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  1. #1
    Community Member harsher's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Unhappy Happy Cloud- Connection Interrupted. Please check your network

    After the latest update, I started to see the launcher working slower than normal. It's weird because it didn't do it right at first but almost a week later the game would freeze mid game. I started to see a little error message from happy cloud "Connection Interrupted - please check your net work" as soon as the client started to launch. Often times i can get to the character selection screen but nothing loads after that.

    I uninstalled happy cloud, which took the game with it. So I DL'd the game with out happy cloud which didn't work. The launcher worked but no client would start up. I read another thread from last dec with people having that problem. A suggested fix was to uninstall and then re-install with happy cloud again..

    So I've now done that and I'm back to the same issue - cloud crash and no game. Sometimes there's a flashing red CONNECTION INTERRUPTED PLEASE CHECK YOUR NETWORK in the client window as its going to the character screen.

    I have high speed DSL with at&t Uverse.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions to help!

  2. #2
    Community Member MalkavianX's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    While the launcher is loading I look at the toolbar in the bottom right of the screen. As soon as I see the happy crappy cloud icon show up, I right click it and close it down.

    Before I used to have random "for no reason what so ever" crashes, some even in the middle of swinging a weapon. But since I started closing happy cloud down, I have not had crashing issues.

    Give it a try, I hope it helps!
    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    This game has been such an absurd grind that I’d rather stick my junk in a beehive than make another toon.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    An expansion . .. with a set of packs for each plane to come out every month or two . . . it'll be like crack to Whitney Houston.

  3. #3
    Community Member harsher's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    That's not the first time I've seen that suggestion. I'm not sure which version of happy cloud you have, but mine shuts down the game if I exit out of happy cloud each and every time. So exiting happy cloud isn't an option.

    After loading the game onto another older laptop and able to get into the game but then DC connect as soon as im in, I think this has more to do with upload speeds being screwy with att. Did a speed test and got 26-30 mg/second for download but only 1.5 for upload...i think game/and happy cloud are not getting enough upload, will try some resets tomorrow to see if that helps.

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