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  1. #81
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    Emp Heal

    What else for LVL27?

    Enlarge, for Cocoon range. It work for Consecration?
    Permahaste, but get that on gear like Goat boots.
    Epic Reflex
    Precision, (took dex 11 +2 tome). I like PA better and it is one or the other?


    I ended up taking Epic DR (physical resistance now). It is worth it? It only increased my PR from 76 to 86 or 43% to 46%. I have a free feat swap.
    Just check the original post in this thread for the feats I take. That's what I would suggest. If you're running human 15c/3p/2f you'll have an extra feat to burn. And that's why I prefer 15c/4p/1f. There's really nothing meaningful to spend that last feat on and I'd rather have tier 4 stuff from KoTC or SaD instead. I guess precision or epic DR if you already have all the feats in my original post.

    Yes, power attack and precision cannot be used together.

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post


    Melee feats - THF, ITHF, GTHF, Power attack, cleave, great cleave, Improved critical: slash (swap to Improved critical: bludgeoning when you are able to equip Thunderforged Maul)
    Metamagic feats - Empower heal, maximize, quicken, empower
    Epic feats - Overwhelming Critical
    Epic Destiny feats – PTHF, PTWF

    Enhancements - Action Point Distribution

    32 - Radiant Servant (for aura, bursts and positive spellpower)
    22 - Knights of the Chalice (for healing amp, exalted cleave, exalted smite)
    13 - Sacred Defender (for tier 3 sacred defender stance - mainly +20% HP and +3 saves)
    6 - Warpriest (for Divine Might, some HP)
    4 - Kensei (for haste boost)
    3 - Human (for damage boost, tier 1 healing amp)
    Again great post.

    So PAL4 is just for the +10 Healing Amp? It is a decent one, but seems expensive. I was actually looking at the +6 STR in Sacred Defender maybe instead of Exalted Smite.
    I am starting to think Exalted smite is not worth it and Intolerant Blows is a better use for Smite Evils. That frees up some enhanc pts. I was actually thinking of using it for more action boosts, so I can maybe use some on mobs instead of saving them for bosses only. I also took the damage boost from legendary dreadnought. Not sure it stacks with human damage boost and unfortunately when activated you can't use FTR Haste. But that is a ton of clickies and hard to run out of something to boost your dps.

    You did not like the PRR from Warpriest?

    These are all some small changes, so am I missing something with PAL4?
    Empower Smite seems lame with only 5 MRR for 10 secs or does that stack?
    My CHAR seems lacking in MRR. What is your score and a good average?
    What about Twisting Intolerant Blows? It has a nice timer at 60 sec and a short cool down of 20 secs. I think Sense Weakness is better too and hard to fit both in.
    You don't like Consecration?

    Recent Tweaks?

    Went through some of your video again and it explains a lot.

    An important question I have is what is your take on the effectiveness of Exalted Smite?
    It seems more action boosts might be better especially for my PAL3 build since I dont have to spend the pts to get to PAL4 enhancements.

    I am more of a casual player.
    Last edited by firemedium_jt; 06-13-2015 at 12:59 AM.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  3. #83
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    Again great post.

    So PAL4 is just for the +10 Healing Amp? It is a decent one, but seems expensive. I was actually looking at the +6 STR in Sacred Defender maybe instead of Exalted Smite.
    I am starting to think Exalted smite is not worth it and Intolerant Blows is a better use for Smite Evils. That frees up some enhanc pts. I was actually thinking of using it for more action boosts, so I can maybe use some on mobs instead of saving them for bosses only. I also took the damage boost from legendary dreadnought. Not sure it stacks with human damage boost and unfortunately when activated you can't use FTR Haste. But that is a ton of clickies and hard to run out of something to boost your dps.

    You did not like the PRR from Warpriest?

    These are all some small changes, so am I missing something with PAL4?
    Empower Smite seems lame with only 5 MRR for 10 secs or does that stack?
    My CHAR seems lacking in MRR. What is your score and a good average?
    What about Twisting Intolerant Blows? It has a nice timer at 60 sec and a short cool down of 20 secs. I think Sense Weakness is better too and hard to fit both in.
    You don't like Consecration?

    Recent Tweaks?

    Went through some of your video again and it explains a lot.

