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  1. #1
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    Default New quest for an Island of Doctor Moreau type of quest

    Another idea I had for a quest was a kind of Island of Doctor Moreau theme. Was wondering if that would appeal to anyone? Maybe in a magical forest where my other suggestion for a quest to save a unicorn.
    Last edited by Renwa1; 12-31-2014 at 12:54 PM.

  2. #2


    I would like to see unicorns in the game, if only as a cosmetic pet.

    Your quest idea could reuse the Wildmen from the Restless Isles. We have some quests that are already based loosely on the Island of Doctor Moreau (Slavers of the Shrieking Mines) but any new, interesting content is welcome.

  3. #3
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    Oh I understand the problem. The quest Slavers of the Shrieking Mines does not really remind of me of the Island of Doctor Moreau. When I think of the Island of Doctor Moreau I think of the Harbinger of Madness because for me at least the problem of Doctor Moreau is all of the pain he wracked on his victims like the Taken in the Harbinger series. I guess I was imagining something not so loosely interpreted. I wanted to see half puma half human creatures, and half snake half human creatures, etc...

    Btw, ty vm for the positive feedback for this post and my Saving a Unicorn quest post. I will definitely be friending you.

  4. #4
    Community Member salmag's Avatar
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    That would be an interesting way to introduce shifters to the game

  5. #5
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
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    Well the Drow in Forgotten realms did turn some of their males into Dryders. Could have a mad magician finding the lost secrets on how to merge any humanoid into a Yuan-ti/Dryder and other merged creatures. Maybe fight a Chimera at the end.

  6. #6
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    Default Nice reply!

    Quote Originally Posted by Enderoc View Post
    Well the Drow in Forgotten realms did turn some of their males into Dryders. Could have a mad magician finding the lost secrets on how to merge any humanoid into a Yuan-ti/Dryder and other merged creatures. Maybe fight a Chimera at the end.
    Very cool! I like this train of thought! Good job!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enderoc View Post
    Well the Drow in Forgotten realms did turn some of their males into Dryders. Could have a mad magician finding the lost secrets on how to merge any humanoid into a Yuan-ti/Dryder and other merged creatures. Maybe fight a Chimera at the end.
    The Drow didn't do that Lloth did

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by salmag View Post
    That would be an interesting way to introduce shifters to the game
    No it wouldn't its not how shifters came about .

    Beware the Sleepeater

  9. #9
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    I don't see how Dr. Moreau has anything to do with a Unicorn and we already have a quest line that fits the bill of Dr. Moreau

    Beware the Sleepeater

  10. #10
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renwa1 View Post
    I guess I was imagining something not so loosely interpreted. I wanted to see half puma half human creatures, and half snake half human creatures, etc...
    Except for the fact they aren't the result of experiments and are just outsiders, I think you just basically described Rakshasha - the tiger headed variant is just one kind.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
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    My words are great. Even out of context.

  11. #11
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    Default Doesn't matter

    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    The Drow didn't do that Lloth did
    The magician could be a cleric of Lloth that Lloth is using to enact her will in the world. Also it could be a transition piece explaining why the Drow of Eberron are so different from the Forgotten Realms Drow culturally speaking. The pain caused by this experimentation caused the societal and cultural shifts between the Drow of Eberron and the Drow of the Fogotten Realms.
    As to the excuse of we already have a quest based on the Island of Dr. Moreau well, we already have quests with undead in them so let's not have any more of those as well. In fact let's just make a rule where one theme and one group of monsters are only used exactly once whether the idea is useful or good or not.
    As to the, tie to my other suggestion. I already said it in the very first post. It was simply to conserve newly created terrain which I am sure will already be a challenge to get the developers to agree to. All I was saying is you can reuse the magical forest as an entry way into this other place.
    Last edited by Renwa1; 01-05-2015 at 11:09 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renwa1 View Post
    The magician could be a cleric of Lloth that Lloth is using to enact her will in the world. Also it could be a transition piece explaining why the Drow of Eberron are so different from the Forgotten Realms Drow culturally speaking. The pain caused by this experimentation caused the societal and cultural shifts between the Drow of Eberron and the Drow of the Fogotten Realms.
    As to the excuse of we already have a quest based on the Island of Dr. Moreau well, we already have quests with undead in them so let's not have any more of those as well. In fact let's just make a rule where one theme and one group of monsters are only used exactly once whether the idea is useful or good or not.
    As to the, tie to my other suggestion. I already said it in the very first post. It was simply to conserve newly created terrain which I am sure will already be a challenge to get the developers to agree to. All I was saying is you can reuse the magical forest as an entry way into this other place.
    It doesn't come anywhere close to lore of FR or Eberron and yes having something along those lines already is the very best idea to not repeat an idea, and sorry its not very interesting anyways. but don't stop coming with things just don't expect everyone or even anyone to think is a good idea every time
    Last edited by Uska; 01-05-2015 at 11:21 AM.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  13. #13
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    Default Oh yes.

    Quote Originally Posted by salmag View Post
    That would be an interesting way to introduce shifters to the game
    The need to blend into the area to survive produces or at least draws in druids/shamans who can shift into other forms to pass through the area undetected or remain there as spy units infiltrating the area. I like it!

    Even though I am not a VIP. You could also make the Shifter class a VIP and/or pay only class as well drawing in money for DDO.
    Last edited by Renwa1; 01-05-2015 at 02:15 PM.

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