Title pretty much says it all, I have been away from the game for quite a while and only recently got into really looking at the new enhancements for classes/races/etc.
Anyway, after taking a look at:
Wizard Eldritch Knight - The bonus to weapon damage applies to Bows, as do the elemental effects as best as i can tell
Elf - Elves can become Arcane Archers, and Sun Elves get higher INT (though a "normal" elf may be better for bow to hit and damage, thoughts?)
Harper can use INT to Hit and Damage for weapons
Arcane Archer - Does its damage stack with Wizard Eldritch Knight imbues?
I now the flavor the month right now seems to be Monk/Paladin/Elf/Arcane Archer(when it comes to bow builds anyway), but I am wondering if what I am proposing is viable. Having both constant "good" ranged DPS from a Bow AND full access to Wizard Spells seems like it might be a good combo, but I feel like I am missing something here which would make this a bad idea....