To all those who adviced until page 10 (and probably will continue to advice on future pages by just quoting one of my initial postings) to do this quest on hn/hh - I managed to do it on he alone with the "weakest class", build to be a wizard, thanks to the hint with the barb hire and some positioning attempts.
To all those who supported (not necessarily me but) the rant: thank you. There is absolutely no reason for champions in low level quests (except of vitalizing the forums with threads about it) that are meant to introduce new players to the game mechanics.
To all those who just throw more or less elaborated l2p's around - thank you so much for your greatness, shinyness and all the other -nesses you think to represent. But please, go and pose elsewhere.
Why did I start this thread? Because quests on Korthos never have been mortal in the past, regardless what difficulty, at least not for the player (for npcs to be protected yes, but at least not the village quests), no matter what initial class. And this was a good decision, to not frustrate new players/vips/returners at the beginning. I do not talk about lvl 16+ elites, or even epics, but the actual very second quest in the starter area for level 1 characters. This simply was and is not fun. I don't have anything against hard puzzles or enemies-at-level. As long as I have the tools, spells, and skills available to try another tactic. But one-shot-abilities, random "doom or cakewalk" mechanics don't make the game more challenging, they just make it unpredictable. But I want to play a D&D dice game and not a game of chance. Since I experienced this, I did not login anymore. Though I'm still here (and my vip sub is still running). And I'd appreciate an answer from one or more of the developers, what their intention for this deterring design was.