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  1. #1
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
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    Dec 2010

    Default Vista & Wndows 7 Errors... (feels like I am losing the will to live..)

    After some 3 years away from DDO, I have managed to get into a situation of affording full broadband.

    So with friends already on DDO waiting for me to get back on, I try the installation process.

    First, I tried it on the desktop. It's where I played it previously, and never had any issues. Naturally since my copy was so old and outdated, I decided for a fresh install (I departed just after the crafting halls came out, to give you an idea).

    Desktop O/S Windows 7 Ultimate.

    After waiting ages for it to finish, I tried the launcher - it opened.. asked for my account pwd - that went in.. showed the servers, selected mine.. and then the launcher vanished. Nada, nothing, zip.. zero occurring.

    After a while, with people now getting impatient (not the only one), I tried my laptop. It's O/S is Windows Vista Home. Go through the install procedure, and I get the Error 201 now.

    With this, I've read the Turbine support thread for compatibility; I turned off anti-virus, etc - nothing.. and it's still not working.. Seriously? Obviously with a fresh install on the laptop, no backup files..

    I have been trying to solve this for hours!!! I really just don't know what to do any further.

    Any suggestions? I would appreciate any help.


  2. #2
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Jul 2012


    Error 201 means that files are missing from the game directory which are normally .DAT files and has been a common occurrence now for quite some time, check the link in my signature for Download DDO.


  3. #3
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Stoner81 View Post
    Error 201 means that files are missing from the game directory which are normally .DAT files and has been a common occurrence now for quite some time, check the link in my signature for Download DDO.

    Thanks for taking the time out to upload the information.

    I've just finished downloading all the relevant files, and have attempted to install them.

    I came up with a highres.dat error (enclosed)

    So gave it another go..

    And the end result... came up with the error. Incidentally, running DirectX v11.

    Any suggestions in relation to the first part of the question, ref the launcher vanishing?

    First, I tried it on the desktop. It's where I played it previously, and never had any issues. Naturally since my copy was so old and outdated, I decided for a fresh install (I departed just after the crafting halls came out, to give you an idea).

    Desktop O/S Windows 7 Ult.

    After waiting ages for it to finish, I tried the launcher - it opened.. asked for my account pwd - that went in.. showed the servers, selected mine.. and then the launcher vanished. Nada, nothing, zip.. zero occurring.
    Last edited by ZeeDatRogue; 09-11-2015 at 06:19 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeathSmurf View Post
    Thanks for taking the time out to upload the information.

    I've just finished downloading all the relevant files, and have attempted to install them.

    I came up with a highres.dat error (enclosed)

    So gave it another go..

    And the end result... came up with the error. Incidentally, running DirectX v11.

    Any suggestions in relation to the first part of the question, ref the launcher vanishing?

    Try running in Directx9. I have heard of people having problems with Directx11
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  5. #5
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post
    Try running in Directx9. I have heard of people having problems with Directx11
    I tried installing the DirectX9 as well as the DirectX11, and it came up with errors. So I figured I'd force the issue and downgrade the DirectX11 down to DirectX9. Found this video that was good enough to demonstrate where to go snip with the registry editing.. then picked up a redistributable version of DirectX9c.

    So that's now installed.

    I retried doing the "play whilst you install option" via the Happy Cloud.. (What a useless program..) and got the 'wonderful' comments of:

    But I know the internet is on, but it's not letting me add it through the firewall - because when you install the progressive file, it loads into the temp directory of users:

    So I figured, I'd try and snatch a copy from the install (you have to be quick or it deletes it, when it screws up and gives you the "can't connect" message).

    However, I managed to grab a copy.. and added it to my firewall to try to allow things to/from.. what does it give me?

    So I don't have a clue what to do with the Happy Cloud (must be the only thing which is happy...) any futher.. Literally been again on this for five hours solid installing, taking off, reinstalling, doing this or that.. How comes when I installed it previously under update 8 (which is when I began) it worked fine, and now they've bodged around with it, and it screws up (*rant*). But it's not installed, I just wanted the Happy Cloud Setup program..

    (btw: Have checked the computer for viruses, it's fine)

    Currently re-installing DDO under the DirectX9 (as I had pulled everything off to reinstall using Stoner's uploads)..

    So it's updated, and I ran the launcher... and as before, I put in the username/password - and the launcher vanished.

    I've tried the TurbineInvoker - didn't work; tried copying the backup file across - didn't work; I've installed the C++ 2005 & 2008 versions. I have completely allowed all access for the launchers through anti-virus and firewall.

    Anymore ideas? Not heard anything from Turbine (filled in a ticket request yesterday)..
    Last edited by ZeeDatRogue; 09-11-2015 at 06:19 AM.

