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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2011

    Default DDO spontaneously closes down


    After buying a new computer DDO quite often simply closes down spontaneously with no error message given. At first I assume it was because I was 2-boxing but it also happens when I only have one client running - albeit less frequently.
    My computer is a $2k machine (Asus RoG) with 16 gb ram, 4 gb gfx card (Asus GeForce GTX 980 STRIX OC 4GB), ssd running Win7 64. Link to the computer (the page is in danish but the specs should be readable):

    I realize more info is needed to help pin the problem down - so I am mainly asking for advice on how exactly to gather that info.
    - which debug files does DDO have that I might try to look in?
    - any 3D gfx test program I should use that might test if its the gfx card thats faulty somehow?
    - any memtest problem I should use that might test if its a ram stikc thats faulty?
    - any suggestions on which driver I should try to use with the Asus GeForce GTX 980 STRIX OC 4GB gfxcard?
    - should I try Dx9, Dx10 or Dx11 as the most stable version?
    - any other suggestions on things I should try?

    Any other suggestions are also most welcome. I mostly bought the new computer to get a smoother experience in DDO (overkill, I know) so its quite annoying that I am getting the exact opposite.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  2. #2
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by mikarddo View Post

    After buying a new computer DDO quite often simply closes down spontaneously with no error message given. At first I assume it was because I was 2-boxing but it also happens when I only have one client running - albeit less frequently.
    My computer is a $2k machine (Asus RoG) with 16 gb ram, 4 gb gfx card (Asus GeForce GTX 980 STRIX OC 4GB), ssd running Win7 64. Link to the computer (the page is in danish but the specs should be readable):

    I realize more info is needed to help pin the problem down - so I am mainly asking for advice on how exactly to gather that info.

    1. - which debug files does DDO have that I might try to look in?
    2. - any 3D gfx test program I should use that might test if its the gfx card thats faulty somehow?
    3. - any memtest problem I should use that might test if its a ram stikc thats faulty?
    4. - any suggestions on which driver I should try to use with the Asus GeForce GTX 980 STRIX OC 4GB gfxcard?
    5. - should I try Dx9, Dx10 or Dx11 as the most stable version?
    6. - any other suggestions on things I should try?

    Any other suggestions are also most welcome. I mostly bought the new computer to get a smoother experience in DDO (overkill, I know) so its quite annoying that I am getting the exact opposite.

    1. In C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited look for dndclient.log . ignore any visual property not set errors.
    2. Google is your friend: Heaven and 3DMark tests:
    3. or you could try: which says it has 64 bit support. BE ADVISED: Memory tests can take DAYS or weeks, to run during which time you cant do anything else. And then it never crashes. Typically, a memory errors results in a hardlock of the computer, which you aren't reporting. BUT it might be memory. Had lockups myself, with brand new matched ram, only crashed on DDO. The sticks didn't report the correct voltage to the computer, I had to set it manually in the bios. Check that auto is set, and that the voltage is correct as well for the mem specs. Watch out! Sometimes setting auto shows the voltage correct, but after a reboot, it changes it. Try to set it to the correct one by hand. Also, what are your memory timings? Try a lower stock timing, etc.
    4. Use the latest driver straight from Nvidia or the manufacturer's site if you must. Do not use a beta untill we try to narrow down the problem more.
    5. Start with DX9 first.
    6. Check the administrators account error log. It's big, unwieldy, and overwhelming.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Community Member LuKaSu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    1. In C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited look for dndclient.log . ignore any visual property not set errors.
    2. Google is your friend: Heaven and 3DMark tests:
    3. or you could try: which says it has 64 bit support. BE ADVISED: Memory tests can take DAYS or weeks, to run during which time you cant do anything else. And then it never crashes. Typically, a memory errors results in a hardlock of the computer, which you aren't reporting. BUT it might be memory. Had lockups myself, with brand new matched ram, only crashed on DDO. The sticks didn't report the correct voltage to the computer, I had to set it manually in the bios. Check that auto is set, and that the voltage is correct as well for the mem specs. Watch out! Sometimes setting auto shows the voltage correct, but after a reboot, it changes it. Try to set it to the correct one by hand. Also, what are your memory timings? Try a lower stock timing, etc.
    4. Use the latest driver straight from Nvidia or the manufacturer's site if you must. Do not use a beta untill we try to narrow down the problem more.
    5. Start with DX9 first.
    6. Check the administrators account error log. It's big, unwieldy, and overwhelming.

