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  1. #181
    Community Member ThePrincipal's Avatar
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    Nice build but I find pure 20 battle clerics more fun.

  2. #182
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePrincipal View Post
    Nice build but I find pure 20 battle clerics more fun.
    I find pure-anything more fun than multi-classing, which sets off some OCD chain reaction that leaves me unable to enjoy my character.

    (And when I say OCD I mean that literally - I have been diagnosed with it and I do suffer from its symptoms. This is just one of the many manifestations of it.)

    Still, I should work on that.
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
    Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<

  3. #183
    Community Member ThePrincipal's Avatar
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    What about a melee cleric (pure of course) that instead of going into Radiant Servant is more of the War-priest + Harper? Harper gives some tasty universal spell power, melee power, magic points, hit points, hit/damage bonuses, and overall seems nicely geared towards a war priest.

  4. #184
    Community Member Selvera's Avatar
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    Personally I feel like the war-priest enhancement tree is better geared to dual wielding or sword+board combat styles then THF.

    Dual wielding -> You get the +1 ehancement bonus to both weapons, smite applies to each hand meaning if you have an offhand proc Ameliorating Strikes/Smite Weakness so you can heal twice as much.

    Sword + Board -> The tree gets a fair amount of tankiness (HP, PRR, AC, DR, Healing, even stacking % resists if you want) and some delayed damage that works better with longer fights (created via being tankier with a shield).

    Also warpriest's weapon enhancements only work for the favored weapon, of which nearly all of them are single-handed weapons, thus supporting TWF or S+B, not THF. I don't see any synergies between warpriest and THF, so I'm not surprised that a THF cleric build uses the better-healing enhancement tree of Radiant Servant instead.

    That being said, I'm sure you can do a THF warpriest and do OK as well, just that I probably wouldn't do it unless maybe if I was a warforged/bladeforged.

  5. #185
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePrincipal View Post
    What about a melee cleric (pure of course) that instead of going into Radiant Servant is more of the War-priest + Harper? Harper gives some tasty universal spell power, melee power, magic points, hit points, hit/damage bonuses, and overall seems nicely geared towards a war priest.
    Quote Originally Posted by Selvera View Post
    Personally I feel like the war-priest enhancement tree is better geared to dual wielding or sword+board combat styles then THF.

    Dual wielding -> You get the +1 ehancement bonus to both weapons, smite applies to each hand meaning if you have an offhand proc Ameliorating Strikes/Smite Weakness so you can heal twice as much.

    Sword + Board -> The tree gets a fair amount of tankiness (HP, PRR, AC, DR, Healing, even stacking % resists if you want) and some delayed damage that works better with longer fights (created via being tankier with a shield).

    Also warpriest's weapon enhancements only work for the favored weapon, of which nearly all of them are single-handed weapons, thus supporting TWF or S+B, not THF. I don't see any synergies between warpriest and THF, so I'm not surprised that a THF cleric build uses the better-healing enhancement tree of Radiant Servant instead.

    That being said, I'm sure you can do a THF warpriest and do OK as well, just that I probably wouldn't do it unless maybe if I was a warforged/bladeforged.
    This is totally just my opinion so take it as you will, but reason is Warpriest is just a very underpowered and weak tree. It's not worth investing further than wall of steel, if you even go higher than divine might at all. It really makes me sad because I want Warpriest to be good, but it just isn't. If you want to listen to me rant about this for 35 mins here you go:

    And if you want to stay pure for flavor, that's cool and respectable. But splashing makes for a flat out better battle cleric in all ways that are significant if we're talking min/max. The only significant upside to pure that matters for a battle cleric is having quickened True Ressurection, which is nice for raids. But overall Divine Grace and SaD stance are just too good if you're min/maxing.
    Last edited by axel15810; 04-04-2016 at 04:10 PM.

  6. #186
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    I made a PDK first life battlecleric like yours build, without tome and i really enjoying play with it (thank you to share it). But it requires to optimize stuff and clickies to do EE and in some case EH content. Legendary hard raid is painfull. I would like to take more fighter level and less cleric level but like you said 15 cleric is perfect. Less we loose so much usefull spell to gain 1 Feat, not good deal.

    I suggest to abandon empower metamagic and take intensify Spell for some extra spell point only if this boost burst and aura heal (i didn't read anythink about this on wiki).

