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  1. #1
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    May 2013

    Default Any Good Cleric/Pally builds?

    I was considering a Morninglord Elf iconic build, but not really interested in a pure cleric or an arcane. I was thinking somehting along the lines of the traditional drow TWF pally build. I also don't want to use a +1 lesser heart to get out of the required cleric level. So my question is whether there are any good cleric/pally or cleric/pally/something builds.

    If there aren't any specific builds already out there, I'm open to ideas and advice on how to make a decent one. So far I've enjoyed all the iconics, but never tried a Morninglord Elf.


  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    The break points on paladin are 15 and 18 if you want to go paladin heavy, 2, 3 or 4 if you want to go light on paladin levels.

    Sounds like you want to go paladin heavy so you could just keep the cleric level at 1 for a cheaper DM and a few extra SP and grab either 1 or 4 levels of something else. For a TWFer I'd recommend 4 levels of ranger for tempest, with only 4 levels you'll miss out on Dance of Death but on the flip side you can throw those AP into something else like more defence from Defender or some more KotC stuff.

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    Did you want a mostly-pally or mostly-cleric build?

    For mostly-pally, I would do pal 15 / cleric 4 / <splash> 1: Pal 15 gets you Zeal, Holy Sword, and T5 KotC enhs; cleric 4 is for Ameliorating Strike; the splash is probably for an extra feat (so ftr, wiz, or maybe rgr or monk).

    For mostly-cleric, I would do cleric 13-17, pal 3-6, again combined with something for extra feats. This build would have better healing but worse DPS; and naturally, it would get a cleric PL rather than pally if/when you ITRed it.

    You may also want to consider a variant on one of my Tempest Warpriests, like rgr 6 / pal 3 / cleric 11 or rgr 12 / pal 4 / cleric 4. If you wanted something which took advantage of ML bonuses to blunt weapons, I would use dual Phosphors to start (hvy mace so it benefits from WP's Righteous Weapons), then switch to Mornhs or drow warhammers later.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    May 2013


    Thank you both for the feedback. I will play around and see how it looks.

    I was thinking a mostly-pally build, so I think the pally15/cleric4/something1 looks about right. Actually on another build I did Pally15/fighter4/arti1 to grab heavy repeaters w/rapid reload, and conjure bolts/enchant weapon. Also some arcane scrolls and UMD and an iron defender to pull levers.

    I saw your Tempest Warpriests thread and have to say it looked pretty nice.

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