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  1. #1
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    Post Dirk Jiggler - update 24 - Strenght based monk.

    D I R K - J I G G L E R - U P D A T E 2 4
    Strenght based monk build.

    Please note that I do not recommend anyone to actually build this exact build, and there are a few things about the written build that will remain in liquid form.
    I did post it for reference, and some non-monks might wonder, what kind of DPS that dude next to him does when he goes all "crow" on the AI...

    12 Mnk, 4 Pal, 4Ftr
    Legendary Dreadnaught

    Twists: Sense Weakness, Primal Scream, Rejuv, Dance of Flowers
    Pastlifes: Super Completionist

    STR 16, 72(+31)
    (4lvl, 6tome, 2compl, 2Litany, 11item, 16Insight, 5morale, 3Enhance, 2ship, 2yug, 3ED)
    DEX 13, 35(+12)
    (4tome, 2compl, 2litany, 14item, 2ship -2 Earth Stance)
    CON 14, 49(+19)
    (6tome, 2compl, 2litany, 13item, 2ship, 2 yug, 5morale, 3 Earth stance)
    INT 09, 17(+03)
    (4tome, 2compl, 2litany, 2 Ship)
    WIS 15, 46(+18)
    (3lvl, 6tome, 2compl, 2litany, 15item, 2Enhance, 2yug, 2ship)
    CHA 14, 42(+16)
    (6tome, 2compl, 2litany, 14item, 2ship, 2yug)

    103(30 Blitz, 27 Earth Stance, 24 sheltering, 12 past life, 10 Meditation)
    1000 ish
    81-69-74 ish
    Double Strike:
    22% (9Pastlife, 8Item, 5Feat)
    UMD, Concentration, Heal, Jump

    -- Heroic Feats (14)
    (7base, 1human, 3monk, 3ftr)
    01. PA*
    02. Cleave
    03. Gr Cleave
    04. Dodge*
    05. Mobility*
    06. Spring Attack
    07. Combat Expertise* (lvl15+)
    08. Whirlwind
    09. Completionist (or Ten Thousand Stars)
    10. Stunning Fist*
    11. TWF*
    12. Imp TWF
    13. Gr TWF
    14. Improved Crit Bludgeon
    *Monk feat

    -- Epic Feats
    15. OC
    16. Martial Arts
    27. Vorpal Fists

    -- Destiny Feats
    Superior TWF

    -- Stunning Fist (DC 71)
    24 base
    18 Wis
    17 Item
    6 LD tactics
    3 FTR PL
    2 Feat
    1 ship

    -- Enhancements -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Racial - Human (5 pts)
    Human Versatility: Damage Boost
    Human - Human Adaptability: Strength
    Human - Improved Recovery

    Ninja Spy (11 pts)
    Base (Mnk) - Shadow Veil
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Sneak Attack Training (Rank 2)
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Acrobatic (Rank 3)
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Agility

    Shintao (36 pts)
    Base - Argent Fist
    Shintao (Mnk) - Deft Strikes (Rank 3)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Exemplar (Rank 3)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Iron Skin (Rank 3)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Fists of Iron
    Shintao (Mnk) - Conditioning (Rank 3)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Wisdom (Rank 2)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Instinctive Defense
    Shintao (Mnk) - Violence Begets Violence
    Shintao (Mnk) - Meditation of War
    Shintao (Mnk) - Empty Hand Mastery

    KOTC (24 pts)
    Base - Slayer of Evil I
    Base - Courage of Heaven
    Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Extra Turning (Rank 3)
    Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Extra Remove Disease
    Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Divine Might (Rank 3)
    Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Action Boost: Melee/Ranged Power (Rank 3)
    Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Vigor of Life
    Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Strength (Rank 2)

    Sacred Defender (4 pts)
    Base - Holy Bastion
    Sacred Defender (Pal) - Extra Lay on Hands (Rank 3)

