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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default New tactical training room for the airshir of the guild

    I want to suggest a new tactical training room for the airshir of the guild, which can be set 2 or 3 scenery that are purchased by the guid, along with the choice of an opponent (Kobold, Bugbear, Spider etc ..) that is purchased by the player the same as buying a hireling, including the choice of the level.

    The contract with the opponent could also be by time.

    The player could lead to the room, all that he can lead to the quest as: equipment, armas, hirelings, pet etc ..

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by MarceloAlmeida View Post
    I want to suggest a new tactical training room for the airshir of the guild, which can be set 2 or 3 scenery that are purchased by the guid, along with the choice of an opponent (Kobold, Bugbear, Spider etc ..) that is purchased by the player the same as buying a hireling, including the choice of the level.

    The contract with the opponent could also be by time.

    The player could lead to the room, all that he can lead to the quest as: equipment, armas, hirelings, pet etc ..
    This is an interesting idea and already exists to some extent in the Test Dojo on Lamannia server. DDO should introduce Guild housing in the Forgotten Realms (no airships there) and add a Sparing Pit area where Guildies can test weapons and spells on unfortunate kobolds, orcs, etc.

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