    An important question I have is what is your take on the effectiveness of Exalted Smite?
    It seems more action boosts might be better especially for my PAL3 build since I dont have to spend the pts to get to PAL4 enhancements.

    I am more of a casual player.
    Sorry too lazy to block quote but I'll try to answer all your questions -

    Intolerant blows? Seems much too expensive to use a twist slot for +1W and threat boost. +1W damage is a very minimal damage increase.

    The original idea behind the 4 pally was to give you enough buffer to guard against the divine grace nerf that was supposed to cap max save based on pally level. But the devs recanted and have seemingly decided not to make that. PAL3 verses PAL4 really doesn't matter much. Going 2 levels of fighter can give you an extra feat but the remaining feats really aren't better than 10 heal amp in my opinion.

    I'd love the PRR from warpriest, but when it comes down to it I'd rather spend the points elsewhere.

    I'm not using empowered smite. It has been bugged, haven't tested it in a while so not sure if it still is.

    No, I don't like consecration on this build. It's not necessary for party healing. We already have aura, bursts and mass cures which give all the group healing we could need. The damage boost from crusade is nice, but the twist is much too expensive in my opinion when running in my main destiny, dreadnaught.

    As far as recent tweaks, not much has changed really since the epic necro 4 update. Heart of Madness and Temple really didn't offer any equipment upgrades. I'm guessing I'll have to do some updating in the next couple updates however. If we get a fighter pass or FVS pass if could affect the build. As could warlock potentially, but I haven't looked into those trees much yet.

    Exalted smite I'm unsure of. The variance is so high and it only applies to a single attack. Not to mention it's a pain to click all the time. I should look more into it to see if it's worth it from a min/max perspective.
    Last edited by axel15810; 06-15-2015 at 10:59 PM.

  4. #84
    Community Member Jetrule's Avatar
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    Hey Axel Love your YouTube Channel and the build. I Am running a cleric with a static group Most of the other characters are multi TRs with a good pool of btc equipment and tomes Mine is first life with Moderate gear choices. a +2 wis tome and a +2 str tome a +3 con tome I had lying around. I want to use this build. At the moment he is lvl7 and pure cleric, human. I started with 32 point build and altered your builds starting stats to 8 dex 14 wis and 14 cha. This can be changed later via lesser heart but I needed the SP at low level to heal and buff party.

    The rest of the party consits of a human wiz/ pm. A human ranger a WF Arti. A Human Druid caster and a Elf dragonmarked 2WF fighter. I have a few good bastard swords longswords and mauls many good daggers. A wide selection of forgotten lights and Some TF materials. A few TOEE mythic one handed weapons both heroic and epic. Heroic and epic TOEE heavy armors and weapons and the Mushrooms to upgrade them. No stikhorns or the other mythic shroom. Hardly any green steel ingredients.

    I am facing decision time on whether to go sword and board or 2hwf and what level split I want to do. I have considered,;
    Your exact split and 2hwf
    18/2 fighter to get shield use feats and Bastard sword prof. Also to utilize Divine Disciple sunburst in my spell book at lvl 18 cleric for the no save blinding effects.
    18/2 pali for saves and most of the shield feats.and the sunburst.
    Your build modified to Sword and board option.

    Our group runs at level elite and Thus far I have power attack cleave great cleave and emp heal. I have so far invested more than anything in battlepriest and use ameliorating strike.That will change later. I have been actively healing all party members so far. Some obviously more than others.

    What would your advice be for my situation and how to handle combat style feats? Remembering I will have 0 epic destinies leveled when I hit 20 and moderate-weak gear.
    Last edited by Jetrule; 06-15-2015 at 06:13 PM.
    Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    Sorry too lazy to block quote but I'll try to answer all your questions -

    Intolerant blows? Seems much too expensive to use a twist slot for +1W and threat boost. +1W damage is a very minimal damage increase.

    The original idea behind the 4 pally was to give you enough buffer to guard against the divine grace nerf that was supposed to cap max save based on pally level. But the devs recanted and have seemingly decided not to make that. PAL3 verses PAL4 really doesn't matter much. Going 2 levels of fighter can give you an extra feat but the remaining feats really aren't better than 10 heal amp in my opinion.

    I'd love the PRR from warpriest, but when it comes down to it I'd rather spend the points elsewhere.

