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  1. #41
    Community Member Robai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    ok. what explorer area in ddo is worse than Restless isles and why?
    Restless isles area is a nice and unique area. I like it!
    It's not about which area is worse. It's like comparing two colors, like green vs blue. Which is worse?

    It's a challenge to find quests in that area and that's why it's so good!
    Loot Design, S/S/S system, TR Cache Button, The exact trap DCs in EE HH, A guide for DDO-ML, Unknown Heroes: 3rd place, Welcome to Orien: /joinchannel Titan
    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post
    This is the most perfect suggestion in the history of suggestions, and it is full of upsides for both players and servers.

  2. #42
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    ok. what explorer area in ddo is worse than Restless isles and why?
    Quite a few:

    The worst in the game as far as I'm concerned is Wheloon
    1) I loathe the respawning mobs mechanic in slayers
    2) It has by far the worst rare spawn rate of any slayer I've ran - Almost 3k Kills in the Heroic version and still on only 6/12 rares!
    3) The random encounters are so heavily skewed towards the same 2 or 3 that I've only seen like 5 different ones total!
    4) The map is almost impossible to work out a route that can be used each and every time
    5) The PURPLE HAZE!!!

    Next on my list of terrible slayer zones would be The High Road
    Many of the same issues as Wheloon but mainly my issue here lies with the respawn rate being so d@rn slow that it's actually faster to recall and reset the instance after each run!
    Oh and the Werewolf rare!

    I also dislike:

    The King's Forest
    The Underdark
    The Demonweb
    Gianthold {Both Heroic and Epic!}
    The Monastery zone in Reaver's Refuge
    Cannith Raid Zones {Both of them!}
    The Red Fens {Mainly because of the absolutely ludicrous 7,500 slayer requirement!}

    On the so-so list:

    Cannith Manufactory

    Good Slayer Zones:

    Korthos {Could do with being reduced to 400 total slayer}
    Cerulean Hills {Could do with being upgraded to 750 total slayer}
    Waterworks {Needs an Explorer List but otherwise works fine}
    The other 3 Reaver's Refuge Zones

    Great Slayer Zones:

    3 Barrel Cove {Heroic}
    Restless Isles
    Sands of Menechtarun
    Vale of Twilight
    Devil Battlefield

    Slayers I've never completed or ran at all:

    Storm Horns {1st run was WOW - 2nd run onwards it's more AAAARRRGGGH!}
    Thunder Peaks

  3. #43
    Community Member Holybird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Much stuff that is actually pretty accurate
    Well done Fran but let's just try to catch th attention of devs so we get this pack epicfied
    Holybird of House Perkele. Sisu is with us. But is sisu with you?

  4. #44


    IMO the "Problem" with the titan raid is LOCATION.

    People run Tempest Spine all the time.. why? Easy to get to, right there in House J.
    People run VON 5/6 all the time.. why? Easy to get to, right there in House K.

    Know what raids DONT get run all the time?
    DQ2.. Why? Because you have to run all the way out to DQ1 to flag for it, yeah, not as bad as titan.. but, people think it takes too long so don't bother.
    Titan.. Why? Because you have to run through a god awful maze zone to flag, and then another to get to the quest.. so, just not worth the effort.

    All Turbine would have to do to get these raids run 50x as much is make "entrances" to all the flagging quests somewhere super convenient.. add a "House (R)aid" that is nothing but a raid quest hub with Portals/Airships/Carriages/whatever who will instantly place you into the quests you need to flag and then also let you enter the raid once flagged.. and bam, problem solved for:

    SoS (also wouldn't hurt to make dragon touched armor on par with random loot.. IE MOUNTAIN PLATE has a better base AC the Dragon Touched Plate...)
    and any other quest that was placed in some hard to reach place..

    This game has TONS of great quests and content that people rarely do because it too inconvenient to bother:
    3BC (even after the multiple updates and attempts to make it better.. still rarely run)
    Threnal (people get their masters cloak ONE TIME and never go back... so sad)
    Reavers Refuge (used to be a good spot for TR's to grind some XP but now with BB and 18hr quest XP reset + reduced TR2+ XP requirements.. no one goes there any more)

    I personally would like to see Turbine stealth increase the Base XP of SoS to be about 10x what the XP is now just to see how long it takes someone to notice... and then to see if anyone still even bothers to run it.

  5. #45
    Hero Morningfrost's Avatar
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    Default Sorry to necro but while I'm here...

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    On the other hand I personally LOVE the Restless Isles Slayer!

    The Maze itself is very well designed and not at all difficult to learn!

    IF people would actually step into a wilderness zone for any reason other than to get to a quest or raid there'd be a lot less hate towards this one!

    250-300 mobs in a standard instance
    A simple "Turn Left" strategy will allow you to clear the ENTIRE instance and run Slavers at the end.
    The Lock DCs are 48-50 {a bit high to be honest for a Lvl 10 zone that counts as NORMAL} but the doors you have to progress through are unlockable via keys found on the way.
    I've returned to the game recently. Due to little time and the need to suddenly quit, I prefer to solo (not difficult on Thelanis these days...), I usually do solo quests and slayers. Years ago, I did some cool run with PUGs in the Restless Isles, but only a few days ago I tried to do explorers and rares (never seen the skeletons before!).

    Near the Shrieking Mines entrance, there is an isle full of scorrows and a chest on a pillar. First time I did it, I disable a trap at the bottom of the pillar, only to find out that the chest was still trapped. In fact, there are two control panels at the bottom of the pillar, one just behind, but disabling both lifted the ladder beyond reach. What's the clue here? I'm on a level 13 toon with about 20 jump.

    By the way, I agree with the idea that the Titan raid should be made epic.
    Last edited by Morningfrost; 10-17-2017 at 04:30 PM.
    Originally posted by C-Dog

    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck but it's undead, then it's an undead duck.

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