Wasn't this fixxed some time ago? Can roll some test iconic to re-check it, at work atm.
After buffs, Jade Strike's sitting at 52DC Will save, you'll find it landing a lot more often than you'd think -on undead enemies-. Provides -25% fort debuff and 10% vulnerability to physical damage. It really makes boss fights faster.
I'm also considering dropping Kukan-Do. Mostly using it to save someone else's a$$ if I see them getting beaten down or to immobilize some random archer that doesnt let me pull levers and/or open doors =) Also lands more than you'd think, since it's also Will based DC.
For Ki I usually switch to fire stance every now and then to refill, faster than using +1ki item since you get 4 extra on crits.
It's applied BEFORE PRR, so yes, those 10dmg would have been cut in half by PRR (assuming ~100PRR) sadly. This one needs to change imho. Still, it's something I won't consider trivial, simply because it's a bit more protection VS crowds of mobs.
Du eet Shaman![]()