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  1. #1
    2015 DDO Players Council Nuclear_Elvis's Avatar
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    Nov 2014

    Default Extend House Phiarlan reward buffs to one hour or more

    The House Phiarlan favor reward provides a means to pay an NPC for buffs, and each buff only lasts 30 minutes. Given the increased time that Guild/Airship buffs have been extended to, in contrast -- the House P buffs don't last long enough to make an impact very far into an average quest.

    Recommendation: increase the House P buffs to one hour (or more). Perhaps House P could have another scaled Favor reward(s) that become additional rewards, that extends the buffs to one hour, if there is a desire to earn this increase in increments. Could even extend more toward Guild Airship duration, but at minimum it seems these buffs should line up with the special/rental one-hour buffs from Airships' Cargo Hold. You must run to/from House P to get these buffs, so the time available to be buffed in quest/adventure is trimmed by travel time to quest start point for all but House P area quests.

    Last edited by Nuclear_Elvis; 01-17-2015 at 02:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Rys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nuclear_Elvis View Post
    The House Phiarlan favor reward provides a means to pay an NPC for buffs, and each buff only lasts 30 minutes. Given the increased time that Guild/Airship buffs have been extended to, in contrast -- the House P buffs don't last long enough to make an impact very far into an average quest.

    Recommendation: increase the House P buffs to one hour (or more). Perhaps House P could have another scaled Favor reward(s) that become additional rewards, that extends the buffs to one hour, if there is a desire to earn this increase in increments. Could even extend more toward Guild Airship duration, but at minimum it seems these buffs should line up with the special/rental one-hour buffs from Airships' Cargo Hold. You must run to/from House P to get these buffs, so the time available to be buffed in quest/adventure is trimmed by travel time to quest start point for all but House P area quests.

    IMO the whole favor system needs overhaul. Unfortunately don't see it happen anytime soon.

  3. #3
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nuclear_Elvis View Post
    The House Phiarlan favor reward provides a means to pay an NPC for buffs, and each buff only lasts 30 minutes. Given the increased time that Guild/Airship buffs have been extended to, in contrast -- the House P buffs don't last long enough to make an impact very far into an average quest.

    Recommendation: increase the House P buffs to one hour (or more). Perhaps House P could have another scaled Favor reward(s) that become additional rewards, that extends the buffs to one hour, if there is a desire to earn this increase in increments. Could even extend more toward Guild Airship duration, but at minimum it seems these buffs should line up with the special/rental one-hour buffs from Airships' Cargo Hold. You must run to/from House P to get these buffs, so the time available to be buffed in quest/adventure is trimmed by travel time to quest start point for all but House P area quests.

    Extension to one hour is a no-brainer tbh!

    Make it so Devs!

    As for the 400 Favour Tier - House P is the closest of all houses to having that become a reality {I think that if the Devs were to finally add the Giant Caves in Threnal to the Compendium that would do it!}.

    House K, D and J are all in line too and I say it's time the Devs thought about what should be given at that Tier:

    400 House P = +10% Movement Speed Boost in Quests {Not to go over the current max allowed movement speed of course}.
    400 House K = Tier 1 Bank Slot becomes TR locked and you no longer lose it each time.
    400 House J = FoM, Spell Res, True Seeing and Death Ward added to the list of Buffs available to buy {Plat Sink prices}
    400 House D = Deneith Training Feat - +2 Intim, Diplo and Haggle {fully stacking with Coin Lord Training!}.

    Oh and 750 Free Agents should give Fully Stacking +10 Haggle

  4. #4
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Yes please.

    These need to work like Guild buffs IMO.

    and a lot of other favor upgrades are needed too.

    I keep meaning to write a large thread about minor changes needs in the game, like favor, vendors, guild vendors, Word of Recall location...etc.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  5. #5
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    yeah, a favour sweep is well overdue. In particular, all the house buffs should come with a meaningful duration which halts in public areas and can be selected with a 'buy all ("x-000gp")' dialogue option.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  6. #6
    Community Member FestusHood's Avatar
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    Last time i checked those favor reward resists only give +20 resist also.

  7. #7
    Community Member Sir_Noob's Avatar
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    What I am hearing is "Oh please can you push the power creep in the game even further"?

    The half hour is a nice little buff that can save spell casters some mana etc

    Already the ship buffs provide so many benefits that are crazy powerful and nerf the game.

    This would be another step that essentially mean spell casters would no longer need to slot these spells.

    This game is gaining too many easy buttons.

    Then people complain that how easy the game is getting.

    Then the devs respond by adding new mechanics into the game to toughen it up which in turn has people complaining again.

    If the buff is changed it could scale to level, not start burning until you get into the instance(Thus not losing the buff to tardy party members taking their time getting to the rest of your party)

    To be honest, it would be cool if these sort of buffs were removed from the game.

    The players should be responsible to providing their own protections.

    This would help to make people want to group more often.

    The guild ships buffs should change to being more of economic benefits.

    The buffs should be benefits to status in such as bluff / diplomacy / haggle / intimidate as befits the idea of being part of a guild and the power that represents.
    Make the buffs things that make sense rather than making your character enter god mode.

    However, that ship has sailed as there would be major revolts amongst the players base who have become accustomed to the easy buttons.

    Sorry for the rant.
    After a little Tolkien I am usually up for anything.

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