I've got a 12Ranger 8Fighter Bastard Sword TWF aiming to make a DPS out of himself.
He PDK because I like the human feats and why not start at 15, right?
I'm noticing his DPS is pretty cool but I get shamed by some of my THF Cleaver friends, and Im looking to bring something in to compete with glancing blows and the damage bonus.
I noticed the current bug with Trip and decided to see whether I like it as an addition to my current playstyle. I do, tripping is great for the bonus vs helpless, it helps with the TWF single enemy damage focus as opposed to the "hit ALL the things" method of THF. But I don't know if I can reasonably expect to get a usable trip going forward. So I'm asking, is it possible for an STR-CON TWF to get a Trip DC that will be useful into EH/EE?
If not, what else can conceivably ramp up my single target damage without doing something outlandish like dragging in Monk?