    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    This is totally just my opinion so take it as you will, but reason is Warpriest is just a very underpowered and weak tree. It's not worth investing further than wall of steel, if you even go higher than divine might at all. It really makes me sad because I want Warpriest to be good, but it just isn't. If you want to listen to me rant about this for 35 mins here you go:

    And if you want to stay pure for flavor, that's cool and respectable. But splashing makes for a flat out better battle cleric in all ways that are significant if we're talking min/max. The only significant upside to pure that matters for a battle cleric is having quickened True Ressurection, which is nice for raids. But overall Divine Grace and SaD stance are just too good if you're min/maxing.
    I tried and i dislike warpriest enhancement and his Smite Foe for healing, need proc, need hit, need mob don't go away when you use it.....etc
    Pure cleric is better for evocation/necromancy dps or heal bot, i guess.
    Last edited by Rhunellin; 04-05-2016 at 04:26 AM.

  7. #187
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhunellin View Post
    I suggest to abandon empower metamagic and take intensify Spell for some extra spell point only if this boost burst and aura heal (i didn't read anythink about this on wiki).
    Yes, for sure. I hadn't gotten around to updating the original post since Intensify was introduced into the game. It's fixed now.

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhunellin View Post

    I made a PDK first life battlecleric like yours build, without tome and i really enjoying play with it (thank you to share it). But it requires to optimize stuff and clickies to do EE and in some case EH content. Legendary hard raid is painfull. I would like to take more fighter level and less cleric level but like you said 15 cleric is perfect. Less we loose so much usefull spell to gain 1 Feat, not good deal.

    I suggest to abandon empower metamagic and take intensify Spell for some extra spell point only if this boost burst and aura heal (i didn't read anythink about this on wiki).

    I tried and i dislike warpriest enhancement and his Smite Foe for healing, need proc, need hit, need mob don't go away when you use it.....etc
    Pure cleric is better for evocation/necromancy dps or heal bot, i guess.
    There is not a single quest that is mechanically soloable I have not been able to EH with my first lifer human, though I did just do some of the quests on EN for raid prep or whatever. I would love to do EE, does a cleric of any sort actually manage to solo that? My damage is not up to snuff, but I don't have a Legendary Greensteel yet. Finishing up the leveling process with whipping through the EE sagas would be sweet. I will be doing my 3rd divine ETR this weekend likely. Maybe I just suck, but I feel like while I am okay from a survivability standpoint in EE, I don't have the DPS, but that's with a Thunderforged weapon. I do have nearly 1650 hps though.

  9. #189
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitering View Post
    There is not a single quest that is mechanically soloable I have not been able to EH with my first lifer human, though I did just do some of the quests on EN for raid prep or whatever. I would love to do EE, does a cleric of any sort actually manage to solo that? My damage is not up to snuff, but I don't have a Legendary Greensteel yet. Finishing up the leveling process with whipping through the EE sagas would be sweet. I will be doing my 3rd divine ETR this weekend likely. Maybe I just suck, but I feel like while I am okay from a survivability standpoint in EE, I don't have the DPS, but that's with a Thunderforged weapon. I do have nearly 1650 hps though.
    Soloing EE is doable on this build but it's tough because DPS is lacking at times. A little over a year ago I soloed EE Chronoscope (it was a huge struggle) and EE Demon Queen (not so bad) on this build, and have solo'ed low level and mid level epic elites with it. Haven't tried to solo much since then but I'd imagine it's a little easier now with the powercreep occurring since then. Haven't tried many endgame EE quests either, many of those are rough to solo on this build. With the lower DPS of this build compared to the best builds in the game currently, it takes a lot longer.

    You will need some good gear though. Not sure how much I could have solo'ed last year without a shadow dragon plate and a T2 thunderforged weapon.

    Best tip I can give is making sure your hotkeys are set up efficiently with the appropriate spells so you can heal yourself in time to deal with spike damage. And jump around and twitch a lot.
    Last edited by axel15810; 04-26-2016 at 12:40 AM.

