Originally Posted by
Basically endgame in DDO is severely lacking, no one is denying that. New content has slowed to a halt, and more often then not is more LOW level quests! The lack of endgame has been bleeding players out of this game for some time now. A nice chunk of my guild (including myself) don't even log in anymore, but we come back when new endgame content is added, NOT when new lower level junk is added.
So Devs post on this=
1. When will you STOP making lower level content? When is enough enough?
2. When will we finally see a full focus on endgame with all new content expanding it?
3. Has new lower level content gained any new players? or are you still losing players? (this is due to lack of endgame)
Please focus on endgame from now on, this includes ToEE. New lower level content does NOT keep the interest of your playerbase, or attract new players! You are the only MMO that does this!