    I'm not using empowered smite. It has been bugged, haven't tested it in a while so not sure if it still is.

    No, I don't like consecration on this build. It's not necessary for party healing. We already have aura, bursts and mass cures which give all the group healing we could need. The damage boost from crusade is nice, but the twist is much too expensive in my opinion when running in my main destiny, dreadnaught.

    As far as recent tweaks, not much has changed really since the epic necro 4 update. Heart of Madness and Temple really didn't offer any equipment upgrades. I'm guessing I'll have to do some updating in the next couple updates however. If we get a fighter pass or FVS pass if could affect the build. As could warlock potentially, but I haven't looked into those trees much yet.

    Exalted smite I'm unsure of. The variance is so high and it only applies to a single attack. Not to mention it's a pain to click all the time. I should look more into it to see if it's worth it from a min/max perspective.
    Thx for the response.

    Seems like we can never have enough Healing Amp. Now can the same be said for PRR? Which is better? I suppose on a toon with Aura and lots of heals Amp is better while PRR would be better on a toon with low mana?

    I guess it is PRR 20 (PAL3 Wapriest enhancment and Epic Feat) vs. +10 Healing Amp PAL4?

    If Healing Amp +10 Tier 3 is that good I should give up a FTR Action Boost to free up pts and take it?

    How much better is Legendary Dreadnought over Divine Crusader? Seems DC is more synergy and easier to run. LD has more dps but harder to run. It is hard to keep Master Blitz up but I will keep practicing with it. Need to quest in it but hard to when building up EDs. Will try it in impossible demands for starts i guess.
    Last edited by firemedium_jt; 06-16-2015 at 03:41 PM.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    Thx for the response.

    Seems like we can never have enough Healing Amp. Now can the same be said for PRR? Which is better? I suppose on a toon with Aura and lots of heals Amp is better while PRR would be better on a toon with low mana?

    I guess it is PRR 20 (PAL3 Wapriest enhancment and Epic Feat) vs. +10 Healing Amp PAL4?

    If Healing Amp +10 Tier 3 is that good I should give up a FTR Action Boost to free up pts and take it?

    How much better is Legendary Dreadnought over Divine Crusader? Seems DC is more synergy and easier to run. LD has more dps but harder to run. It is hard to keep Master Blitz up but I will keep practicing with it. Need to quest in it but hard to when building up EDs. Will try it in impossible demands for starts i guess.
    Sorry for the delayed response. Not a lot of forum time lately. For the PRR verses the heal amp, I think it's mostly a wash. Let's say we're talking about 100 PRR verses 120 PRR. Using the DDOwiki PRR numbers the 20 PRR would give you an extra 4.55% reduction per hit. But losing the 10 healing amp would lose you (guessing here) ~10HP per aura tick.

    Let's say a champ is hitting for a base 400 damage her hit. 120 PRR will reduce this to 181 and 100PRR will reduce it to 200. But we're losing ~10HP or so per tick from aura because of not having 10 hamp. You also lose some self-healing from burst/heal, ect. which is harder to quantify. So based on the assumption we're taking every hit and aura is proc'ing at about the same rate as the enemy champ is swinging at you, the PRR is better in this situation because preventing 19 damage is better than healing for an extra 10.

    But that's assuming we're taking every hit. Once you add in concealment, incorporeal, dodge, ect. the numbers move more in healing amp's favor since often the PRR doesn't benefit you because you don't get hit in the first place. Also kiting favors taking the healing amp since you'll be taking less hits.

    Enemy magic attacks also move in healing amp's favor since PRR doesn't benefit you there. Also any enemy that spam DC based spells that we save against since you'll be healing more while making saves.

    Then again if we're talking a room full of multiple EE melee mobs hitting on you at once with physical attacks that strongly favors PRR.

    But at the end of the day it's a very minor tweak. It doesn't much matter and you could definitely argue either. But I tend to favor the 10 healing amp for the above reasons.

    On your other question if you're talking about giving up fighter haste boost for 10PRR definitely don't...haste boost is amazing.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    Sorry for the delayed response. Not a lot of forum time lately. For the PRR verses the heal amp, I think it's mostly a wash. Let's say we're talking about 100 PRR verses 120 PRR. Using the DDOwiki PRR numbers the 20 PRR would give you an extra 4.55% reduction per hit. But losing the 10 healing amp would lose you (guessing here) ~10HP per aura tick.

