Prior to Friday's hotfix I had no issues with the game. Worked just fine on my machine.
After Friday's hotfix, the game is freezing/locking up on my constantly. This seems to average happening about once for every hour I play. I'll be in the middle of a quest, and everything will freeze on the screen and the audio usually starts going loopy (stuttering, odd noise). If someone is speaking over voice chat, I've noticed the audio stutter-repeats the last syllable the person spoke. If I'm able to pull up the task manager, DDO is shown as unresponsive and I need to force quit. About half the time, my system is locked up and I can't even get the task manager on screen. Then I just need to restart my computer, or log off my user.
Has anyone else run into something like this since the hotfix? (And if anyone knows something I could try to fix it, that'd be great.