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  1. #1
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Default Peranent 4+ arrow repeter Bard/arti/ranger

    Edit :Outdated, dobleshot got nerfed.

    Okay I been doing some multiclassing and came up with a dobleshot based build.
    2 levels of bard gives 30% dobleshot clicky. (swashbuckler).
    3 levels of artificer gives rune arm, trapping, and elemental weapons, and archery feat.
    9 levels of ranger gives 20% more dobleshot, and sniper shot, evasion, some archery feats, and access to Arcane archer tree at epics, and some healing, buffs, and favored enemy damage. Also past life.

    So the question is, what I do with the 7 remaining levels, and what sequence I take the levels in, for maximum mid game profit, and how I afford all the enchantments (and witch ones I take) Int based, because repeaters.

    So far I am thinking one of
    1) 14 ranger, (freedom of movement,IPS,favored enemy), 4 arti (stun and extra feat, spell points from int), 2 bard.
    2) 11 ranger (IPS,FE),4 arti,5 bard(5% movement speed, possibly Coup de Grace (+ IPS, AOE instakill is always good)., bard buffs(meh) (Coup de Grace does not work.)

    Glaring problems- Lack of enchantment points. Lack of defenses, and (probably) movement speed. Also kinda low base damage.
    1) (12 in harper for int to damage, at least 11 in Swahsbuckler, at least 11 in Deepwood stalker, and I personally would like 23 in Arcane archer too(for "reasons") and additional 15 in DWS (for 20% dobleshot) levering me with 1 short from Slaying arrows (probably gonna dump top tier of killer-5% dobleshot kinda sucks, but its hard to sustain.). Probably human race?
    2) (12harp,23AA,32Swashb,11DWS(+12 Dws, leaving me with just dobleshot from it, but then I need to get my preform DC's up. Good think its not that hard to do, but I have to worry about item slots, and CHA score. Also can do the whole swashbuckling ting in melee, but I really don't go in melee, because of lag issues (low hp, low immunities, high lag + champions makes me a bad melee).Probably human or dorw?

    This gives me an average of 4 arrows per click (3 chances at 30% + chance for dobleshot), and up to 6 arrows., optimizing heroic damage, and procing on hits, and on crits., while still maintaining ability to respec to slaying arrows + adrenaline, and bow to do manyshot nuking on bosses. Also if in divine crusader, there is a possibility for more than 100% dobleshot, if timed right, and if it stacks. (20%(DWS,+ 30%(SB) +10%(DivC) + 50%(Divc cap) +10%( epic feat) +9% (past lifes, when I get them) + weapon(probably nothing) (if you take 18 ranger levels, +5% more)= 129. -100% is still 29% chance with 4 triggers (I think all the many shot arrows trigger?) Only problem is the impossible timing, and prerequisites, so it probably wont work (you have like 5 second window(at most) to do this, giving you like couple extra shots, and there is no adrenaline, making this meh on bow users.
    the 23 AA are not must have, and can be changed to racial stuff, and getting couple more DWS things, but they are nice to have.

    I probably need 16 dex(combat archery), and max int and as much of con as possible, while putting something into Cha, and Wis for spell casting (or item slots? I got +3 tome for cha, and +4 for wis).

    So how do i cram all this in a build, and still be viable while leveling?
    So far I am thinking 2 arti, 2 ranger 1 arti,10 ranger, 2bard, and then decide what next. sadly this doesn't give me the early game dobleshot, but gives me IPS at 15, and evasion at 12.
    Alternatively could go 2 arti, 2 ranger,2bard,7 ranger, then Take IPS as feat( when feat, and BAB appropriate?), and then do more bard/ranger, and switch out the feat before taking 11th ranger. Last levels are always artificer.

    Feats in no real order
    1)Point blank
    2)Maximize (for healing SLA's)
    3)Emp heal
    5)Insigtful reflexes
    6)Ranged critical
    R) Favored enemy, giants, undead, evil outsiders

    1)combat archery
    2) overwhelming crit
    3)Epic Destiny Feat, no one cares, all garbage, Positive Spell Power? Doesn't make any difference.
    4)Blinding Speed

    Its intended for soloing EH, and back lining (slowing,stunning, and back up healing) EE trash, while doing sub standard boss damage (excluding the 20 second many shot bow time with Unbridled Fury active), and doing traps, and possibly misc buffs (jump, FoM, bard song(s).)

    Does this sound any good, and if it does, witch one seems better? Am I forgetting, or missing something? I have not seen similar build in the game, so, I am not too confident in this, although the 14ranger/4arti/2 barbarian is going pretty great so far, and the only real difference is movement speed, and dragon mark (for ddor, just for 7 enchantment points, gets you + to int, and skills, or healing amp, or damage boost), so I don't see this going too badly.

    Edit: 14 ranger for FoM, not 12, so 4 arti, not 6. Edited accordingly.
    Edit: blow by blow (ranged) seems to be broken.

    Update:Coup de Grace does not work at all. Using it does absolutely nothing, and does not show up in combat log. 5 Bard version is not worth doing, as all ranged attacks of swashbuckler do not work.
    Last edited by Wh070aa; 06-21-2015 at 07:05 AM.

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