    -- Gear -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Head: Dragon Masque - Deadly XI, SA, Deception, 2d6 negative dmg SLOT: Y: +250SP W: Ins CHA +2,
    Armor: Spider Spun/BD - +3 insight wis, KI, Reinforced Fist (Black Dragon armor slotted with +2 WIS)
    Necky: Mystic Eidolons - Deathblock, Ghostly, ins Con/Dex +4. SLOT: B: Fortification
    Trinket: Litany - +2 profane, +4dmg SLOT: Imperial Blood, Blindness Immunity
    Eyes: Glimpse - +11 WIS, True Seeing, immunity to annoying lag stuff. SLOT: B +40HP Y: Fire Res
    Belt: Chord of Reprisal - +11 CHA Immunity to daze, Sheltering +24, Roar. SLOT: +8 CON, Golem Heart
    Bracers: Skirmisher - +9 Dex, 8% Double Strike
    Gloves: Iron Mitts - +8 Str, 60 HAMP, 40 Vitality Slot: +8 Con
    Ring1: TOD - Holy Burst
    Ring2: Consuming Darkness - +12 Seeker, +5 Combat Mastery, - Green slot: Elec Res
    Cloak: Green Steel - +45hp (also prismatic +30% absorb fire, Adamantine Cloak and Jeweled Cloak)
    Boots: B. Innocent - Haste, +12 stun, +11 Res, GH. SLOT: B: +2 Luck Y: Sonic ResThere are many combinations available.

    -- Weapons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Thunderforged tier 3.
    Last edited by LavidDynch; 01-30-2015 at 11:25 AM.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Zoda's Avatar
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    Glad you posted this. I haven't played monk for a number of updates now, and was wondering about their dps output (and I'm kinda satisfied seeing that you do dish out a fair amount).

    That said I'm not a huge fan of your level split. My u17 whirlwind monk build was 12 monk 6 ranger 2 fighter, and I think it got significantly better this update. If you'd take that split and move your points from CHA to INT you'd get 3 extra stun dc with KTA and the same damage that DM provides, as well as some additional harper benefits (assuming that you reallocate the KOTC ap to HA). You'd lose the light damage but would get 9 MP and some chip damage, think it's a worthy trade. 6 ranger also gives Ram's and you'd be able to utilize an insightful STR item and potentially manyshot if you can spare the 2 feats for Zen Archery and IC:ranged. You'd lose Divine Grace and Lay on Hands, but I'm pretty sure the saves could be still put to uber level with the right gear setup (and all the past lives) and while LOH is awesome, I doubt its loss would change much.

    I'm just thinking out loud, I did read the first lines of your post, and once again, thanks for posting the video
    Last edited by Zoda; 01-27-2015 at 03:28 PM.
    Main: Zodaroth - heroic & epic completionist pure dwarven warlock
    Alts: Zodynkar (caster), Zodirkeal (archer), Zodinn (lab rat)
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoda View Post
    Glad you posted this. I haven't played monk for a number of updates now, and was wondering about their dps output (and I'm kinda satisfied seeing that you do dish out a fair amount).

    That said I'm not a huge fan of your level split. My u17 whirlwind monk build was 12 monk 6 ranger 2 fighter, and I think it got significantly better this update. If you'd take that split and move your points from CHA to INT you'd get 3 extra stun dc with KTA and the same damage that DM provides, as well as some additional harper benefits (assuming that you reallocate the KOTC ap to HA). You'd lose the light damage but would get 9 MP and some chip damage, think it's a worthy trade. 6 ranger also gives Ram's and you'd be able to utilize an insightful STR item and potentially manyshot if you can spare the 2 feats for Zen Archery and IC:ranged. You'd lose Divine Grace and Lay on Hands, but I'm pretty sure the saves could be still put to uber level with the right gear setup (and all the past lives) and while LOH is awesome, I doubt its loss would change much.

    I'm just thinking out loud, I did read the first lines of your post, and once again, thanks for posting the video
    I think, without doing any form of math, that you'd be awefully feat starved. One of the main things about this build that I saviour, is the whirlwind-great cleave combo and that is 8 feats alone.

    LOH is my only backup heal (a bit shaky since its not exactly instant, I must admit) otherwise I believe halfling or god-forbid bladeforge would be my other only racial options....

    I really do miss a ranged option on this toon, almost to the point that I'm thinking of sacrificing the completionist feat... (Sacrilege!)

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by LavidDynch View Post
    I think, without doing any form of math, that you'd be awefully feat starved. One of the main things about this build that I saviour, is the whirlwind-great cleave combo and that is 8 feats alone.

    LOH is my only backup heal (a bit shaky since its not exactly instant, I must admit) otherwise I believe halfling or god-forbid bladeforge would be my other only racial options....

