What about Bladeforged?
It strikes me they get Greatsword as a favored weapon.
Axle, do you feel as if there's *no* viable Warpriest build? Recognizing that Falconry is superior, and acknowledging your argument in this regard, I keep trying to build a Warhammer and Shield build. Is it just a waste of time? I had decent success (in my own mind) with Warpriest + Falconry (warpriest for various things like PRR, Increased to hit and damage with warhammers, the healing strike, and the Tier 5 ability, and then the AOE falconry strike and one other), but I don't know if I was just being carried.
My goal was to play this life as a weapon and shield melee cleric, but I'm worried it's just super gimpy.
Warpriest is definitely viable, just not optimal because it's IMO strictly worse than Falconry in pretty much every area that matters. So there's really no reason to use it over Falconry. But everyone doesn't have to min/max. If you're having fun with your build, don't worry about it. Falconry is a really good tree so I doubt you're overly gimp anyways.
But in terms of min/maxing, if you're using both Warpriest and Falconry I'm assuming you're giving up Radiant Servant so I'd also assume the character isn't a primary party/raid healer. So in that case you'd IMO be better off playing a different class with better DPS trees. The only thing clerics are better at than all other classes is healing. So if you aren't building your cleric to be a primary healer there really isn't much point to playing cleric over a better DPS class.
If you want a sword and board type that does a bit of secondary healing, building a paladin vanguard is probably going to fit the archetype you're looking to play much better.
Last edited by axel15810; 02-24-2019 at 01:16 AM.
My DDO youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8...q8NOYTOTbzeVnw
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AxelAlexK
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/AxelAlexK
Had a feeling that was the answer. I watched myself struggle to do much of anything to trash mobs on R1 today (in part because I'm still rocking a Level 10 Ravenloft warhammer), and realized just how little I've actually been contributing in terms of melee DPS so far. I'm going to try to flip to your build for a while and commit to thf and see if that gives me what I need (though, I don't have access to Sylvanus on this toon yet, so I'll be a little gimped in that regard).
I've been using several variations of this build and most most recent one is a T5 Radiant Servant, Tier 4 warpriest and Tier 4 Falconry. War domain, Human, at the moment. I'm using 14/4/2 cleric/fighter/monk. AC bonus is very nice. Using Aeron and quarterstaves....
However, I think I'd like to make a STR based half orc, same domain, but possibly 15/3/2 cleric barb fighter in order to get Supreme Cleave. I like that there is so much synergy in the trees of monk and even rogue, though.
If I wanted to be a tier 5 Radiant servant along with H-Orc, what would be the best class split for me do you think?
I REALLY like the idea of a H-Orc cleric and whatever else to boost his damage. would Barb or monk/rouge be better if using those trees?
Monk is extra feats and I get Master of Forms for an additional str bonus and +1 multiplier....
I'm so confused! ahhhhhh
any clues man? I guess I'm looking for a build based on at least tier 5 radiant servant and 14 cleric. Qstaves are alluring due to warpriest tree, but I could always dump that if rogue or monk or barbarian gave me an edge for damage.
Last edited by dbik; 02-25-2019 at 09:38 PM.
Half-Orc is my favorite race, I've ran Horc clerics before. They're fun.
If I were to run one now and try and make use of the racial tree I'd definitely do a destruction domain Horc Cleric-Barbarian. Using mix of Horc Tree/Barb Tree/Radiant Servant. It'd be tons of fun. Not sure on class split, I'd have to look into it more and figure out what I'd wanted to take as far as the barb trees go. But atleast 4 or 5 levels barb.
Last edited by axel15810; 02-26-2019 at 04:58 PM.
My DDO youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8...q8NOYTOTbzeVnw
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AxelAlexK
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/AxelAlexK
I'd go with 32 Radiant / 23 Warpriest / 25 Falconry
Don't be fooled by Righteous Weapons line, it's a trap, especially if you don't take t5 in Warpriest.
A good base damage / crit profile weapon such as Tail of the Scorpion, Tremor or Torn will end up doing much more DPS than a quarterstaff with +3 to hit/damage.