  6. #6
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    Here is what fixed the issue for me:

    Go into your firewall settings and add exceptions for:

    TCP/UDP port 2900-2910
    TCP/UDP port 9000-9010

    Some of these may send you back to the original Dungeons & Dragons Online listing. Now go ahead and make sure to open them up for all networks(home/public/domain) And doing this didn't completely solve the issue, but I then reinstalled using the Play Instantly downloader and I am now in-game.

    May also be worth mentioning that when I re-installed I picked "Do not use high resolution graphics." and stuck with D3D9

  7. #7
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skullpoker View Post
    Here is what fixed the issue for me:

    Go into your firewall settings and add exceptions for:

    TCP/UDP port 2900-2910
    TCP/UDP port 9000-9010

    Some of these may send you back to the original Dungeons & Dragons Online listing. Now go ahead and make sure to open them up for all networks(home/public/domain) And doing this didn't completely solve the issue, but I then reinstalled using the Play Instantly downloader and I am now in-game.

    May also be worth mentioning that when I re-installed I picked "Do not use high resolution graphics." and stuck with D3D9
    As you suggested I added these into the firewall exceptions list. I also had the idea of tracking down where the Happy Cloud program goes to put those on the exceptions too..

    And the end result was... (on the "play as your install" )..

    This is really becoming infuriating.

    I think I should move out of the chair before I take root (it was daylight when I began.. and now it's nighttime and i am sure eating a box of cereal because it's next to you isn't necessarily a good thing...).


    Okay, couple hours after I wrote that post.. I decided to get the laptop up and running, and check over them in the firewall side by side.

    The only thing that I saw that was operating on the laptop side, was two ports were active.

    These were:
    Akamai NetSession Port 50235 TCP
    Akamai NetSession Port 5000 UDP

    I added them to the desktop's rule for the firewall, but still nothing.
    Last edited by ZeeDatRogue; 09-11-2015 at 06:20 AM.

  8. #8
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
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    I came across an earlier version of DDO Hi-Res files on my machine from 2011. Version

    And thought, I'd give this a go.. since nothing else is working..

    and that's as far as that would take me. Just kept sticking at that point, clearing, reloading and going back to that block issue.

    Going to retry DirectX11 and redo the entire thing. But there isn't much more I can do.

  9. #9
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Sorry for the late reply...

    You are about the 3rd or 4th person now that has shown me that error when installing the game so I am wondering if:

    1. File/s are becoming corrupted during download.
    2. File/s became corrupted after the upload finished.

    If possible can you re-download the files from my thread and try the install again please and let me know what happens. If the problem continues then I will set about re-doing the upload using WinRAR so I can add a recovery record to the files which will allow people to fix corrupted files.


  10. #10
    Community Member Wanesa's Avatar
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    Please avoid installing Happy Cloud version. Install this one

    On download page, it is titled as "Install, then play"

    Thelanis: Shewind the Airbender (Sorc20/Epic5 -> Bard20/Epic8 -> Rog20/Epic8/Epic2 -> Harper_FvS20/Epic4 -> Art20/Epic8/Epic8 -> Rng20/Epic10 -> Drd6),
    Azaxe (Rog18/Wiz2 -> Sorc20/Epic8/Epic10->Sorc(EK)17)

  11. #11
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
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    I haven't been posting on the desktop issue, because i became extremely despondent about it not working. I'm now in a position to play my favorite MMORPG to my hearts content, and my PC (which used to run it...) won't work..

    To recap from earlier ref the desktop, with input from both the forums and Turbine's help, I had gotten to a point where I was at the character screen. Now, there had been two forms of the character screen.

    1) With the graphical avatar present;
    2) Without the graphical avatar present.

    With more banging away at it, the program would open so the graphical avatar was present.. (which was an excellent sign), then the load screen...and.... timed out.

    Before I get back into going through all this, what I did think I would share was the information I received from Turbine (so it might help others). I'll do a To/From basis.

    From (Turbine):

    To start hold down the Windows key and press R then in the run line that brings up type "%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\VirtualStore" (without quotes) and hit enter.

    Within there open "Program Files (x86)" if listed and it should contain a 'Turbine' folder within, if it does right-click on it choosing delete (if you receive an access denied message be sure that the game launcher is closed out). Once removed relaunch the game to test.

    If there is no change in the 201 error though uninstall "Akamai Netsession" via the uninstall a program list in the control panel and relaunch (this should trigger the game to reinstall it). If it's installer fails or its reinstall has no effect on the error as an alternate test try manually installing Netsession via the demo page here instead. Note that the actual Netsession demonstration itself does not need to be performed but the Netsession app can be downloaded and installed via the link on that page (click 'start download' then 'download the installer').

