToD Ring, preferably Mechanic's (healamp +40)
    Ring 2: undecided
    Boots: undecided
    Gloves: Iron Mitts
    Belt: Matching ToD Belt
    Cloak: GS Con-Opp (+10hp/+150sp)
    Trinket: Planar Prowess (+3 Str)
    Last edited by DrWily; 02-10-2015 at 11:21 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member DrWily's Avatar
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    Aug 2013


    Reserved for something.

  4. #4
    Community Member DrWily's Avatar
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    Aug 2013


    Any questions, advice, etc?

  5. #5
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DrWily View Post
    Do stuff without Raging. Ever.
    Is there any particular advantage to not Raging? It blocks spellcasting, ofc, but with only arty 4 it's not like you have much; and I don't see any SLA Twists, not even Rejuv Cocoon, in your final split. And you didn't take Precision, so it's not because of that.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  6. #6
    Community Member DrWily's Avatar
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    I do use some of the low level Arti spells, more specifically Elemental Weapons, Enchant Armor and Ablative Armor. I have Raise scrolls in case an ally dies when I'm in a party, which I wouldn't be able to use whilst raged.

    I mostly don't rage cause I hate getting fatigued when it ends, and I'm not a fan of using up inv space to hold potions for one specific purpose (Lesser Restore pots). I also don't have any enhancements taken to improve the stock Rage feature

  7. #7
    Community Member Blackheartox's Avatar
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    Dec 2010


    Ok disregarding split feats and playstyle i have a more simpler question.
    Why so many points into wisdom?

  8. #8
    Community Member DrWily's Avatar
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    Aug 2013


    Higher Wis means higher will saves. Which I'm still low on (it's my lowest save I think, I'll have to check again)

    And to answer your other thing about playstyle, I tend to buff up, attack casters first, then champions, then other mobs. Between having Improved Uncanny Dodge and a source of Displacement (I have an eternal flask that I use whenever needed), and having a fairly high source of dodge (I've hit the cap on my current armor without using any items, should I get an item I can probably drop some AP) and PRR/MRR I have some survivability. And with Fury Damage Reduction and OS enhancements I also have DR 10/-, meaning when I do get hit it won't be for very much. As a personal playstyle preference I just don't use Rage ever. Only used it in the first 5 levels (on non-iconics). Didn't like the fatigue aftereffect, and I still had low will saves when raging (Hold Monster was a pain for me, and still is)

    Also, a benefit from being Shadar-kai is that I have Shadow Jaunt as an emergency GTFO button
    Last edited by DrWily; 02-10-2015 at 11:27 PM.

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