it's true the lag is CrAzY i think the whole turbine team needs to play necro 3 chain on Khyber ( and from home) then maybe they will get the point.
they might have a hotspot at the office so no playing at work.....
it's true the lag is CrAzY i think the whole turbine team needs to play necro 3 chain on Khyber ( and from home) then maybe they will get the point.
they might have a hotspot at the office so no playing at work.....
it is just part of online games and the lag HAS gotten much better in the last year. However - this is brutal. In all fairness it is on par if not worse than the lag from a year ago that made the game unplayable.
Giving the benefit of the doubt - but since this has been ongoing since the last patch - I don't think it is Kim Jong You trying to crash the entire world net to get even with us all for laughing at him in The Interview.
Please communicate, coordinate, and most importantly fix it.
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This lag is too bad to suffer in silence.
The game is simply no fun on Khyber, just a frustrating lagfest.
Please do something about it before everyone packs up for good.
This is unacceptable. There are rules about the use of LFMs. Please report these players so they can at least receive a warning from a GM.
Flooding is a behaviour which should not be allowed in online games.
Rules here:
and here:
There have been numerous statements from Turbine representatives, stating that lag is only occurring on the user's side.
Download more RAM, your computer is too slow.
I'm being sarcastic, just pointing it out in case you're too stupid to notice.
Always read the fine print, lol. The LFM protest was a fairly light-hearted expression of frustration. It should illustrate for the Devs that this is a server-wide issue...not just a few individuals with slow computers.
The lag is NOT client-side, Devs. I know for a fact that there was at least one IT professional among us. I built my rig (with 8 cores and waaaaaaay more RAM than needed for your game). This is a server-wide issue that has persisted for weeks. We are a fairly fun and light-hearted base of players, but the outporing of support for the protest only highlights what I've heard from players for weeks: DDO has a problem, and they better fix it, or many of us will be moving on (after years of supporting them).
Please, for the sake of sanity, examine your side of the fence. As it stands now, "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have most certainly been found wanting." (Knight's Tale)
Turbine, please get this fixed, this is not funny anymore!
Having fun on G-Land atm, DDO is turnbased again. Entire group is experiencing it, but it does seem to be instance-specific - guildies in other areas are fine.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
Please sort it out soon. It has been here for over 3 weeks now. I'm going to let my subscription run out in 10 days and go play other games if it continues...
It is a new year and things change. It's time to embrace the changes that have come to pass. To honor the newly ascended god of all gods, new character names may be appropriate. Below are a few possible examples:
Lagarythm, Delag, Sir Lagsalot,
CannaMove, Footglue, Elastilag,
Lagonade, Lagonardo, Lagaton,
Instalag, Raidilag, Shiplagimuch,
Abralag, Lagustin, Lagomorph,
Laginform, Laguna, Lagoon,
Lagislate, Lagendary, Lagitimate,
Lagrivator, Lagronomic,Lagress,
Lagamus, Lagamous, Lagamouse,
Lagony, Lagonize, Lagonized,
Laggrieved, lagzistential, Golagpoli,
and my favorite: Stuckimus Frozenheimer
and for one who still believes there is no proof of lag on Khyber:
and for one who pretends there is no lag on Khyber to get people wound up:
Sad fact. No lack of complaints about the lag, but none, not one single response from a dev. This says to me, they simply do not care.
Of Khyber - Khyrax (TR train; currently life 8); Xenalis (Human Druid 9); Evanix (BF Pally 20); Liezyl (Human Barb 20); Menna (Halfling 12 Rog/ 6 Rgr/ 2 Arti); Saralyssa (Half-elf Druid 20); Onessa (Human Bard 20); Kryella (Sun-elf Clr 20); Pytho (Sun-elf Wiz 20); Artilore (BF 15 Sorc/ 3 Pally/ 2 FVS); Breglis (Halfling 13 Rog/ 6 Monk/ 1 Druid); Turrestra (Halfling 9 Monk/ 6 Rgr/ 5 Wiz); Junellis (Human Pally 9); Salinus (Elf 11 Rgr/ 6 Monk/ 3 Pally)
I really don't want to turn this into an "Attack the Devs!!" kind of thread. It's a sensitive issue. I'm angry and frustrated myself...which is why I started the thread. We don't know what's going on behind the scenes. We can interpret their lack of response (and apparent action) as apathy toward our plight, but I'd rather not be making assumptions.