    If none of the above resolve the 201 error then uninstall the game via the 'uninstall a program' list in the control panel and reattempt the installation but during the install when asked to choose between "Express" and "Custom" choose custom to set a custom folder path of "C:\Games\TURBINE" instead of the default to test.
    Deleted the folder (no 201 error). It redownloaded the program, gets through the launcher.. gets onto the character selection.. then into the load screen (where the blue completion bar is) and... the connection to the server times out.

    Now I know the internet is 100% full on. I live in a shared house, and at this time everyone is sleeping. The router is showing a 5 x 5 signal strength. Just for good measure, I tested my internet speed via

    I got 12.38 mbps download & 2.82 mbps. I also checked the connection to Linden Labs Second Life where I have an old account there that I test to see if the PC's connection is working okay - and that was a fine connection. Retried the DDO connection, and once again, "server lost".

    I have tried the DDO four times. Closed all browsers, no skype running - still nothing.

    Each time is the same.. blue bar hits completion, connection to server lost.
    From Turbine:
    As a temporary test to confirm or eliminate it as a possible contributor to the issue, please try bypassing your computers connection to the router and connecting your system directly to your internet service provider's modem (using a wired network connection) to test the game while connected in this manner.

    Be sure when you do this that you "power cycle" the modem (unplug it, wait 10 to 15 seconds, plug it back in) and then reboot the computer. After logging back in, check first that you can connect to the internet in general before testing the game.

    If you do not connect with a separate router and modem (e.g. it is a "both in one" modem with built in router functions instead) please indicate this in your reply
    <every other PC, phone, xbox was working fine>

    From Turbine:
    Please open the userpreferences.ini file found in your Documents > Dungeons and Dragons Online folder, and within that file under the section titled [Net] change UserSpecfiedPort to 9000 (e.g. UserSpecifiedPort=9000 )

    Exit the file and choose yes when prompted to save changes prior to launching the game to test these settings.

    Note that if there is no change using 9000 in the above steps also try using the remaining ports in the 9000 to 9010 range sequentially.

    Doing so potentially might narrow down if a specific port addresses the issue encountered. Detail any results or whether the issue persists in your reply.
    And that's as far as I got. Just didn't work. The end result, is it just times out.

  12. #12
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeathSmurf View Post

    And that's as far as I got. Just didn't work. The end result, is it just times out.

    Let's work on this!

    1. Can you move the computer to another location with different internet/routers/everything like a cafe and try to connect to DDOgame?
    2. Can you use another computer in your house that uses the internet the SAME WAY yours does and see if it works?
    3. Can you temp install another operating system (difficult I know) onto a portable drive and try to run DDOgame from that?

    I'm just trying to figure out and narrow down the problem.

    You have internet, some of the Turbine programs work, some don't.

    It sounds to me like a Windows Firewall issue. This horribly confusing screen found in control panel, actually has TWO parts. Trusted and untrusted, but they are named Home and public or work etc. Every version of every program that has ever run and connected to the internet independently is listed here. But remember it is sometimes listed twice.

    Every time you change hardware or plugin a router, or even sneeze sometimes Windows will ask you what type of connection this is? And you will say home, etc. What choice you make here determines which of the two Firewall lists are used for blocking and allowing programs to run.

    Check both lists and see if ddoclient.exe, turbinelauncher.exe, turbineanything actually, are allowed to connect. Other to check are awesomium.exe Akamie, netsession.exe etc. You may have multiple versions listed. Just click to let them all work. On both lists, being sure to save!

    You could also just turn Windows Firewall off, briefly, just to check if its the problem. Often times patches bring files with the same name, but different versions or signatures. And a sensitive firewall maynot allow them to connect. Sometimes, a patch just flat out changes the name, to something you may not even realize is the thing you want, and so on and so forth...

    Ps I see from above that you have another computer, but you get a different error with it? I also see you know your way around the firewalls and such, even changing the entire system to DX9. Sorry if I duplicated any advice. Good luck! Also check your admin privilages, you may have changed something on both of your computers that prevents programs from escalating or passing permissions. Testing if ddogame works on someone elses computer that hasnt been modified maybe help?
    Last edited by Mindos; 02-13-2015 at 01:52 PM.

  13. #13
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Seems like you don't have rights to install some necessary files..

    Something else to try.
    Turn off UAC under control panel. users. User.User account control settings.

    install high resolution game with right click 'run as administrator'
    ~Pretty much every windows 7 machine can handle high rez unless you really cheaped out on the video card.
    ~Standard resolution is for those old XP machines... you should never need to use this version.

    If you still have issues..
    Login as "the administrator" not as your user login even if you have administrator rights.
    Windows 7 is quirky with administrator rights even if you gave yourself a user with administrator rights.
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