    Let's say a champ is hitting for a base 400 damage her hit. 120 PRR will reduce this to 181 and 100PRR will reduce it to 200. But we're losing ~10HP or so per tick from aura because of not having 10 hamp. You also lose some self-healing from burst/heal, ect. which is harder to quantify. So based on the assumption we're taking every hit and aura is proc'ing at about the same rate as the enemy champ is swinging at you, the PRR is better in this situation because preventing 19 damage is better than healing for an extra 10.

    But that's assuming we're taking every hit. Once you add in concealment, incorporeal, dodge, ect. the numbers move more in healing amp's favor since often the PRR doesn't benefit you because you don't get hit in the first place. Also kiting favors taking the healing amp since you'll be taking less hits.

    Enemy magic attacks also move in healing amp's favor since PRR doesn't benefit you there. Also any enemy that spam DC based spells that we save against since you'll be healing more while making saves.

    Then again if we're talking a room full of multiple EE melee mobs hitting on you at once with physical attacks that strongly favors PRR.

    But at the end of the day it's a very minor tweak. It doesn't much matter and you could definitely argue either. But I tend to favor the 10 healing amp for the above reasons.

    On your other question if you're talking about giving up fighter haste boost for 10PRR definitely don't...haste boost is amazing.
    Just 2 pts from increasing your actions by 1. Giving up Ftr Haste would be stupid.

    Healing Amp +10 is about 8 pt increase. Unfortunately I dont have that umber gear with dodge and invis. I have Drow Cloak for invis and no dodge at the moment but can prob fit some dodge in. Best on a necklace. What are good dodge items? Heck I am still running Purple Dragon and other commendation gear tweaks. Wizwar items for mana to swap out of. Cleric healing critical ring. Monk Bracers for saves. Drow googles.EE Belt of Seven. Deadly Resistance ring. Accuracy necklace with Charisma +10. Old iconic +20 healing amp trinket. Wiz power item for mana to swap out of after buffing.. I really dont have a good setup for lvl 28 to 30 and would like some advice on easy gear to get?

    My alt has some Thumderforge raid rewards like combustion goggle for Consecration.

    I like the 10% damage bonus and Zeal from DC. Seems easier than LD but I really need to run in LD. Just seems all I do is dailies like spies and jungle and wizking.

    I need a reason to run in MinMax to try out Legendary Dreadnought more. I dont seem to get an oportunity. Maybe on my alt with EDs done I should run LD more.

    What content is good for MinMax? Even in EE i tend to heal and run US cause healers are a rarw breed nowadays.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post

    Helm – Mythic (or Epic) Emerald Glaze (+11 STR, Tendon Slice 8%)
    Goggles – Epic Mentau’s (seeker +10, except seeker +2, Dex +11)
    Necklace – 45 HP greensteel with permanent blur
    Armor – Shadow full plate - guardian’s upgrade (30/60 DR, Ghostly, Deathblock, Fort 130)
    Belt – Epic Chord of Reprisals (CHA +11, Sheltering 24)
    Ring 1 – CON 10 of false life 45
    Ring 2 – Deadly X of Wizardry 250
    Gloves – Iron Mitts (+60 heal amp, Vitality +40)
    Bracers – Mysterious Bracers (+45 heal amp, +25 MRR)
    Cape – WIS 10 of sustenance 18
    Boots – Epic Boots of the Innocent (speed XV, resistance +11, greater heroism)
    Trinket – Epic Litany of the Dead (+2 profane bonus to all stats, +4 damage)
    Weapon – Tier 3 Thunderforged Maul (1st degree burns, dragon’s edge, mortal fear)
    I belive the Trinket – Epic Litany of the Dead will give you one neg level

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    I really dont have a good setup for lvl 28 to 30 and would like some advice on easy gear to get?

    What content is good for MinMax? Even in EE i tend to heal and run US cause healers are a rarw breed nowadays.
    Epic necro gear is really easy to get for the most part. I'd go there, just run the necro chain several times a week and you'll get your gear pretty quickly. You'll probably average 1.5-2 pieces of loot per full chain run (you get a random one for the end reward of the chain). Most of my final build setup is epic necro gear, and a lot of the rest of the stuff I use can be bought off the auction house.