  10. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitering View Post
    There is not a single quest that is mechanically soloable I have not been able to EH with my first lifer human, though I did just do some of the quests on EN for raid prep or whatever. I would love to do EE, does a cleric of any sort actually manage to solo that? My damage is not up to snuff, but I don't have a Legendary Greensteel yet. Finishing up the leveling process with whipping through the EE sagas would be sweet. I will be doing my 3rd divine ETR this weekend likely. Maybe I just suck, but I feel like while I am okay from a survivability standpoint in EE, I don't have the DPS, but that's with a Thunderforged weapon. I do have nearly 1650 hps though.
    I wasn't talking about to play my build in solo in EE. Obvious that it is impossible. i play in group, i don't care solo, i don't want play solo. If not i go on other game, that's actually happen because of lack of people on Orien.

    Best tip I can give is making sure your hotkeys are set up efficiently with the appropriate spells so you can heal yourself in time to deal with spike damage. And jump around and twitch a lot.
    Because of lag, heal's spell skill is often lost in lagpike = death.
    Last edited by Rhunellin; 04-29-2016 at 08:05 AM.

  11. #191
    Community Member Steelraccoon's Avatar
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    Default Is there an actual "build" out there updated for this build?

    I've looked all over for an actual "build" for this and I can't find one. I'd like to see the actual breakdown for what to take each lvl regarding enhancements and fetas.

  12. #192
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    Default Greatly appreciated, Axel!

    I'm a great fan of this build, Axel.. and wanted to take the time to post my appreciation. I rarely post to forums, just lurk in the shadows and learn from people who know their stuff! Clerics have always been fun for me, back in the days when my Dad actually shared the pen and paper game with me.. absolutely love the support role of this build and the fun fun fun party aspects that brings a cleric back to relevance!! Anyway.. here's my spin on your build just to show you what you've inspired me to make..

    THF 15-16 Cleric/ 3 Pali/ 1-2 Ftr Build: aura based healer/non-offensive caster

    My build ended up 16 cleric, 3 pali, 1 fighter based on Axel's build found here:

    Race: Human (for extra feat and extra skillpoints)
    Alignment: Lawful Good to meet Pali req.
    Weapon Used: Maul

    16 str, con, cha
    10 dex (for needed reflex saves) or 10 int (if you want the extra skillpoints)
    8 int, wis

    All ability points added to Strength stat as you level.

    Skillpoints added: Heal (mandatory each level), UMD (very important), Diplomacy, Jump (usually just Heal and UMD )

    AP Points spent:

    Racial Human: 3AP
    Human Versatility: Damage Boost
    Improved Recovery (20 healing amp)

    Fighter Kensei: 4AP
    Kensei Focus: Picks and Hammers
    Haste Boost 3x

    Radiant Servant: 33AP
    Healing Domain
    Pos Healing Burst
    Improved Empower Healing
    Extra Turning x3
    Altruism x3
    Improved Turning x3
    Mighty Turning
    Intense Healing x3
    Incredible Healing x2
    Endless Turning x3
    Pos Energy Aura

    Sacred Defender: 13AP
    Holy Bastion
    Sacred Defense
    Extra Lay on Hands x2
    Resilient Defense x3 (saves)
    Durable Defense x3 (prr/mrr)
    Tenacious Defense x3 (20% HP)

    Knight of the Chalice: 27AP
    Slayer of Evil
    Courage of Heaven
    Extra Turning x3
    Extra Smite x2
    Improved Turning x3
    Divine Might x3 (costs 6AP but uses turns not SP, could opt to save 2AP and take warpriest DM but that uses SPs)
    Exalted Smite x3
    Vigor of Life
    Exalted Smite x3

    Epic Destinies:

    I like to run in Legendary Dreadnought with Sense Weakness, Renewal, and Endless Turning Twists. Other twists to note: Rejuv Cocoon, Healing Power, Light the Dark. I will run in Unyielding Sentinel if acting as sole party healbot.