    I really do miss a ranged option on this toon, almost to the point that I'm thinking of sacrificing the completionist feat... (Sacrilege!)
    You would actually have one more feat with a 12/6/2. Your split gets 1 additional fighter feat. While ranger gives you 2 free feats (twf, and itwf). I had a 12/6/2 build as well and the one addition I made was zen archery and ic ranged(instead of completionist) because that build also offers manyshot as a burst dps.
    Last edited by moo_cow; 01-27-2015 at 10:00 PM.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery Zoda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moo_cow View Post
    You would actually have one more feat with a 12/6/2. Your split gets 1 additional fighter feat. While ranger gives you 2 free feats (twf, and itwf). I had a 12/6/2 build as well and the one addition I made was zen archery and ic ranged(instead of completionist) because that build also offers manyshot as a burst dps.
    Exactly. You could just drop Vorpal Fists and would get the MS option for it, also probably slightly better melee dps too. Ranger also Gives 2 favored enemies, and HA gives a 3rd, so you'd get +6 damage agains say human + undead + dragon, which covers most of the endgame.

    EDIT: another thing I'd consider is switching Primal Scream for Balanced Attacks, as far as I know it procs on cleaves too.
    Last edited by Zoda; 01-28-2015 at 05:20 AM.
    Main: Zodaroth - heroic & epic completionist pure dwarven warlock
    Alts: Zodynkar (caster), Zodirkeal (archer), Zodinn (lab rat)
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoda View Post
    Exactly. You could just drop Vorpal Fists and would get the MS option for it, also probably slightly better melee dps too. Ranger also Gives 2 favored enemies, and HA gives a 3rd, so you'd get +6 damage agains say human + undead + dragon, which covers most of the endgame.

    EDIT: another thing I'd consider is switching Primal Scream for Balanced Attacks, as far as I know it procs on cleaves too.
    Your screenshots would totally suck without Divine Might!

    PS. I really think you should build what your posting, as I think it would totally work, but it's a different build that strays away far enough from this particular build purpose to call it "a new build", i'd believe the gear layout would be somewhat different. Ohhh.. and another thing: having Ranger levels gets you access to Sprint boost, which is perhaps the best thing about that split!

    Having an obscene amount of strenght also helps VS some strenght-check-saving throws.

    DS. I think I will try your suggestion on a int-str non-paladin version, I have never been a member of the super high save fan club, and sprint boost + many shot is just way to nice to pass up. It's probably higher dmg as well. My self healing will take a fall, unless I decide to go with bladeforged...
    Last edited by LavidDynch; 01-28-2015 at 11:22 AM.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery Zoda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LavidDynch View Post
    Your screenshots would totally suck without Divine Might!

    PS. I really think you should build what your posting, as I think it would totally work, but it's a different build that strays away far enough from this particular build purpose to call it "a new build", i'd believe the gear layout would be somewhat different. Ohhh.. and another thing: having Ranger levels gets you access to Sprint boost, which is perhaps the best thing about that split!

    Having an obscene amount of strenght also helps VS some strenght-check-saving throws.
    Posted the updated version of my old build here. Wish I'd have AP for sprint, but I want max dps and there is non for me in tempest :/
    The screenshot would show a decent 64 str, nothing that a monk would have to be ashamad of
    Main: Zodaroth - heroic & epic completionist pure dwarven warlock
    Alts: Zodynkar (caster), Zodirkeal (archer), Zodinn (lab rat)
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoda View Post
    Posted the updated version of my old build here. Wish I'd have AP for sprint, but I want max dps and there is non for me in tempest :/
    The screenshot would show a decent 64 str, nothing that a monk would have to be ashamad of

    The biggest problem would still be the secondary heal option, running around in circles or being dead is zero DPS.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoda View Post
    Wish I'd have AP for sprint, but I want max dps and there is non for me in tempest :/
    6 months ago or so, some wraps monks would swear their allegiance to the tier 2 in Tempest. I never tested it myself.

  10. #10
    Community Member elg582's Avatar
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    I have a 12 monk/6 Paladin/2 Fighter with pretty much the same setup, except that I skipped the Cleave feats and took the t2 cleave in KotC. 3 AoEs is nice, but it's not like you're short of buttons to press, is it?

  11. #11
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    Default If u r missing your ranged

    Try this....

    It's a monk with a ranger option, or a ranged option with a monk. You decide. Puts everyone of those past lives to work.

