Seriously, to make a GS item and get it "Cleansed" you are forced to run The Shroud 20x, on a 3 day timer that works out to 60 days. How many characters do not make it to 28(or 30, or TR 5x) in 60 days?
This particular mechanic needs to be completely reworked to get people to bother with The Shroud again, people like myself.. who have wanted to make Shroud Items for years but who could never be bothered to NOT TR for 60 whole days, and who when we do TR, our completions are reset.
So I suggest ONE of the following, if not all:
1. Cleansing stones are in the reward loot for EVERY completion.
2. Completions are NOT reset upon TR'ing, so i can do it maybe 2x a life and not feel like I am wasting time doing it.
3. Raid locking timer for The Shroud is removed (and possibly other lower level raids as well).
Its a mechanic that does not fit the current state of the game IMO, and something should be done about it. While my suggestions fit what I would want, I'm sure there are other opinions on what should be done about it, but I think most people would agree, SOMETHING needs to be done.