    L1 - Fighter (8 skill if 10dex/8 intel)
    feats: Cleave, 2HF, Power Attack

    L2 - Cleric (2 skill)
    feats: Soverign Host whatever like it matters :/

    L3 - Cleric
    feats: Empower Heal

    L4 - Cleric
    Str +1

    L5 - Cleric

    L6 - Cleric +1 skill (3 total if 10 dex/8 intel)
    feats: Great Cleave

    L7 - Cleric
    feats: Unyielding Sovergnity

    L8 - Cleric
    Str +1

    L9 - Cleric
    feats: Improved 2HF

    L10 - Cleric

    L11 - Cleric

    L12 - Cleric
    Str +1
    feats: Quicken

    L13 - Cleric

    L14 - Cleric

    L15 - Cleric (+1 skill)
    feats: Maximize

    L16 - Cleric
    Str +1

    L17 - Cleric

    L18 - Pali
    feats: GTHF

    L19 - Pali

    L20 - Pali
    Str +1

    L21 -
    feats: Improved Critical Bludg (pick your favorite weapon type here)

    L22 -

    L23 -

    L24 -
    Str +1
    feats: Overwhelming Critical

    L25 -

    L26 -
    feats: Perfect 2WF (for doublestrike)

    L27 -
    feats: Intensify not Empower (or possibly Extra Turning if you need more turns for burst heals)

    L28 -
    Str +1 (Con +1) makes 40 con
    feats: PTHF

    L29 -
    feats: Fount of Life

    L30 -
    feats: Scion of Astral or Scion of Arborea (this will break your Celestia possibly) (Limbo is fun too!)
    extra feat: Bulwark of Defense, Intensify (increases burst), or whatever flavor you wish to fillout your needs

    Thanks again, Axel for your awesome contribution to aspiring clerics everywhere!

  13. #193
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katywhisper View Post
    Very cool, glad you found the thread helpful and were able to tweak it to make it fit what you're looking for in your cleric.
    Last edited by axel15810; 05-08-2016 at 11:32 PM.

  14. #194
    Community Member Aedyn's Avatar
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    Default Is SWF Viable

    Hey there, I really like the build and the videos!

    I was wondering if there were any pros or cons to going the SWF route over THF?

    And some other alts

  15. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aedyn View Post
    Hey there, I really like the build and the videos!

    I was wondering if there were any pros or cons to going the SWF route over THF?


    SWF lets you fight with an orb in your offhand which can be conveniant for slotting devotion.


    You need to put points in balance to satisfy the requirements for SWF, 7 ranks to qualify ofor GSWF.
    You lose glancing blows unless you go dwarven axe or bastard sword.

  16. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aedyn View Post
    Hey there, I really like the build and the videos!

    I was wondering if there were any pros or cons to going the SWF route over THF?

    Basically what above said. Worse AoE DPS typically, but having a free offhand lets you use orbs. I believe the single target damage is about the same, but someone will have to check me on that.

  17. #197
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
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    Wouldn't the math be more simple like on crit rolls of 100 damage precision would do the full 100 while power attack would do 90? If you hit on one and your crit range is 17. 16 out of 20 times you will be doing 10 hp more damage with power attack than precision. Other factors that break fortification is not the topic.

  18. #198
    Community Member JoyfulEagle's Avatar
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    Default Why UMD?

    The build looks interesting enough that I am definitly going to try it.

    But, I don't get why to invest so much in umd, when you can't effectively cast arcane spells in heavy armor. They don't last long enough from scrolls or wands to merit the time it takes to remove and reequip the armor. And this build needs to be able to keep up with the party. Is there some must-have spell that isn't available on a clicky for the boss fights?

  19. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoyfulEagle View Post
    But, I don't get why to invest so much in umd, when you can't effectively cast arcane spells in heavy armor.
    Armor only matters for arcane spells with a Somatic casting component. Those without are not impacted in any way by your armor.

    Also, wands aren't affected by ASF the way scrolls are.

    And who cares anyway? Even Full Plate is only 35% spell failure for affected spells, if you don't have it reduced in one or more of the ways available to do so. So you sometimes use 2 scrolls, or once in a long while 3. You're not trying to cast spells from scrolls to do damage in the middle of combat; they're buffs & utility.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

  20. #200
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Armor only matters for arcane spells with a Somatic casting component. Those without are not impacted in any way by your armor.

    Also, wands aren't affected by ASF the way scrolls are.

    And who cares anyway? Even Full Plate is only 35% spell failure for affected spells, if you don't have it reduced in one or more of the ways available to do so. So you sometimes use 2 scrolls, or once in a long while 3. You're not trying to cast spells from scrolls to do damage in the middle of combat; they're buffs & utility.
    Basically this. You mainly want UMD for Tenser's and Teleport. You also get use from other various scrolls for utility. Also there's really no other compelling skills to replace UMD with so there's little reason not to take it.

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