After buying a new computer DDO quite often simply closes down spontaneously with no error message given. At first I assume it was because I was 2-boxing but it also happens when I only have one client running - albeit less frequently.
My computer is a $2k machine (Asus RoG) with 16 gb ram, 4 gb gfx card (Asus GeForce GTX 980 STRIX OC 4GB), ssd running Win7 64. Link to the computer (the page is in danish but the specs should be readable):
I realize more info is needed to help pin the problem down - so I am mainly asking for advice on how exactly to gather that info.
1. - which debug files does DDO have that I might try to look in?
2. - any 3D gfx test program I should use that might test if its the gfx card thats faulty somehow?
3. - any memtest problem I should use that might test if its a ram stikc thats faulty?
4. - any suggestions on which driver I should try to use with the Asus GeForce GTX 980 STRIX OC 4GB gfxcard?
5. - should I try Dx9, Dx10 or Dx11 as the most stable version?
6. - any other suggestions on things I should try?
Any other suggestions are also most welcome. I mostly bought the new computer to get a smoother experience in DDO (overkill, I know) so its quite annoying that I am getting the exact opposite.