Onatar is best if using off-deity weapon. Onatar's Forge Gives you a clicky with 10 melee power, +3 tactical DCs (and +30 repair amplification if you are warforged)
After reviewing the experts stuff available on Cleric/Falconry, and through my own experiences having primarily been devoted to Cleric Warpriest-ish toons, I came up with my own hybrid tree selections. However I am going to try Axel's version pretty much as detailed at the start of this thread {He would take all points in Warpriest and move them to Falconry\Radiant Servant}. The selections are a hybrid 3 tree attempt at reaching the goal stated at the beginning of the thread:
Goal - Melee Cleric with as much DPS as possible while still meeting minimum standards of being a main party healer in Reaper and in Raids. Using Falconry with WIS to hit/damage with a focus on Two Handed Fighting utilizing Silvanus with Mauls. This build is able to both contribute solid melee DPS/Crowd Control and heal the party.
I have a few different situational facts tho about my toon. My character has 9 past lives (actually soon will) - three past lives in Human, three Cleric, three Paladin, plus a +2 racial tree tome {for 3 "free" Racial Action Points counting one from 3 past Human lives} and a "free" universal AP for Falconry for a total of 84. Also, I have +8 to all stats from tomes and +5 to nearly all skills, and for this posts purposes, all skills that matter to this discussion. I offer here simply the enhancement tree I came up with attempting to capture the"best" of three trees, four if you count the three free points in Racial...Radiant Servant, Warpriest and Falconry. Finally I am not going into the variables around race\feat\gearing\skills selections as these would make the post very long and has been covered well and I generally agree with Axels take on them. For example my image below shows human but it should be PDK.
I am looking for simpler advice - I am interested very much in feed back on the tree selection in light of Axels stated goal, which I am aiming at.
I have attached an image of the tress. The keys to the trees, IMO, are in the red circles, all other stuff is filler in my mind...some better then others, some crappy.
Keys to trees:
Racial tree & Universal Ability Point: The 3 "free" Racial - gets me 20% healing amp {plus the 30% from 3 past lives Paladin} plus 1 free Universal used in Falconry
Radiant Servant: Only one key really...the healing Aura at the top. Tried it last life, it is over-powered IMO, very nice at worst. Secondarily, not circled, is the regeneration of Turns called Endless Turns - and with 3 past lives in Cleric I have a decent amount of turns to start with so it feels like one point in each "turn" ability is enough.
A secondary note on Divine Healing in the Radiant Servant tree (not circled). Axel did not choose it in his 2 tree build but I have found that if I can get the group to sit still for a bit before we pull I can Divine Heal the 2-4 members that are likely to need it. It provides a long duration (over 2 minutes) heal over time that adds up to a lot over a minute or two of constant healing every 2 seconds. Combined with the Positive Energy Aura from the top of the Radiant Servant and the previously discussed Smite Foe AOE healing coming in often from the Warpriest tree, that is a lot of AOE and heal over time ticks going out.
Also, with Divine Healing, I can sneak it in during the fight especially on those that do have some sustainability of their own and this little boost of healing they get is many times all they need during the fight given the Aura and AOE healing going out as well. This combo of Healing Aura\Smite Foe AOE heal\Pre fight Selective Diving Healing supports the goal of doing credible DPS as the less time I have to spend pushing heal buttons during a fight the more DPS\CC I can do.
Warpriest: Two keys, maybe three. Ameliorating strike top left applies a good AOE Heal and Lesser Restoration on each use which has a fairly short cooldown, plus the other stuff that comes with the Smite Foe chain, as I think of it, including the chance at knockdown when casters attack me with spells. and a party wide damage increase as an escalating % to my Smite Foe target, especially over time if target is a boss or high HP critter. Also, the Inflame\Greater Inflame which I believe is a serious AOE buff for offense and defense applied to all around in a LARGE circle for AC, Attack, Damage, Saving Throws and Damage Absorption plus the Melee Power Action Boost.
Falconry: Two circles. The little one is what converts Wisdom to Hit and Damage so you can Wisdom stack V Strength. This allows melee damage with high spell points and other good stuff from very high Wisdom. The bigger circle is a ton of stuff your bird does.
Falconry Summary...Over the course of a few turns\attacks by the bird, some are passive some are activated, but in about 14 -16 seconds if you used them back to back (sneaking in other stuff between the Avian enforced global cooldown)...It does; Some decent DAMAGE , TRIPS your opponent causing them to be HELPLESS {increasing your melee damage}, SLOWED by 30%, BLINDING your opponent causing them to be HELPLESS {increasing your melee damage}, Applies a decent BLEED if on a boss or high HP critter doing damage every 2 sec for 60 sec, Every attack has a chance to add a charge to "Deadly Instincts" which increases the chances for TACTICAL FEATS to go off, Deal 30% MORE DAMAGE TO HELPLESS opponents virtually full time GUARANTEED (this is very good), Activates an AOE CLEAVE and attempts to BLIND your opponent again {Helpless chance again}, and finally, REDUCES THE FORTIFICATION BY 50% of your opponent....this is huge on its own.