    Not sure what you mean by the best content for min/max. If you mean min/max XP that's going to be your typical EN spies in the house, wiz king, impossible demands 2x per day cycles. If you mean for challenge the hardest EE regular quests in the game I'd say would be EE stormhorns, EE necro and EE ToEE part 2.

    Quote Originally Posted by MorteCerta View Post
    I belive the Trinket – Epic Litany of the Dead will give you one neg level
    It does, but the other attributes more than make up for it. You still get a net +1 to all saves and extra damage from the trinket.

    +2 to all stats = +1 saves
    +2 to CHA = +1 saves (since this build has divine grace)
    Negative level = -1 to all saves.

    So we still end up getting +1 to all saves and +4 base damage from the item. Also some light guard and SP reduction clicky but they don't matter much.
    Last edited by axel15810; 06-24-2015 at 11:45 AM.

  10. #90
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    Somehow I overlooked this post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jetrule View Post
    Hey Axel Love your YouTube Channel and the build.
    Thanks, much appreciated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jetrule View Post
    I Am running a cleric with a static group Most of the other characters are multi TRs with a good pool of btc equipment and tomes Mine is first life with Moderate gear choices. a +2 wis tome and a +2 str tome a +3 con tome I had lying around. I want to use this build. At the moment he is lvl7 and pure cleric, human. I started with 32 point build and altered your builds starting stats to 8 dex 14 wis and 14 cha. This can be changed later via lesser heart but I needed the SP at low level to heal and buff party.

    The rest of the party consits of a human wiz/ pm. A human ranger a WF Arti. A Human Druid caster and a Elf dragonmarked 2WF fighter. I have a few good bastard swords longswords and mauls many good daggers. A wide selection of forgotten lights and Some TF materials. A few TOEE mythic one handed weapons both heroic and epic. Heroic and epic TOEE heavy armors and weapons and the Mushrooms to upgrade them. No stikhorns or the other mythic shroom. Hardly any green steel ingredients.

    I am facing decision time on whether to go sword and board or 2hwf and what level split I want to do. I have considered,;
    Your exact split and 2hwf
    18/2 fighter to get shield use feats and Bastard sword prof. Also to utilize Divine Disciple sunburst in my spell book at lvl 18 cleric for the no save blinding effects.
    18/2 pali for saves and most of the shield feats.and the sunburst.
    Your build modified to Sword and board option.

    Our group runs at level elite and Thus far I have power attack cleave great cleave and emp heal. I have so far invested more than anything in battlepriest and use ameliorating strike.That will change later. I have been actively healing all party members so far. Some obviously more than others.

    What would your advice be for my situation and how to handle combat style feats? Remembering I will have 0 epic destinies leveled when I hit 20 and moderate-weak gear.
    TWF is definitely better than S&B for a battle cleric. The reason is so much of your S&B DPS comes from Vanguard enhancements (especially cores), and we won't have enough action points or paladin/fighter levels to get that stuff. I'd follow the feat choices in my OP. Just swap THF feats with TWF. Might want to consider precision in epics. And watch out to make sure your DEX meets the feat requirements. That looks like it is an issue. You might want to LR if you go this route. You really need to focus your stat distribution and feats to specialize in either melee DPS or offensive casting. Don't worry about WIS on a melee cleric, just meet the min requirements. You'll have plenty of healing through radiant servant. You don't need SP to heal on a cleric.

    Personally I'd drop all the divine disciple stuff. Like I said either go all out offensive casting or all out melee, don't try to do both. If you have invested a lot in melee DPS you don't want to be sitting there casting and not using it. Vice versa if you're building a caster cleric. Either follow a caster split or a melee split.
    Last edited by axel15810; 06-25-2015 at 03:28 PM.

  11. #91
    Community Member MerryOldSoul's Avatar
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    I am enjoying the build getting close to lvl 28 and very fun. Thank you for sharing. If you are looking for requests I have seen a few of your videos (very nice worth the time if you have not watched any).

    1. Gear for set up in a broad brush way, melee, caster... As there are several BTC and only so much space what helps you most lives from 1-28 not just lvl 28 gear. What items do you suggest farming say to get over 15 to 20, seems like that is my slow down point.

