How effective would a "shiradi sorc" being draconic with prism,rainbow and double rainbow twisted work? I know you would miss out on the CC and some of the other goodies but would it be fairly effective?
How effective would a "shiradi sorc" being draconic with prism,rainbow and double rainbow twisted work? I know you would miss out on the CC and some of the other goodies but would it be fairly effective?
If you need the arcane xp go for it.
I assume you mean some kind sorc fsoul smthn so fire draconic is okish.
Of course i would say that you lose sense/empyrian and possibly more offensive twists for those twists so that it isnt actually good.
But its ok for eh i guess
No, it's not good IMO. Most of the DPS comes from the innate procs. Prism/rainbow/double rainbow is only a small fraction of shiradi DPS, and three twist slots for it is way too expensive and may not even work anyway.
Stay frosty is a worthwhile cheap twist that adds a bit of DPS, and I always take it when I'm in draconic for some reason.