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  1. #1

    Default Crafting Fix + Platinum Sink

    Its time to face facts about the in game economy(at least on Khyber):

    1. Platinum is nearly worthless
    2. Plat AH is dieing
    3. Weapon/Armor/Item brokers are dieing
    4. Cannith Crafting is in need of an overhaul.

    Solution: (to ALL of these issues)

    Redesign Cannith Crafting to stop using "essences" and instead move enchantments from ONE item to another. How it would work:

    1. Take an item that you like the look of(or just like), you will then "Clean" (Key) the item to make it ready for crafting. This results in a "Blank" with NO PROPERTIES AT ALL, NO METAL, NO AUGMENT SLOTS, NOTHING.. just a blank. (Blanking can be "Free" or cost some amount of platinum that is reasonably attainable for "New" players)

    2. Take an item that has a property you want to place on your blank. For instance, I want to make a +1 Weapon. You would then place the BLANK and any +1 Weapon into the crafting machine and pay 1000PP x The ML of the item after adding the enchantment, squared. So in this case, making a simple +1 weapon (ML 1) would cost a mere 1000 x (1 x 1) = 1000PP. Pretty reasonable for a "New" player to achieve. However, a ML 19 item, would cost 1000PP x (19 x 19) = 361,000PP which I personally feel is a VERY reasonable cost to make a custom ML 19 item. (not counting the costs in between, as EACH craft would need to "pay", so adding the +5, then the Acid, then the whatever.. so the "real" cost of the item might be closer to 1 Million PP).

    3. Metal Types, a smart player would add those on the blank BEFORE adding any magical effects to keep the total cost down. Adding a Metal would work the same, you need a "Silver" weapon to move silver from onto the Blank, and the cost will be exactly the same.. (Squared ML of the item, ML 1 minimum)

    4. Augment Slots, since these "Vary" depending on the Augment placed within, I would simply make them cost a flat 400k PP to add to an item.

    Using the above system, suddenly "Random" loot becomes valuable again, as well as actually having platinum. People would start to use the AH and Brokers to buy and sell items, since you would only be able to add the effects you WANT to an item by taking them off an already existing item. This also means that Cannith Crafting would become "Future Proof" in that the effects you can add will always coincide with what can currently be obtained from random loot. (which might upset some people, myself included, since it will make things that are "easy" to get with the current system nearly impossible to get with the changes I propose). (**But the game is too easy now anyway right?)

    While the above proposal could use some tweaks I'm sure, I think the idea as a whole has serious merit and would go a long way towards making things that have fallen to the wayside become relevant again.

  2. #2
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Xionanx View Post
    Its time to face facts about the in game economy(at least on Khyber):

    1. Platinum is nearly worthless
    2. Plat AH is dieing
    3. Weapon/Armor/Item brokers are dieing
    4. Cannith Crafting is in need of an overhaul.

    Solution: (to ALL of these issues)

    Redesign Cannith Crafting to stop using "essences" and instead move enchantments from ONE item to another. How it would work:

    1. Take an item that you like the look of(or just like), you will then "Clean" (Key) the item to make it ready for crafting. This results in a "Blank" with NO PROPERTIES AT ALL, NO METAL, NO AUGMENT SLOTS, NOTHING.. just a blank. (Blanking can be "Free" or cost some amount of platinum that is reasonably attainable for "New" players)

    2. Take an item that has a property you want to place on your blank. For instance, I want to make a +1 Weapon. You would then place the BLANK and any +1 Weapon into the crafting machine and pay 1000PP x The ML of the item after adding the enchantment, squared. So in this case, making a simple +1 weapon (ML 1) would cost a mere 1000 x (1 x 1) = 1000PP. Pretty reasonable for a "New" player to achieve. However, a ML 19 item, would cost 1000PP x (19 x 19) = 361,000PP which I personally feel is a VERY reasonable cost to make a custom ML 19 item. (not counting the costs in between, as EACH craft would need to "pay", so adding the +5, then the Acid, then the whatever.. so the "real" cost of the item might be closer to 1 Million PP).

    3. Metal Types, a smart player would add those on the blank BEFORE adding any magical effects to keep the total cost down. Adding a Metal would work the same, you need a "Silver" weapon to move silver from onto the Blank, and the cost will be exactly the same.. (Squared ML of the item, ML 1 minimum)

    4. Augment Slots, since these "Vary" depending on the Augment placed within, I would simply make them cost a flat 400k PP to add to an item.