    Edit: changed all the gear when necro 4 epic came out. But the char build remains the same.
    Last edited by macadope; 01-28-2015 at 04:36 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by elg582 View Post
    I have a 12 monk/6 Paladin/2 Fighter with pretty much the same setup, except that I skipped the Cleave feats and took the t2 cleave in KotC. 3 AoEs is nice, but it's not like you're short of buttons to press, is it?
    KOTC cleaves only gave me low number- off hand attacks when i tried on a PDK(which is basicly same thing as HORC). Just tested it --- and it's -50% dmg.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by macadope View Post
    Try this....

    It's a monk with a ranger option, or a ranged option with a monk. You decide. Puts everyone of those past lives to work.

    Edit: changed all the gear when necro 4 epic came out. But the char build remains the same.
    A good build, but no whirlwind attack!

  14. #14
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    Do you mind breaking down the levels? Which levels for Pal/Ftr?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doop View Post
    Do you mind breaking down the levels? Which levels for Pal/Ftr?
    It doesn't really matter on this build.

    I rushed 6 monk then 4 pal and 4 ftr, and filled up to 20 with monk.

    Earth stance is not needed in heroics, as it slows your XP down by 10%!

  16. #16
    The Hatchery Zoda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LavidDynch View Post
    DS. I think I will try your suggestion on a int-str non-paladin version, I have never been a member of the super high save fan club, and sprint boost + many shot is just way to nice to pass up. It's probably higher dmg as well. My self healing will take a fall, unless I decide to go with bladeforged...
    Okay... so I rerolled into monk. Bladeforged :/
    And I noticed two things: balanced attacks is amazing, 2ndary targets randomly get instakilled by vorpal on Whirlwind Attack.
    KTA dc bonus stacks with insight gear... I'm not sure if that's WAI, guess insight gear is still coded as exceptional. Not even surprised. But now I have a major overkill 82 stun DC. Should eTR to a 6 base wisdom variant.
    Main: Zodaroth - heroic & epic completionist pure dwarven warlock
    Alts: Zodynkar (caster), Zodirkeal (archer), Zodinn (lab rat)
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  17. #17
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    Wow! Finally someone who knows how to build a good unarmed monk ^.^. Ive been recommending whirlwind attack everywhere since i got it and everybody always goes: cleave line is better... waste of feats on prereqs... etc.

    Ive made a few notes for my own unarmed (well not literally since its on the forum), but would also like to try to pass some of my experiences your way.

    First of all grats on posting what i find the best monk build so far. Its better than mine save for a few small things... (at least thats my personal opinion)... my stun dc is a bit higher its sitting at 78, which is actually not enough to land it with a 95% succes rate in the harder ee's (in particular stormhorns), assuming u play this at all (do you?) Only reason mine is higher is because i semi-maxed wisdom and got bf tactics. I chose wis because i like mobs to not slice my face open while im slapping theirs, but also because i assumed it gives more dps than str. Tho i just realized ur playstyle is more aoe dps and mine more single stunned target, since i dont have the 2 cleaves. So hard to say what stat gives most benefit...

    Second, I noticed that u dont take sacred defense stance, u do realize it can be used on an unarmed unarmored toon? For 2 more AP in that tree u got 25 prr and mrr.

    Also, I cant go without kukando myself, i tried it for a while but i missed it too much, maybe also cuz i got used to running with it. Its a lot of ap to invest but it can save ur life and/or have u maintain your dps on the mob. The dc will probably be like 10 or so lower but its a will save so it works on pretty much any melee, including in harder areas. Also, the jade strike debuff works on red named bosses, given they dont make their save, and is always nice to speed up the party's molestation of bosses. Tomb of jade is also not entirely useless, i noticed u took that tier 1 in shintoa that gives heal skill or w/e maybe give kukando a shot idk.

    Also i take no mercy instead of kotc, since i got at least 1 mob stunned constantly, unless its u know, immune. It comes down to like 40 damage per fist. Again, im not saying that my choices are better or anything.

    Also i take epic will and leave oc for what it is, rolling 1's on will can be a total disaster in some situations.

    Oh, btw, im bladeforged because cocoon didnt cut it for me in those harder areas. 1 hit and bye bye glorious heal tics, which got me killed or legging it frequently. Cheap tactics also a pro, and the shaken on hit is nice too

    One last question before i stop rambling: would u change the deathwyrm mask for mythic emerald gaze if it came smacking in ur lap?