Voice your frustrations.
Yell from the rooftops.
Please don't assume, and don't make any kind of personal attack on the Devs. I'm not saying you are taking shots, but I don't want others to head that direction.
This thread is for all of us to give voice to our (growing) frustration over a lack of any apparent action. We don't know what's going on behind the scenes, and we don't know what's in their heads.
I hate that the game has been nigh unplayable for about 3 weeks, and we've heard nothing. I make no assumption, however, about what is being done or not done. I want communication. I DEMAND it. I think we deserve that. They don't deserve to be subject to our assumptions. They do deserve to hear our frustrations over lag and lack of communication about it.
Please Devs, hear us. TALK to us. Let us know what's going on.
Then fix it.
By no means am i trying to attack anyone, nor would i want anyone else to. I just want them to acknowledge what we have had to deal with for the past few weeks. This game is unplayable, and i don't think "I'm sorry, we will try to do what we can" response is asking too much. But nothing, nothing has been said. Hear our frustrations, please. Then do something about it, anything, I don't care, just do something.
Of Khyber - Khyrax (TR train; currently life 8); Xenalis (Human Druid 9); Evanix (BF Pally 20); Liezyl (Human Barb 20); Menna (Halfling 12 Rog/ 6 Rgr/ 2 Arti); Saralyssa (Half-elf Druid 20); Onessa (Human Bard 20); Kryella (Sun-elf Clr 20); Pytho (Sun-elf Wiz 20); Artilore (BF 15 Sorc/ 3 Pally/ 2 FVS); Breglis (Halfling 13 Rog/ 6 Monk/ 1 Druid); Turrestra (Halfling 9 Monk/ 6 Rgr/ 5 Wiz); Junellis (Human Pally 9); Salinus (Elf 11 Rgr/ 6 Monk/ 3 Pally)
After being logged in for two hours on my day off and unable to run a single quest due to this lag, I quit. I'll find something else to do. This has been the case often lately. It's been a huge waste of time. This lag is unplayable. I love this game, Please do something! But I just can't play this game right now, it's too much.
Of Khyber - Khyrax (TR train; currently life 8); Xenalis (Human Druid 9); Evanix (BF Pally 20); Liezyl (Human Barb 20); Menna (Halfling 12 Rog/ 6 Rgr/ 2 Arti); Saralyssa (Half-elf Druid 20); Onessa (Human Bard 20); Kryella (Sun-elf Clr 20); Pytho (Sun-elf Wiz 20); Artilore (BF 15 Sorc/ 3 Pally/ 2 FVS); Breglis (Halfling 13 Rog/ 6 Monk/ 1 Druid); Turrestra (Halfling 9 Monk/ 6 Rgr/ 5 Wiz); Junellis (Human Pally 9); Salinus (Elf 11 Rgr/ 6 Monk/ 3 Pally)
There is a thread called Ugh! in the Player's Council area.
I don't want to quote from it for various reason.
One of the members of the PC has posted some good information for Devs to work with regarding Trace Routes and time expended thru each trace route.
It seems one of the possible problems may have been located.
If anyone wants to run trace routes here is numbers to use:
For the sake of completness here is the full server IP list : Wayfinder [DE] Ghallanda Argonnessen Thelanis Sarlona Khyber Cannith Orien Khyber Cannith Orien
I had a discussion about lag with Cordovan many months ago.
My approach was to try and determine whether changing graphic settings would help the situation any.
He was interested, but reminded me not to think too binary on lag, that it is a complex issue with many variables.
I know some people think the Devs don't acknowledge lag, but Cordovan did in that statement.
If you want to contact someone, he is personal who brings player's thoughts to the Devs.
I don't feel comfortable quoting from that player's Council thread, but I should be safe in quote myself I feel:
Originally Posted by Silverleafeon
If anyone wants to join me, I'll be parking Fawngate on the Market 1 bridge just to show DDO that I am very concerned with the lag issues atm.
Sans, the old Wayfinder bridge protest.
Sorry I am staying in my own guild, but feel free to draw from our adventures there.
Do be careful not to be insulting, make it a peaceful protest and we will prevail.
People are gathering on the bridge, and so it begins...