That's a lot ^^^^^ - It produces a medium damage, medium tanky, defensive and offensive buff\heal bot, many of which are party-wide\AOE buffs\heals\target debuffs, with a bird that causes havoc. The toon is not easy to kill, not that easy to kill his friends either with that strong healing AOE aura, if backed by proper choices to boost it, plus the AOE heal from Ameliorating Strike coming in often from the Warpriest tree.
19 Cleric\1 Fighter - I like the extra feat(s) and the Cleric capstone\final core in Radiant Servant is mediocre and perhaps not needed IMO. Also of note, as Axel said at the start you Wis\Con stack and the Char\Str split at the start is somewhat tome dependent. Having a +8 Str tome allows me to Char stack a bit as well gaining UMD and Turns both of which come in handy.
Feedback welcome and appreciated about the 3 trees, as to go into 3 trees, inevitable compromises had to be made, such as not taking all three of something for example, or skipping enhancements that can be had in other ways through items\enchantments\augments or consumables (Blur, Haste). Finally, any separate but related comments on whether this achieves Axels 2 tree stated goal better\worse\about the same and why.
Goal: Melee Cleric with as much DPS as possible while still meeting minimum standards of being a main party healer in Reaper and in Raids. Using Falconry with WIS to hit/damage with a focus on Two Handed Fighting utilizing Silvanus with Mauls. This build is able to both contribute solid melee DPS/Crowd Control and heal the party."
Last edited by Anashan; 06-30-2019 at 05:48 AM.
I tried to. Always have a goal and always remember it. The goal was,as Axel stated it, and with which I agree is: Goal - Melee Cleric with as much DPS as possible while still meeting minimum standards of being a main party healer in Reaper and in Raids. Using Falconry with WIS to hit/damage with a focus on Two Handed Fighting utilizing Silvanus with Mauls. This build is able to both contribute solid melee DPS/Crowd Control and heal the party.
Assumptions within the goal really are related to the fact that the only thing that makes Cleric melee special, something others do not have, is healing. If you go too deep into damage enhancements, feats, gearing...you just end up a mediocre dps with nerfed healing, in fact, not enough healing to matter. So you create a gimped semi-worthless melee. The kit we have been given however does not force us to go "all-in" as it were in healing to be of use in keeping people alive, so it is possible to be of legit healing usefulness, while being at least a mediocre dps with some cc. The post I made accepted as given the assumptions from Axel's take on Cleric melee (wisdom based - falconry\radiant servant and so on) and with regards to everything else (feats, races, divinity, domains and so on), with the exception of enhancements. My post was an attempt to salvage the best of three tress V two capturing the essence, and I believe the core benefits, of each all while keeping the stated goal in mind.
Why three trees?
I had another thought going with this enhancement tree strat...that was that I did not want to have to stop doing dps anymore then I had to. The aura, the smite foe heal, the pre-fight casts of divine healing (cast once\heals for two minutes +) are all designed to minimize the number of times you are pushing heal buttons once the fight starts, leaving more time for dps\cc button pushing, while still doing enough healing to matter. To do that, I needed to go into the Warpriest tree, thus, the three tree combo.
So in a perfect world this is fairly simple. You divine heal your friends before combat (I have a macro), go in start pushing dps\cc\buff\debuff buttons, any button really just press the ones off of cooldown in kind of a selective face roll, with smite foe mashed every 12 seconds, counting on the aura, the divine healing ticks and smite foe to do real work keeping your friends alive all while not actually doing any healing, button pushing wise. Also, some of the buttons I push offer much with one click, meaning, the button I pushed did some combo of dps\healing\buffing\debuffing\cc. This is particularly true of smite foe and greater inflame in the warpriest tree. Again, thus the three tree build. Smite Foe does damage,applies a stacking debuff to the bad guy increasing everyone's dps, heals me and my friends (AOE) and casts an AOE lesser restoration every 12 seconds with one button push. Greater Inflame applies, to all around in a LARGE circle, bonuses to AC, Attack, Damage, Saving Throws and Damage Absorption. Again one button. Also some of the pet buttons from Falconry do some combo of dps\heal\buff\debuff\cc in one click as well...nice.
