whepon glamor gives one of a selection of effects...sadly it wont mirror a diff look -last i checked
whepon glamor gives one of a selection of effects...sadly it wont mirror a diff look -last i checked
I went with Light and Darkness ( http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Light_and_Darkness ) and First Blood ( http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:First_Blood_(Level_27) ) for My Paladins S&B Skin.
Using a TF staff ATM, don't like the look of any of the other staves so rocking that. Bonus points for looking like a plunger, now if we got a broom, mop, hoe or the like I'd be all over that.
For TWFers I really like the Alchemical Sceptre, Razorend, Alchemical DA and Icerazor.
Made a glamered alchemical longbow for my bladeforged monkcher. Fits the bladeforged look very nicely.
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKVn...wLuzB2Q/videos
My favorite 1 handers are Twinblade, Enduring Conviction and Earthshatter. Non of them really fit an assassin flavorwise, but oh wellEnduring Conviction with enchanted flaming must be sexy.
Main: Zodaroth - heroic & epic completionist pure dwarven warlock
Alts: Zodynkar (caster), Zodirkeal (archer), Zodinn (lab rat)
---- Death N Taxes -------------------------------------------------------Argo -----
here is what a tier one flaming Green Steel dagger looks like. This is what I wanted.
I used a mirror of Glamering on a tier one Flaming Green Steel dagger. This is what i got
Is this working as intended? Is it only Green Steel that does not give you the exact look of the item you used it on?
So I decided to try again with a base GS dagger blank.
And then I turned it into a cosmetic, again not the same. Disappointing.
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
Alot of the mentioned weapons here are cool, but on a rogue, I don't like lugging around large weapons.
Take a look at the TF scimitar, drow dagger from the drow series, and the alchemical shortsword.
Character Compendium
Sarlona*Eternal Wrath
I'd like to have a torch and pitchfork combo. I've already made a torch (http://ddowiki.com/page/Itemrowned_Priest%27s_Torch). Anything onehanded similar to a pitchfork?
It's a matter of taste of course.
My main used the basic thunderforged shortsword as his weapon cosmetic.
It's a plain, nice looking weapon. Boring as hell and I love it.
I took TF Khopeshes and a TF Flachion and had an arty cast chaos on them...
deadly and pink...so much love ^^
Kodara/Kadara/Kedara/Kaidara/Keidara| Co-Leader Ghallanda ReRolledAll Hail the Bard! War Dancer || Symphony of Metal || Avatar of Eilistraee || Shadow Bard
Intelligent Striker || Charming Brute || Keidara the Firestarter
Lacerator with Axiomatic Weapons (edit - sorry, Aligned Weapon - Lawful) cast on it is the best looking weapon in the game.
https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...37#post4322437 shows what it looks like.
Last edited by sirgog; 03-11-2015 at 08:05 PM.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
For my THF Weapon I went with... The Staff of Nat Gann.
I was inspired by Morgan Jones in the last episode of Walking Dead.
I like how it is simple and understated. Its not a glowing pink sword of chaos.
I usually use Sireth which IMO is too big and cumbersome. Too flashy
Arya "Lots of people name their swords..."
Hound "Lots of *****."
Last edited by jakedamus; 04-05-2015 at 10:21 PM.
some of the best weapons in the game (IMO) are the alchemical weapons from Master Artificer.
Glamoured an alchemical greataxe and leaves of the forest on my female sunelf. The colors of both items play well off one another.
(Combat): You are hit by your knockdown.