    Good luck!
    I found my DDO log in: C:\ProgramData\Turbine\DDO Unlimited

    Wow, thanks for all this info. I've been having the same issues as the other guy, also with a pretty nice computer running win 7 64-bit
    LuKaSu's DDO Wishlist.
    SSG, Thanks for a super-fun game!

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Much appreciate the help.

    I upgraded my drivers to the latest 347.25 (I had the second latest though so wasnt exactly an old driver).
    I ran the benchmarks with 3D mark 11, PC Mark 8 and the Heavenly 3D mark. None gave any indication of any issues.

    I then played an hour of DDO with no issues but only with 1 instance loaded. Tomorrow I will try to run two instances and see if I still go down in flames when doing so. If trouble shows up I will try to see what the log files might say.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  5. #5
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    Default Kill happy cloud

    When you start your DDO launcher - keep an eye in the taskbar notification area (bottom right) for the little "infinity" or sideways figure "8" icon with the tool tip "Happy Cloud" - kill it as soon as you see it pop up. (right click it and select exit) Happy Cloud is a service that is supposed to help with launching DDO faster or something but many times after you logged in and start playing, Happy Cloud will quit and exit and when it does it sometimes takes the DDO session with it - no warning - no error message - nothing - it just closes. Get in the habit of launching the DDO launcher - killing Happy Cloud - and then logging in to the game and your problem will cease.
    If you wait too long to exit it you will get a message that says exiting Happy Cloud will close your DDO Session - in this case just exit and launch DDO again and kill Happy Cloud as soon as it pops up.

    Hope this help - it solved my "mysterious" spontaneous crashes on my newly custom built high end PC and now the only time it crashes is when I forget to close Happy Cloud.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacRighteous View Post
    When you start your DDO launcher - keep an eye in the taskbar notification area (bottom right) for the little "infinity" or sideways figure "8" icon with the tool tip "Happy Cloud" - kill it as soon as you see it pop up. (right click it and select exit) Happy Cloud is a service that is supposed to help with launching DDO faster or something but many times after you logged in and start playing, Happy Cloud will quit and exit and when it does it sometimes takes the DDO session with it - no warning - no error message - nothing - it just closes. Get in the habit of launching the DDO launcher - killing Happy Cloud - and then logging in to the game and your problem will cease.
    If you wait too long to exit it you will get a message that says exiting Happy Cloud will close your DDO Session - in this case just exit and launch DDO again and kill Happy Cloud as soon as it pops up.

    Hope this help - it solved my "mysterious" spontaneous crashes on my newly custom built high end PC and now the only time it crashes is when I forget to close Happy Cloud.
    Much appreciated.

    I had tried killing Happy Cloud but after starting DDO which as you note simply closes down DDO. I will try killing Happy Cloud after patching but before login as that does not directly close down DDO as well. I will report back if this prevents the issue.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  7. #7
    Founder ToshiK's Avatar
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    An old ddoclient didn't catch an unhandled exception(=software error).
    but current ddoclient come to catch it after latest patch.

    An unhandled exception occurs often when an area instance is changed. (e.g. changing instance from Zawabi's refuge to sands wilderness )
    In that nasty after latest patch, an exception occurs in many places which worked well before. ( e.g. public area to some quest instance, or some instance to public area )
    so ddoclient catches an unhandled exception not to show the system-error dialogbox, but do nothing.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Killing Happy Cloud seems to have fixed my problem. Thanks for the advice.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

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