Obviously, if you are the only healer and your friends are pathetically unable to self heal at all, or they have negligently decided the best stat in DDO - healing amp - was not worth stacking, or they do not understand the concept of an AOE heal\aura and insist on running away or standing a million miles away, or the fight just plain turns ugly...you will need to throw some actual heal spells at peeps. Fine. This enhancement build was designed to minimize the healing spell casts needed while attaining the goal...Goal - Melee Cleric with as much DPS as possible while still meeting minimum standards of being a main party healer in Reaper and in Raids. Using Falconry with WIS to hit/damage with a focus on Two Handed Fighting utilizing Silvanus with Mauls. This build is able to both contribute solid melee DPS/Crowd Control and heal the party.
Last edited by Anashan; 07-28-2019 at 05:13 AM.
Why wand and scroll mastery? Wouldn't be better take bliss 3/3 instead?
(Edit - nm, pre-coffee response, clearly was thinking of something else)
I'd guess to use scrolls asap. Scroll MLs are 2 levels lower level than the cleric spell itself - having Raise Dead is an important edge for Levels 7-8.
Once you have the spells, and/or UMD @ 100%, sure, respec.
Last edited by C-Dog; 08-26-2019 at 08:22 PM.
Just a quick correction here, Wand and Scroll Mastery doesn't enable you to use scrolls any earlier or buff UMD at all.
It empowers the effects (in this case for Healing which is very powerful). It is a good way to extend a mana pool in long fights/save time shrining during levelling
The DC references here just boost the offensive DCs of spells cast this way.. but hopefully you're not relying on this for damage anyways![]()
Well first of all bliss is 2 AP per rank and scroll mastery is only 1, so you can't exchange one for the other directly. I don't know why a so-so enhancement like bliss is 2 AP instead of 1AP per rank but whatever :/
I'm actually not using scroll mastery past level 20 b/c at that point we can use renewal or other ED abilities for tank healing or to extend our spell point pool forever instead. But in heroics W&S mastery is pretty good. Using heal scrolls with scroll mastery is awesome for saving spell points in general in heroics.
But I still don't take full ranks in bliss because it's just too expensive and 30 temporary hit points is pretty underwhelming at level 30. Definitely not worth 6 AP. I think I take 1 rank currently just because I'm forced to spend a 2 more points somewhere in order to open tier 3.
My DDO youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8...q8NOYTOTbzeVnw
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AxelAlexK
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/AxelAlexK
But you had bliss 1/3 and S&W 3/3... I thought with 1 more AP you could take bliss 3/3... not a direct exchange...
I tottaly agree with you! I think bliss should grant temp hp for all allies near you when you use a turn for any purpose to worth 2 AP per rank. Actually, evertytime I see the RS tree I think "why this tree is so expensive? Why everything in this tree costs 2 AP?" but, yes, whatever...
About healing with scrolls on heroics. It's mainly out of combat healing then, right? I tried to heal in combat with scrolls of heal and it takes too long! You have to swap your weapon for the scroll, cast the scroll and swap again for the weapon...
It is slow, but you can make it work situationally. Though not in all situations where faster heals are needed obviously. It's more a tertiary option for healing when you need to save spell points, it's not your bread & butter. And yes it is better for out of combat for sure because of the speed. Such as when you raise someone, you can follow up with a heal scroll to top them off.
Heal scrolls have in the past been the most useful in certain raids where you're assigned to healing the tank for an extended period of time and you can swap between scolls and spells to make your SP pool last longer. Though that doesn't happen much in many situations today. And reaper especially requires faster healing than scrolls provide. Some of the reasons why I dropped it at cap.
But by all means if using scrolls situationally isn't your thing, don't waste the action points there.
Last edited by axel15810; 08-27-2019 at 09:49 AM.
My DDO youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8...q8NOYTOTbzeVnw
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AxelAlexK
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/AxelAlexK
Nice, thank you very much for replying. I will try this build as soon as I put my hands on Falconry tree. =P
Hey, I plan on creating this build - doing the PDK iconic (don't know if I am going to lesser TR +1 the fighter away or not yet.)
Any advice for (named) mauls to use? Both during leveling and endgame ? (I looked at the list by MinLevel.. but still asking advice)
like for lv 21 I farmed a Drow mual, should I use Cormyrian weapons at 20/24?