    2. Do you have a system for mules or how do you get around space restrictions.

    3. Crafting do you use?

    IF they have been covered just tell me name of video and I will watch. Again thank you so much for your time and well put together videos.

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by MerryOldSoul View Post
    I am enjoying the build getting close to lvl 28 and very fun. Thank you for sharing. If you are looking for requests I have seen a few of your videos (very nice worth the time if you have not watched any).

    1. Gear for set up in a broad brush way, melee, caster... As there are several BTC and only so much space what helps you most lives from 1-28 not just lvl 28 gear. What items do you suggest farming say to get over 15 to 20, seems like that is my slow down point.

    2. Do you have a system for mules or how do you get around space restrictions.

    3. Crafting do you use?

    IF they have been covered just tell me name of video and I will watch. Again thank you so much for your time and well put together videos.

    1. Oh gosh, I despise inventory micro management in DDO. Absolutely hate doing it. Because of that I tend to not save much stuff. As far as HTR I only save a handful of items. Greensteel, SoS, Carnifex, a a handful of vital clickies and that's about it. I pick up or rebuy just about everything else as I go along. I save a little more for ETR. I have eveningstar stuff for level 20, flawless black dragonplate, couple of low min level epic weapons ( I really should just craft different levels of thunderforged) and items. But I still don't pay too much attention to min/maxing my gearset until level 28. And as far as deadly, seeker, ability items, ect. I just rebuy a few of each every life. 15-20 can be a pain for this build. It's the weakest part of this build's life. That's when you're really feeling not having the enhancements real melee classes do yet you don't have any destinies yet to offset it. No tips really other than use your displacement clickies and have a LIT2 or SoS. Oh and get a black dragonplate. Helps your DPS significantly.

    2. Yes, I have several mules but I tend to pass stuff to them planning to use it in the future and then I never do :/

    3. I don't do Cannith Crafting if that's what you're referring. Just not worth the time to me.

  13. #93


    Quick question: With no int tome you only get 2 skill points per level. Would you go with max UMD, 4 points in jump at level 1 and all the rest in heal? (Since jump is native @ 1 while heal is not.) That would get you:

    11 umd
    20 heal
    4 jump

    Or would you sacrifice some of that heal to buff jump? (My guess is no, since Jump isn't usually much of an issue for strength builds.)

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Quick question: With no int tome you only get 2 skill points per level. Would you go with max UMD, 4 points in jump at level 1 and all the rest in heal? (Since jump is native @ 1 while heal is not.) That would get you:

    11 umd
    20 heal
    4 jump

    Or would you sacrifice some of that heal to buff jump? (My guess is no, since Jump isn't usually much of an issue for strength builds.)
    I always max heal 1st, UMD 2nd and put whatever is left into jump. Reason being heal, even though it is only a minor increase to positive spellpower, will affect your character at almost all times (and also benefits party members) whereas the others generally do not.

  15. #95
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    Just an update to the build for U27 -

    Three U27 items I like for this build are:

    Halcyonia (Helmet): Quality Wisdom +2, Devotion +150, Magical Efficiency 10%, Healing Lore X, Insightful Heal +2, Green Augment Slot

    Memoriam (Trinket): Good Luck +4, Healing Amplification: +75 Competence Bonus, Insightful Fortitude Save +3, Quality Reflex Save +2, Green Augment Slot, Yellow Augment Slot

    Sightless (Helmet): True Seeing, Deathblock VII, Ranged Power +6, Melee Power +6, Sheltering +35 Sheltering +35: This item provides a +35 Enhancement bonus to your Physical and Magical Resistance Ratings., Constitution +12, Green Augment Slot, Blue Augment Slot

    The healing helm and the trinket are both nice swappables. The helmet is great when you're with a party that needs the extra healing. That +20% heal crit on an aura based build is huge. 10% less SP costs and a little extra POS spellpower is meh but still a nice little perk. This also frees up your weapon augment slot normally used for devotion to instead be used for a DPS effect. Now if you're running in a party that's stomping EE, probably can stick with another helm as the extra healing won't be needed.

    The trinket is nice when you think the extra saves/heal amp you get on this item over the epic litany will help you make important saves you wouldn't overwise.

