With regards to feats and enhancements I strongly think they should be changing to scale with your level (e.g. being % based or simply increasing at certain levels). It doesn't really make any sense for them not to, and the fact that they don't has resulted in a tonne of feats/enhancements that nobody is ever going to take. On top of that there is a bunch of enhancements that are useless & need to be replaced/changed, I'm not gonna bother giving examples because it's easy to spot at least 5+ of these per class afaict.
I think hirelings should be removed from the game completely, or at least only be available until you reach a certain lvl (~5 imo). Gold-seal hirelings were a horrendous idea and never should have been implemented.
If hirelings are removed and soloing in general is made more difficult then the number of LFMs goes up. People (and most significantly, new players) would be able to find/create groups easier.
The more soloable an MMO is the worse it is (imo).
I remember playing when the level cap was 20 and the only difficulty option for epic stuff was 'Epic'. IIRC soloing epics was pretty uncommon, and you'd often have to have 4+ ppl. You'd also always want a cc'er if possible & a healer was mandatory. Basically due to difficulty & the fact that you had to actually grind for better items, the game was a challenge and you needed to group and it was actually fun. Now you can just solo or 2-man+ Epic orchard and become fully geared without hardly any effort (I might add that I think it's stupid that EN/EH/EE don't all have separate tiers of gear that drop; people should have to get EN gear set (or at least some of it) before they can do EH and EH before they can do EE etc. imo -- then maybe we'd actually have something even remotely resembling end-game content.). IMO EN should be removed and the options for Epics should be: Epic/Epic Elite/Mythic -- with Epic being the difficulty of EH.
So, having said that, I also thing there should be tiers of gear for each Epic difficulty & a bigger gap between epic difficulties.
Raids need to be harder and a bigger source of gear imo as they're supposed to be the true end-game. I also think raids need to have way more bosses; I don't really get why they all just have 1 or 2 purple-named & I think raids would be much more fun and challenging if there was 3/4+ purple bosses with the difficulty increasing as you face each one, culminating in a very hard end-boss (and loot to match the difficulty of each of course).
Basically imo if there's a tier system of gear it actually gives people a reason to stay at max level and something to work towards. Especially when, in my suggestion, you wouldn't be able to just jump into doing harder difficulties; you'd actually need to get a certain amount of gear before moving onto the next 'tier' of instances/raids & you'd need to be sufficiently skilled.
I also feel that the old lvl 20 epics (where shards/seals/scrolls drop) need to be revitalized somewhat; if they were to also be ' Epic/Epic Elite/Mythic' then I think scrolls/seals/shards should be removed and replaced with the ready-made (but updated) epic items & with some especially good new items dropping only in the hardest difficulty; think it would make levelling & epic-reincarnating much more fun.
IMO xp needs to be increased from those quests too.
IDK if I'm in a minority here but I hate quests/raids which have puzzles. I don't find them enjoyable at all & what's so fun about opening up a puzzle solver and following instructions?