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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default cosmetics and storage

    i'd like to pit my idea of a page/tab in the items widow, much like the pets page you get to put in cosmetic items to be shared among your character on the server

    this will reduce the clutter and space needed, as well as promote players to get more cosmetics
    -a window to check how it'll look on your current character(a note will be present if the cosmetic cannot be worn)
    -a quick buy button for the mirrors
    -a grey'ed out box will be on a cosmetic if it's currently worn another character, but still available for preview

    what else would you add in or change?

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by 1jazzz View Post
    i'd like to pit my idea of a page/tab in the items widow, much like the pets page you get to put in cosmetic items to be shared among your character on the server

    this will reduce the clutter and space needed, as well as promote players to get more cosmetics
    -a window to check how it'll look on your current character(a note will be present if the cosmetic cannot be worn)
    -a quick buy button for the mirrors
    -a grey'ed out box will be on a cosmetic if it's currently worn another character, but still available for preview

    what else would you add in or change?
    I suggested a Dressing Room tab that allows cosmetics to be shared among characters on an account in an earlier thread.

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