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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Disable cannith crafting animation sequence

    Not sure if it will help. The reason I suggest this is when I go to level up my crafting some, I chug a xp pot and go to town making shards. Then when it runs out, I go over to the deconstructor and destroy all the shards I created to get some of my essence back.

    I'll have to do a video capture and post it, but seriously devs, try it. Make like 50 stacks of shards, in amounts of 1-4, and then go to the deconstructor and break them down. After a while, the lag is unbearable.

    I dunno if it has something to do with the animation sequence that happens when you click the button to deconstruct or what, but it did seem like if I tried to go quick and put a new shard in the machine before it was done with the animation that it exacerbates the situation.

    Not to mention doing this infrequently locks up the machine where you can't put another shard into it and have to close it and reopen to continue.

    I know in one of the videos I believe it was mentioned that a cannith crafting revamp was slated, with lowest priority, for this year. However, could a dev play around with disabling the animation and see if this helps alleviate the issue short term?

  2. #2


    Not sure if this is what causing the lag. If so, then yes /signed
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  3. #3
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    Just wanted to hop in to say that this issue is client side. I'm not implying that it has anything to do with client PC, just that the problem may be something in the ddo client.

    I was crafting on the boat. My daughter was playing on a PC beside me and standing beside me at the crafting machine in game. When I clicked to craft an item, my client locked up, however the crafting machine on my daughter's PC was boppin' and chuggin' away.

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  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamnJD View Post
    Just wanted to hop in to say that this issue is client side. I'm not implying that it has anything to do with client PC, just that the problem may be something in the ddo client.

    I was crafting on the boat. My daughter was playing on a PC beside me and standing beside me at the crafting machine in game. When I clicked to craft an item, my client locked up, however the crafting machine on my daughter's PC was boppin' and chuggin' away.

    I imagine that's because for her, all that was happening was the machine was animating. For you, the game has to figure out what you've got, fiddle with or remove it, figure out what replaces it, and then stick that in the appropriate place. Decon and crafting have a few steps that have to happen internally, and they probably didn't make it as efficient as they could have.

  6. #6
    Hero Phoenix-daBard's Avatar
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    I get the feeling the animation is to spread out the processing to reduce lag. I suspect that if the animation was removed that it would be an instant lag out.

  7. #7
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    yeah, crafting is glacial these days. i wonder if it is related to the gargantuan bags where altars search for ingredients. i'm going to try crafting with bags in bank to see if that helps.

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