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  1. #1
    Community Member TheBlueFox's Avatar
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    Default Ranged options for a melee

    So I've got a nice TWF melee assassin going on right now, love it, but I've been coming across an issue I don't much care for...

    There are some bosses I don't want to get close to. Uncanny dodge can only help so much, and there are some bosses that have massive hard hitting cleaving attacks or things like overrun and knockdown, like dragons. Until I get used to fighting them and watching for their "tells" I'd like to have a ranged option available. I don't have any ranged feats though, so its not like i'm looking to pop manyshot or craft myself a thunderforged shortbow.

    What are some recommendations? Because I have the assassin tree heavily invested into, do throwing daggers apply for dagger dex to damage? Is there a decent named returning throwing dagger? Or would I be better off with a nice shortbow to farm for, something not top tier, but has some useful abilities like a high deception or a nice DOT with some elemental arrows I could get a few stacks of.
    Wisdom is a liquor store. Tastes so sweet, just wait till you wake up in the morning.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    I recommend a ranged option for any melee myself if for nothing else ranged levers. But without feats do not expect them to do top tier DPS. So what you are looking for is secondary effects that will be useful, and in your case useful for boss fights.

    One source I recommend outside of Raid/Rare gear is the Spelltouched throwing weapons / Crossbows / bows (short/long)

    These come in level 20 and 24 versions. You can review possible options and can even turn attempts that don't meet your needs for some of the ingredients back. These are good fillers while looking for a raid item or rare item that you feel would meet your needs better for the Epic Levels.

    However, other options would be with Greensteel for a ML 12 Item. Spend some time working on an Alchemical (Cannieth Raids) range weapon or finally create a range weapon of choice from Thunderforge.

    Outside of that it is simply a matter of watching the quest loot for randoms, Weapons Vendors and Auction Houses to see if you find something you are looking for.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    I recommend a ranged option for any melee myself if for nothing else ranged levers. But without feats do not expect them to do top tier DPS. So what you are looking for is secondary effects that will be useful, and in your case useful for boss fights.

    One source I recommend outside of Raid/Rare gear is the Spelltouched throwing weapons / Crossbows / bows (short/long)

    These come in level 20 and 24 versions. You can review possible options and can even turn attempts that don't meet your needs for some of the ingredients back. These are good fillers while looking for a raid item or rare item that you feel would meet your needs better for the Epic Levels.

    However, other options would be with Greensteel for a ML 12 Item. Spend some time working on an Alchemical (Cannieth Raids) range weapon or finally create a range weapon of choice from Thunderforge.

    Outside of that it is simply a matter of watching the quest loot for randoms, Weapons Vendors and Auction Houses to see if you find something you are looking for.
    Great advice--definitely make an eveningstar throwing dagger. CThrutheEgo mentioned in a thread some time ago that the dagger will get full benefits of knife specialization.

    You could craft a ranged alacrity item for the offhand while throwing, make sure to be hasted (+%20 ranged attack speed). Celestia in offhand is tops but sometimes the low DC of an erosive weapon will proc stone prison (not on bosses). You could get quickdraw as a feat and also twist whirling wrists (fatesinger has a twist as well for echoes shirardi but it is a higher tier).
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  4. #4
    Community Member TheBlueFox's Avatar
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    I don't have access to the challenge pack...yet, I've been pondering getting it for a spelltouched shuriken for my monk, making a throwing dagger for my rogue would also be a reason for it as well.

    I'll see what I can pick up, just to have SOMETHING on my hotbar I got a +5 acid shortbow of deception and use whatever interesting arrows I get from chests. I'm just wondering if theres some (relatively) easy to get rare bow or throwing dagger that has some combination of abilities that would be desirable. For now i'll keep an eye on the auction house.

    Still, do throwing daggers apply for the assassin dagger dex to damage? That would certainly make me lean more toward them (even thematically) over shortbows.

    well that post above answers a few questions. I'll see what my Th.Dagg options are when I next log on, and I'll grind some favor for some points for that pack
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  5. #5
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    I recommend a ranged option for any melee myself if for nothing else ranged levers. But without feats do not expect them to do top tier DPS. So what you are looking for is secondary effects that will be useful, and in your case useful for boss fights.
    Or ANY DPS!

    Anyone in DDO can pick up a Shortbow or Throwing Dagger and plink away at mobs BUT there's a VAST difference between that and having actual viable DPS!

    The gap between basic dmg for meleers who need to swap to a ranged weapon AND the massive DPS a pure Ranged character will put out has grown and grown over the years DDO has been around!

    Nowadays the Devs are building mobs that can survive the dmg the most heavily min/maxed characters can put out WHICH MEANS that unfortunately IF you've fully specced for melee you simply can't get even basically viable DPS with Ranged {and the opposite also applies!}.

  6. #6
    Community Member TheBlueFox's Avatar
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    I can still pop off sneak attacks at range, as a pure halfling assassin i've got a good amount of that, even if the main strike doesn't do much. The fact is, I'd rather be hitting for 200-300 than 0 while I wait for an area heal or my own scrolls to get off cooldown. Just something I can do while I figure out how to approach the enemy or observe him for any tells he's gonna cleave.
    Wisdom is a liquor store. Tastes so sweet, just wait till you wake up in the morning.

  7. #7


    the spellplague effect is very powerful on challenge throwers and includes debuffs.
    You can always get a daily free challenge token.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  8. #8
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Or ANY DPS!

    Anyone in DDO can pick up a Shortbow or Throwing Dagger and plink away at mobs BUT there's a VAST difference between that and having actual viable DPS!

    The gap between basic dmg for meleers who need to swap to a ranged weapon AND the massive DPS a pure Ranged character will put out has grown and grown over the years DDO has been around!

    Nowadays the Devs are building mobs that can survive the dmg the most heavily min/maxed characters can put out WHICH MEANS that unfortunately IF you've fully specced for melee you simply can't get even basically viable DPS with Ranged {and the opposite also applies!}.
    I will agree that the DPS will not be like your primary option, but I will disagree that it is not Viable.

    Viable DPS simply defined is enough damage out put to succeed. Many builds exceed Viable DPS in their specialized areas, but people still use their benchmarks as being what is viable. These same people probably scratch their heads when they see builds they don't think have a chance succeeding in EE content.

    Additionally some Epic Past Lives, buffs and Epic Destiny abilities can be utilized by both Ranged and Melee attacks so this will keep up secondary effects.

    Example: My paladin has a Pinion. I do not do nearly the damage of my Range spec'd character. However, for the situations where a range option is needed my paladin can still do between 90 and 250 points of damage with the First Number and I know that is not a lot of damage compared to a fully spec'd. Mind you as a paladin I have access to the Holy Sword spell which does work with ranged weapons. Adding in specialized arrows like slayer can add additional DPS. Yes, it will take me a lot longer then a ranged character to put out the amount of damage, however, much like the OP these are for situations where I need to avoid being dead because that is 0 DPS. My AA has hand wraps to turn to if ranged attacks are not an option or to generate Ki quickly. Again, not going to be the best DPS but it will still be DPS.

  9. #9
    Community Member Firewall's Avatar
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    Yes you can still do some DPS with a thrown weapon even if you are not specced for it. Sneak Attack dice work on them and there is also the Life Stealing effect on spelltouched throwers if you are lucky to find one. Improved Paralyzing also is a nice addition to such a weapon even though both of those effects only work on trash mobs.

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