Alright, so this is only the second build I've come up with that I've put on the forums, and the first one I'm actually testing in-game thus far. I haven't gotten Necro4 yet, so feel free to tweak the gear I have listed (incomplete as of the time of editing).
Build Goals:
Run an Occult Slayer (pretty obvious)
Do something with the Runearms in my bank besides have them collect dust
Run a Barb that does SWF (Yes, Single-weapon)
Be able to solo stuff on Elite (both Heroic and Epic), or at least contribute to overall usefulness in a party
Do stuff without Raging. Ever.
Race: Shadar-kai (mostly for flavor so you can pick any other race and it'll work)
Level Split: 13 Barbarian/4 Artificer/3 Rogue
I kinda went loose on stats since I didn't know exactly what I needed, and I don't remember what stats I had at start. I will update this as I finish adding up all the gear bonuses.
Str: As high as possible, more damage will help on this build (13 minimum at start for PA and BSword Prof)
Dex: 13 minimum (enough for Dodge)
Con: 14
Int: 12 is enough to get most if not all skills (especially with an Int tome)
Wis: 14, could be set higher if you want higher Will saves
Cha: 6 (dumpstat)
Balance: 7 ranks for GSWF, no need going any higher
Disable Device, Open Lock & Search: All as high as possible. A third of your levels are trapper levels, it only makes sense using them.
Use Magic Device: High enough to use whatever scrolls you plan on using without failing (for me that would be Teleport and Raise Scrolls)
Lv 1: Power Attack
Lv 3: Single-weapon Fighting
Lv 6: Cleave
Lv 9: ISWF
Lv 12: Dodge
Lv 15: GSWF
Lv 18: G Cleave
Arti Bonus Feat Lv 20: BSword Prof.
Lv 21: Imp Crit: Slash
Lv 24: Overwhelming Crit
ED Lv 26: PSWF
Lv 27: Blinding Speed
ED Lv 28: Forced Escape
This is my take on what I call a speed-hit build. The goal is not to hit as hard as possible, but as fast as possible, for 2 reasons.
- It builds up Weapon Bond quicker, which is needed for 2 main abilities: One Spirit and Driving Force.
- It builds up Blitz faster.
- It procs Nightmare's weapon effects more often. Which means more healing, more crits (level drain), and more Phantasm procs killing off mobs for you.
I'll update this after I hit 20.