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    Default Return of Teaching Raids! High Lords host Shroud teaching raid on Sat, Jan 3, 9pm EST

    Happy New Year Sarlona!

    The High Lords of Malkier are once again hosting teaching raids for new players! For those that weren't around for the events, this was a series that we started last year and we cycled through every raid in the game nearly twice! Now teaching raids return!

    I am really happy to hear that, as of a few months ago, Sarlona is the new default server for new players. This makes the return of teaching raids even more timely!

    This series is designed for new players and for players newer to the raiding scene or players that are looking to learn raids better. First timers welcome! Dbags not welcome. Please have sound and be willing and able to follow instructions.

    The goal is to welcome newer players into the raiding scene, to teach people how raids work, to get players more comfortable with raids, and to enhance the Sarlona community. We know there are a lot of people that have even been playing DDO for a long time and have avoided raiding. This is a great chance to start! If you're new, this is a great time to learn! There is no level cap for any of our teaching raids.

    We will kick off the reboot of the series with DDO's most popular raid: The Shroud, This Saturday, January 3 at 9pm EST!

    If you are new to Shroud, you will need to be flagged, which requires completing the 5 Vale of Twilight quests: Let Sleeping Dust Lie, Rainbow in the Dark, Running with the Devils, Coalescence Chamber and Ritual Sacrifice. You will need to have access to the The Vale of Twilight adventure pack. Then you will need to talk to Valairia in Meridia to complete her crafting device tutorial and then take the 5 stones from the end chests of the vale quests and use the crafting device in the basement of Meridia to convert them to a Shavarath Signet Stone. Finally, show the stone to Valairia and then talk to Aaseamah to pick up the raid.

    If you are new to DDO raids, The Shroud is a great first raid and it contains some of the best gear in the game... Green Steel! Green Steel items are crafted using ingredients found in The Shroud and the flagging quests. GS weapons and items are highly customizable to your build and offer access to some unique and powerful abilities. For more about Green Steel, click the link above and you can also find a nice Green Steel crafting planner HERE.

    Usually all spaces are spoken for by the time of the raid, so reserve your spot ahead of time! If you would like to reserve a space in this Saturday's event, please contact me in game on Gingerspyce.

    We hope to see you in raids soon!

    Gingerspyce and The High Lords of Malkier

    PS. For new players...
    There is a help channel on Sarlona where new players can ask veteran players questions in a positive environment. To join, type "/joinchannel help" and to post in help channel be sure to set your outgoing messages to userchanel 1 (or whatever # channel it is for you if you are in more than one channel). Or you can type "/1" (or whatever # channel it is for you) then your message. Veteran players that are interested in offering help to new players are encouraged to join!
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 01-02-2015 at 04:09 AM.

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