    Well, ill keep an eye on this thread bb

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doop View Post
    Do you mind breaking down the levels? Which levels for Pal/Ftr?
    I would strongly advise that you take level 19 and 20 of fighter. Why? Because if you have a +5 int tome then you can start at 8 int. Then when your +5 tome kicks in at level 19 you can take combat expertise and whirlwind at 20. This stops you from having to spend points in int at character creation and it is the only time you can take it since your 3 feats after this level are all epic. The only way to get the feats beforehand is to spend int points at character creation, which IMO would be wasted.

  19. #19
    Ultimate Uber Completionist Dalsheel's Avatar
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    Question What am I missing?

    Quote Originally Posted by LavidDynch View Post

    STR 16, 72(+31)
    (4lvl, 6tome, 2compl, 2Litany, 11item, 16Insight, 5morale, 3Enhance, 2ship, 2yug, 3ED)
    DEX 13, 35(+12)
    (4tome, 2compl, 2litany, 14item, 2ship -2 Earth Stance)
    CON 14, 49(+19)
    (6tome, 2compl, 2litany, 13item, 2ship, 2 yug, 5morale, 3 Earth stance)
    INT 09, 17(+03)
    (4tome, 2compl, 2litany, 2 Ship)
    WIS 15, 46(+18)
    (3lvl, 6tome, 2compl, 2litany, 15item, 2Enhance, 2yug, 2ship)
    CHA 14, 42(+16)
    (6tome, 2compl, 2litany, 14item, 2ship, 2yug)[B]
    STR on my pure monk
    54 Standing (includes +6 tome, level ups, ED, enhacements, insightful, profane, ship, completionist)
    +2 yugo
    +5 pr.scream

    also have +1[d8] from 8 more monk levels = 4.5dmg, which is effectively 9 STR

    So effectively 70STR. Only +1dmg difference behind this build (or 2 since 61str doesn't provide any more dmg than 60)

    my wisdom is also at a healthy 50WIS standing.

    So, my question is, is Divine Grace worth giving up on 8 monk levels, losing DR10/epic (that can only be bypassed by exactly 1 monster in the entire game), QP (yes, it's nerfed into uselessness but I still use it and works once every 3-4 attempts :/) and +8DC for Jade Strike, Tomb of Jade and Kukan-Do? Especially since Jade Strike and Tomb of Jade are so relevant in the current end game content. Plus, any other abilities between 13-20 I cannot recall atm and are probably flavor for the most part.

    Or is it WWA that drives the multiclassing? I personally gave up on all AoEs for unarmed. Cleaves are terribad, I can't afford the prereqs on a pure build for WWA. I have tried it, it's awesome but I just don't think it's that awesome to justify multiclassing for it and using it over some Earth strike.

    I really see no reason to mutliclass just for Divine Might, so I won't even ask.
    Argonnessen - Death N Taxes
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  20. #20
    The Hatchery Zoda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IxidorGR View Post
    Or is it WWA that drives the multiclassing? I personally gave up on all AoEs for unarmed. Cleaves are terribad, I can't afford the prereqs on a pure build for WWA. I have tried it, it's awesome but I just don't think it's that awesome to justify multiclassing for it and using it over some Earth strike.
    Yes. I personally couldn't play a toon without AoE, it just doesn't fit my style. I gave up on cleaves too (although I wish I had Great Cleave since that one actually procs offhand).

    Also, unless if I'm missing something, with 50 wisdom the DC on your Jade Strike/Tomb of Jade is 50. I know it's a will save but that still sounds low (or do you get some tactics bonus added to them?). Another thing is that I don't see how you find the Ki for them, I'm spamming Fists of Iron/Earth ki hit/stun and Abundant Step and if I'm not in lazy mode, I'm always out of ki (even have to swap Oremi necklace time to time to refill my bar). I used to take Kukan-do, but I simply can't justify it's AP cost anymore, one more stun is hardly the thing I need.

    Since DR 10 is applied after prr takes effect (120 in my case), it's effectively less than 5 damage mitigation. That's not much.

    I'd love the run speed on pure though, and would reroll to pure the moment I could fit WWA, but unfortunately I can't.

    EDIT: actually I might be able to fit WWA on pure... maybe reroll time again lol.
    Last edited by Zoda; 02-04-2015 at 05:40 AM.
    Main: Zodaroth - heroic & epic completionist pure dwarven warlock
    Alts: Zodynkar (caster), Zodirkeal (archer), Zodinn (lab rat)
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