    Using the above system, suddenly "Random" loot becomes valuable again, as well as actually having platinum. People would start to use the AH and Brokers to buy and sell items, since you would only be able to add the effects you WANT to an item by taking them off an already existing item. This also means that Cannith Crafting would become "Future Proof" in that the effects you can add will always coincide with what can currently be obtained from random loot. (which might upset some people, myself included, since it will make things that are "easy" to get with the current system nearly impossible to get with the changes I propose). (**But the game is too easy now anyway right?)

    While the above proposal could use some tweaks I'm sure, I think the idea as a whole has serious merit and would go a long way towards making things that have fallen to the wayside become relevant again.
    I like the idea of removing effects and creating a shard without all the mucking about with essences.

    That's actually how crafting was described when in was introduced, erroneously unfortunately. (at 3:25 in interview)

    I like the idea of expanding crafting.

    But I sure don't like the idea of invalidating tons and tons and tons and tons of work that I put in toward max crafting ranks.

    In fact I would be utterly P.O.ed beyond belief if crafting levels were nullified.

    I also don't like the idea of it costing a bazzilion platt to craft something.

    I have some wealth but I'm actually not super-rich, I don't do the stuff that makes people rich, i just kind of play the game.

    I already invested in crafting a whole lot and want to collect on that work, not pay again.
    BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.

  3. #3
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    this crafting system sounds much simpler and a lot less time consuming than the Cannith crafting one. I probably would be interested in this one a lot more. however, unless they were BTA/C, you could sell these items for a little more than what it cost to make and people would buy them.

    the only things I would be interested in crafting is for everbright, elemental, plant and smiters. named weapons i use for pretty close to everything and bypassing DR is nowhere as important as it used to be years ago. anything below level 12 i just pick up whatever i pull from a chest or spend a little plat for something better on the AH. it seems to me new players that don't yet have named or at least GS weapons yet would benefit more from these kinds of crafting systems. doesn't make sense to be able to craft a better item than a named item and we already have seen certain cases of random loot being better than named loot.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  4. #4
    Community Member Nefatron's Avatar
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    What would the people who are master crafters be able to craft that others cant?

    I took me insane ammounts of plat to get enough essences to get to 150 in all school in under 6 months. Hardley anybody grinds crafting xp like I did but still..

    Fully on board for updating crafting.. we need it bad but..
    Revamping the whole system and making it so you can craft what ever you want by just having the items is going to sing the AH even deeper.. I still sell low level trap gear on AH almost daily I have 3-4 auctions sold for some Spot +10 Goggles.

    And making items cost insane ammounts of plat is just going to keep the plat in the same hands it was...
    If you cant buy a Item with a augment slot for 10k pp how are you going to afford to craft one for 400k?

    Add more stuff so cannith crafting is good past lvl 15.

    And for god sakes bring back the crude vials!
    For whatever reason the dev's decided to put a kaboosh on that after years is beyond me.
    You know how many essences it takes to make Shards of potential up to 12?? A INSANE AMMOUNT
    Crude vials were vital part it saving essences for real shards...

    I'd really like to get some insight on why the decided to take that away?
    I never remember reading about it in release notes.. Just one day after update it was gone.

    Good idea but needs some more thought..
    But fully onboard with updating cannith as are most of the community. This same thread pops up around once a week or so.
    Last edited by Nefatron; 01-06-2015 at 12:03 AM.

  5. #5


    Yeah.. I was thinking of just scraping the crafting levels entirely, I personally never liked the mechanic and didn't see the point in grinding it up past 80 in each (which is why i haven't) since 80 was fine for 99% of my lowbie crafting needs and beyond 12 it was named items almost exclusively.

    I am thinking that with there actually being a market for item EFFECTS, rather then "Grinding Mats", that people will stop vendor trashing 90% of their loot and instead sell it on the AH or brokers, therefor increasing the amount of items available. (obviously some effects will be more sought after and therefore more valuable)

    I am also thinking that with having a relatively "costly" platinum cost to make custom items that people will start eating into the millions of platinum they have banked up. I vaguely recall talking to someone the other day who said they had 29 "Plat Capped" characters.. just way too much plat.


    I personally NEVER liked Cannith Crafting and always thought that crafting should have been closer to the PnP Rules and required "XP" to work. I would have loved to see a system where custom items were made using:

    A) Money
    B) Experience
    C) You can never spend enough XP to "De-Level" yourself.
    D) The ML of the items you can make can not exceed current Character Level.
    E) Items are BTC.
    F) Players simply "Pick" what they want for effects from the (Current) random loot options. (if it can be rolled as random loot, you can "Make" it).

    Of course that system has problems as well..

    Really tho, I just want something "Better" then the current system

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