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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Post Dirk Jiggler - update 24 - Strenght based monk.

    D I R K - J I G G L E R - U P D A T E 2 4
    Strenght based monk build.

    Please note that I do not recommend anyone to actually build this exact build, and there are a few things about the written build that will remain in liquid form.
    I did post it for reference, and some non-monks might wonder, what kind of DPS that dude next to him does when he goes all "crow" on the AI...

    12 Mnk, 4 Pal, 4Ftr
    Legendary Dreadnaught

    Twists: Sense Weakness, Primal Scream, Rejuv, Dance of Flowers
    Pastlifes: Super Completionist

    STR 16, 72(+31)
    (4lvl, 6tome, 2compl, 2Litany, 11item, 16Insight, 5morale, 3Enhance, 2ship, 2yug, 3ED)
    DEX 13, 35(+12)
    (4tome, 2compl, 2litany, 14item, 2ship -2 Earth Stance)
    CON 14, 49(+19)
    (6tome, 2compl, 2litany, 13item, 2ship, 2 yug, 5morale, 3 Earth stance)
    INT 09, 17(+03)
    (4tome, 2compl, 2litany, 2 Ship)
    WIS 15, 46(+18)
    (3lvl, 6tome, 2compl, 2litany, 15item, 2Enhance, 2yug, 2ship)
    CHA 14, 42(+16)
    (6tome, 2compl, 2litany, 14item, 2ship, 2yug)

    103(30 Blitz, 27 Earth Stance, 24 sheltering, 12 past life, 10 Meditation)
    1000 ish
    81-69-74 ish
    Double Strike:
    22% (9Pastlife, 8Item, 5Feat)
    UMD, Concentration, Heal, Jump

    -- Heroic Feats (14)
    (7base, 1human, 3monk, 3ftr)
    01. PA*
    02. Cleave
    03. Gr Cleave
    04. Dodge*
    05. Mobility*
    06. Spring Attack
    07. Combat Expertise* (lvl15+)
    08. Whirlwind
    09. Completionist (or Ten Thousand Stars)
    10. Stunning Fist*
    11. TWF*
    12. Imp TWF
    13. Gr TWF
    14. Improved Crit Bludgeon
    *Monk feat

    -- Epic Feats
    15. OC
    16. Martial Arts
    27. Vorpal Fists

    -- Destiny Feats
    Superior TWF

    -- Stunning Fist (DC 71)
    24 base
    18 Wis
    17 Item
    6 LD tactics
    3 FTR PL
    2 Feat
    1 ship

    -- Enhancements -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Racial - Human (5 pts)
    Human Versatility: Damage Boost
    Human - Human Adaptability: Strength
    Human - Improved Recovery

    Ninja Spy (11 pts)
    Base (Mnk) - Shadow Veil
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Sneak Attack Training (Rank 2)
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Acrobatic (Rank 3)
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Agility

    Shintao (36 pts)
    Base - Argent Fist
    Shintao (Mnk) - Deft Strikes (Rank 3)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Exemplar (Rank 3)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Iron Skin (Rank 3)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Fists of Iron
    Shintao (Mnk) - Conditioning (Rank 3)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Wisdom (Rank 2)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Instinctive Defense
    Shintao (Mnk) - Violence Begets Violence
    Shintao (Mnk) - Meditation of War
    Shintao (Mnk) - Empty Hand Mastery

    KOTC (24 pts)
    Base - Slayer of Evil I
    Base - Courage of Heaven
    Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Extra Turning (Rank 3)
    Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Extra Remove Disease
    Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Divine Might (Rank 3)
    Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Action Boost: Melee/Ranged Power (Rank 3)
    Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Vigor of Life
    Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Strength (Rank 2)

    Sacred Defender (4 pts)
    Base - Holy Bastion
    Sacred Defender (Pal) - Extra Lay on Hands (Rank 3)

    -- Gear -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Head: Dragon Masque - Deadly XI, SA, Deception, 2d6 negative dmg SLOT: Y: +250SP W: Ins CHA +2,
    Armor: Spider Spun/BD - +3 insight wis, KI, Reinforced Fist (Black Dragon armor slotted with +2 WIS)
    Necky: Mystic Eidolons - Deathblock, Ghostly, ins Con/Dex +4. SLOT: B: Fortification
    Trinket: Litany - +2 profane, +4dmg SLOT: Imperial Blood, Blindness Immunity
    Eyes: Glimpse - +11 WIS, True Seeing, immunity to annoying lag stuff. SLOT: B +40HP Y: Fire Res
    Belt: Chord of Reprisal - +11 CHA Immunity to daze, Sheltering +24, Roar. SLOT: +8 CON, Golem Heart
    Bracers: Skirmisher - +9 Dex, 8% Double Strike
    Gloves: Iron Mitts - +8 Str, 60 HAMP, 40 Vitality Slot: +8 Con
    Ring1: TOD - Holy Burst
    Ring2: Consuming Darkness - +12 Seeker, +5 Combat Mastery, - Green slot: Elec Res
    Cloak: Green Steel - +45hp (also prismatic +30% absorb fire, Adamantine Cloak and Jeweled Cloak)
    Boots: B. Innocent - Haste, +12 stun, +11 Res, GH. SLOT: B: +2 Luck Y: Sonic ResThere are many combinations available.

    -- Weapons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Thunderforged tier 3.
    Last edited by LavidDynch; 01-30-2015 at 10:25 AM.

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