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  1. #1

    Default High Lords will host VOD and HOX teaching raids on Saturday, January 24 at 9pm EST

    Our last teaching raid, EE Chronoscope was a lot of fun. CLICK HERE to read about it!

    The next raids in our series will be a double feature in the Subterrane with Vision of Destruction and Hound of Xoriat this Saturday, January 24 at 9pm EST.

    All events in this series are for players new(er) to the raiding scene or players that are looking to learn raids better. First timers welcome! Dbags not welcome. Please have sound and be willing and able to follow instructions.

    The goal is to welcome newer players into the raiding scene, to teach people how raids work, to get players more comfortable with raids, and to enhance the Sarlona community. There is no level cap for any of our teaching raids but you need to be at least level 14 to enter the Subterrane.

    If you are new to VOD and HOX, there is no flagging required. You will need to have access to the Vale of Twilight adventure pack. These raids are located in the subterrane and are confusing to find for many players. We will start from the market and show you how to get to and open the way to each raid.

    We will be teaching HOX legit using the "H method". On the way to HOX, we will take a short scenic detour to explore a secluded area of the Subterrane known as "The Deep Tunnels", where few in the game have ever ventured! There we will swim through a lake of acid to find a council of beholders! Then we will search for the elusive Frost Render of Madness and also look for the rare Xithzul, Son of Xy'zzy!

    VOD and HOX feature some really awesome gear, including Thaarak Wraps, Bracers of the Glacier, Tharnes Goggles, Full Plate of the Defender and much more!

    Space is limited so reserve your spot ahead of time! If you would like to reserve a space in this Saturday's event, please contact me in game on Gingerspyce.

    Thanks for all the support and special thanks to DDO Chronicle and DDOCast for mentioning our events. We hope to see you in raids soon!

    Gingerspyce and The High Lords of Malkier

    PS. I was a guest on last week's DDOCast where we did the first of a new show style of DDOCast debates. Check out the episode HERE!

    PPS. All are welcome to attend our Tuesday Night Abbotfest (heroic) and our Friday Night Mark of Deathfest. While these events aren't as formal as our teaching raids, we are happy to explain how the raid works to new players.
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 01-20-2015 at 01:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Well, I didn't get a chance to play last night, so I didn't finish flagging for Abbott. Ah well, next week. In the meantime I will hit this up next week. I really enjoyed Chrono and got a nice XP bump out of it.

    Thanks for running these raids, count me in for next week.

    One stupid question, does resistance on gear, like from an augment stack with the spell resist element?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Whitering View Post
    Well, I didn't get a chance to play last night, so I didn't finish flagging for Abbott. Ah well, next week. In the meantime I will hit this up next week. I really enjoyed Chrono and got a nice XP bump out of it.

    Thanks for running these raids, count me in for next week.

    One stupid question, does resistance on gear, like from an augment stack with the spell resist element?
    Cool what toon will you bring to the raid?

    I'm not 100% clear on your question, but if you're asking if Resistance to saving throws stacks with Resist Energy spell then they are basically different things and you should have both as Resist Energy will help mitigate any elemental damage taken after a saving throw is made.

    For a simple example:

    1. Enemy caster hits you with a 100 point Fireball.
    2. You make your saving throw (which is improved by Resistance) and take half (50) fire damage
    3. Resist Energy: Fire removes 30 points of the fire damage
    4. You end up taking 20 points of fire damage.
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 01-20-2015 at 01:46 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Just so your not disappointed next week at VoD/ will get very minimal xp from these if any at all. These are not Epic raids. I was lvl 18 and rain VoD with a lvl 28 and got something like 14k but was surprised because I didn't think an 18 would even get xp with a high lvl.

    Bah now I gotta PL Hirtz to 14 in the next few days seince he just TR'ed since I want Tharnes Goggles AND the handwraps for my next 3 monk lives.

    Anyone below 14 needing some xp send a tell to me on Hirtz or Duskh and I would be happy to help you get some xp. Both these raids drop some great TRing gear.

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
    Guild - High Lords of Malkier
    Server - Sarlona

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehenry03 View Post
    Just so your not disappointed next week at VoD/ will get very minimal xp from these if any at all. These are not Epic raids. I was lvl 18 and rain VoD with a lvl 28 and got something like 14k but was surprised because I didn't think an 18 would even get xp with a high lvl.

    Bah now I gotta PL Hirtz to 14 in the next few days seince he just TR'ed since I want Tharnes Goggles AND the handwraps for my next 3 monk lives.

    Anyone below 14 needing some xp send a tell to me on Hirtz or Duskh and I would be happy to help you get some xp. Both these raids drop some great TRing gear.
    It will be Davinya MistavDraconis as per usual, I will maybe TR her next week, we'll see. That's fine, I am still farming a bit of gear for her TR anyway. It will be nice to learn the raid.

    No, I mean, if you have an augment that absorbs 30 acid damage, which happens to be the same amount my casting of resist acid would reduce the damage by. I am guessing those don't stack. But something that reduces acid damage by a % will stack with that.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Whitering View Post
    It will be Davinya MistavDraconis as per usual, I will maybe TR her next week, we'll see. That's fine, I am still farming a bit of gear for her TR anyway. It will be nice to learn the raid.

    No, I mean, if you have an augment that absorbs 30 acid damage, which happens to be the same amount my casting of resist acid would reduce the damage by. I am guessing those don't stack. But something that reduces acid damage by a % will stack with that.
    ah, an augment with energy resistance will not stack with Resist Energy spell. but an energy absorption item or effect will work together with energy resistance. They don't stack, per say, but they are calculated separately. Not sure the order of operation but basically one will take effect then the other will affect the remaining damage after the first is calculated.

    I have you marked down for this week's event. We'll start forming at 9:00pm EST and I'll hold spots until 9:10. After that, any no-show spaces will be given away. See you tomorrow night!

  7. #7


    Still a couple spots available for tomorrow's VOD and HOX teaching raid! Contact me in game on Gingerspyce to reserve a spot!

  8. #8
    Community Member DANTEIL's Avatar
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    I'm interested in this but it might be too late (looks at clock). I'll see if you are in game.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by DANTEIL View Post
    I'm interested in this but it might be too late (looks at clock). I'll see if you are in game.
    Sry Danteil, all spaces were reserved prior to raid time. I will post details about next Saturday's teaching raid soon, so watch the Sarlona forum and let me know ahead of time if you'd like to reserve a space

  10. #10
    Community Member LittleLexi's Avatar
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    Massive thanks to Gingerspyce and The High Lords for hosting the raids. It was very informative, very newbie friendly(perfect for me being a first-timer), and very fun! I highly recommend participating in future events, as I hope to do myself.

    Now I have some great reasons to venture deep beneath the Marketplace and into the Subterrane, and moreover - I'm ready for it -.-

  11. #11


    Great turnout last night! We had 6 first-timers and 1 person that had run the raids once before. Lots of fun!

    Here's the HOX teaching raid, which includes the pathing to the raid as well as the scenic tour of "The Deep Tunnels", where we found Xithzul, the Son of Xy'zzy! Skip to 36:15 for the start of the actual raid.

    Thanks for coming e1 and I'll post next Saturday's teaching raid info soon!
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 01-25-2015 at 07:01 PM.

  12. #12
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    It was lots of fun, definitely neat, and thankfully eleven other people to beat on the council of Beholders that would normally make me alt f4 the game in fear.

    I guess everyone had restoration pots because I didn't have to cast it on anyone.

    Thanks again.

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