    The sightless helm looks like best in slot in good groups when extra healing from the healing helm isn't needed. Will require some gear shuffling though, which I haven't fully looked into how to optimally fit this in the gearset yet. Will try and do that this weekend and update this post.
    Last edited by axel15810; 08-14-2015 at 11:24 AM.

  16. #96
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    Just a quick question, I'm basically lost building my cleric so I'm going to try following your guide...However I've already put levels 1-12 as a cleric, can I tack on the last 5 fighter/paladin levels at the end of my leveling and have it make no big difference? First character and life btw.

  17. #97
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    Default Build looks really cool- question on enhancement break down

    Really cool and I'd like to give this build a shot. Can you be more precise on the enhancement break down ? Unless I missed it in the 5 pages of threads.

  18. #98
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrNasty View Post
    Just a quick question, I'm basically lost building my cleric so I'm going to try following your guide...However I've already put levels 1-12 as a cleric, can I tack on the last 5 fighter/paladin levels at the end of my leveling and have it make no big difference? First character and life btw.
    Depends. If you've built the toon as a caster you may have to lesser reincarnate to fix your stats and feats. You could probably salvage it if you've built it as a pure melee cleric.

    Quote Originally Posted by LouM3 View Post
    Really cool and I'd like to give this build a shot. Can you be more precise on the enhancement break down ? Unless I missed it in the 5 pages of threads.
    I've gotten a lot of requests for this, I'll see what I can do. The main reason I didn't put an exact breakdown is I sometimes mix up my distribution. However, I listed the essential enhancements in the original post. Definitely take those. As far as what you take for some of the pre-requisites such as in the radiant servant tree there's room for flexibility. There's probably a section in the video somewhere where I show my enhancement trees, you could check that out. But for the most part, just take the essential enhancements I listed in the original post.

  19. #99
    Community Member Feybrook's Avatar
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    Sorry if this has already been talked about - a super lazy search and skim for the phrase "Cormyrean Knight Training" didn't pick up anything.
    I was about to try out a PDK version when I wondered,
    "Would it be any better to max Charisma instead of Strength if the Cormyrean Knight Training enhancement from the PDK tree was taken?"

    I don't know everything you'd get or lose with more CHA and less STR in this build.

    A CHA build...
    -Cost 2 AP for Cormyrean Knight Training
    -Still require 17 base str for GTHF but STR could be supplemented with a tome
    -With fewer points spent in STR and past lives it would be possible to start with 18 CHA (Although there might be a better places to put the points, maybe? I dunno.)
    -Give a few more saves from Divine Grace?
    -Is there any effect on SP's? If Cleric and Paladin SPs are only affected by Wisdom, then it wouldn't matter.
    -Lower STR for STR checks
    -Higher CHA for CHA checks
    -Lower STR Skills: Jump, Swim
    -Higher CHA Skills: Bluff, Diplo, Haggle, Intim, Perform, UMD
    -Higher Turning Checks
    -Higher Lay on Hands

    Are there any good reasons not to take Cormyrean Knight Training and focus on increasing CHA while reducing STR?
    Would I just be wasting my time taking Cormyrean Knight Training?

    Edit: Oh... I forgot about Divine Might in Warpriest. I guess that would be a strong reason to go STR based since you could just tack on your CHA modifier.
    Divine Might: You gain an Insight bonus to Strength equal to your Charisma Modifier for 30/60/120 seconds. (Activation Cost: 21/18/15 spell points. Cooldown: 20 seconds)
    Last edited by Feybrook; 09-03-2015 at 04:55 PM.

  20. #100
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feybrook View Post
    Are there any good reasons not to take Cormyrean Knight Training and focus on increasing CHA while reducing STR?
    The short version is: stick with STR-based if you want to focus on maxing your melee DPS; go CHA-based if you want higher saves and/or plan to use CHA-based ED abilities like Energy Burst. CKT would provide an excuse not to take Div Might; but the STR+CHA-based build would have higher melee DPS than the just-CHA-based CKT build.

    Sidebar: I have a CHA-based PDK Vanguard, but I did it for a specific reason; namely I wanted the 1/3 CHA bonus to tactics DCs from CKT which applies to VG abilities like Stunning Shield and Shield Champion. Plus I can add Harper Know the Angles to boost my DPS further (if I can figure out how to spare the APs!). But that's a pretty big outlier and not something I would recommend to most people.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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