Good afternoon Lords & Ladies.
I can't believe how fast two years shot by and how much has changed in the world we virtually inhabit. When last I sheathed my weapons, the King's Forest was new to explore, Epic Destinies still had that new Destiny smell and talk about Enhancement revamp was still... talk.
I'm a LOTRO Lifer and once again, we've hit another period of the dreaded grind as we await admittance to Minas Tirith, after playing around in AC again for the past few months (nostalgia cut the wallet strings), I bit the bullet and ran all my missing updates for DDO and logged in the other night.
Wow! Things have been busy here. New zones, new Enhancements...
I've been reading the forums trying to catch up, but you are all such prolific writers that could take me another two years of reading.
So... I'm a human Khopesh strength-based single-classed Assassin with one past Life (Elf Rogue). After reading the latest build discussions I see that assassins are back to Daggers (and Kukri) and that (oh no) my Strength-based sneak is no longer as effective as he was before. I purchased (after failing my WIS check) the Harper Tree (silly I know since my INT isn't what it should be).
And so, the questions of the moment: (Forgive me if they've been asked ad naseum, but the Search feature on the forum produces so many results I'm sure LOTRO will have an expansion out by the time I've sifted through it all).
- Should I just TR again now? (I'm 20, E2) Build the INT/DEX/CON assassin - I really love the assassin playstyle, my other characters all end up sitting in the tavern as the rogue is out galavanting. My GS Khopesh pairs will end up going to my TWF Ranger - not a big deal to me.
- If I do TR, should I try to get to 30 first? Does TR wipe our Crafting skills?
- Do you think I'm just being silly and I should try my luck as an NPC with flashy big Khopeshes?
Grin Drake of Orien