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i have a better idea for endgame, as other mmorpg do!
1st release a raid hard enough, that can't be completed by any guild in days, even weeks
2nd put the awesome super uber loot on it, every players wants it because it has +1 to previous loot
3rd wait time, what about 6 month?
and go to 1st point again! and you know what? people loves it, specially because when they release the new content, there're LOTS (if not most) players who haven't succeeded on that raid
but that's DDO, won't work because:
1st point, players don't want challenges, nor hard things, the easier the better, people are asking for more nerf to champions, just saying
2nd point players don't want farming gear, that's why you will always see things like "guaranteed on 20th run, drop rate sucks, etc" players do/don't like powercreep
3rd if ddo devs released really new content every 6 months, DDO would have crashed under the feet of bugs, what we see is... heroic content made epic, or content that is not low, i mean, everything has been aimed to iconic and higher lvl toons, they even touched the xp curve, all for the same thing: to make tr'ing easier
however what ddo could do to attract more players is adding more f2p quests or doing new accounts have access during 1 week? to most stuff, that's how you attract players, if you tell me that game is good and i need 80$ to try it, i won't try it sorry
what ddo could do as other mmorpg is removing the f2p/premium, and go subs/vips, in that case i would quit cause i've already purchased all the content
or they could leave it full f2p, and add hardcore p2w, in that case i would stay cause i don't care what other players do or get
in any case, what is sure is that ddo can't compete with any other mmorpg, just look at the player base, is smaller than most browser games, even flash games have more players roflmao