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Thread: Vip - rip

  1. #201
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    To all those who adviced until page 10 (and probably will continue to advice on future pages by just quoting one of my initial postings) to do this quest on hn/hh - I managed to do it on he alone with the "weakest class", build to be a wizard, thanks to the hint with the barb hire and some positioning attempts.

    To all those who supported (not necessarily me but) the rant: thank you. There is absolutely no reason for champions in low level quests (except of vitalizing the forums with threads about it) that are meant to introduce new players to the game mechanics.

    To all those who just throw more or less elaborated l2p's around - thank you so much for your greatness, shinyness and all the other -nesses you think to represent. But please, go and pose elsewhere.

    Why did I start this thread? Because quests on Korthos never have been mortal in the past, regardless what difficulty, at least not for the player (for npcs to be protected yes, but at least not the village quests), no matter what initial class. And this was a good decision, to not frustrate new players/vips/returners at the beginning. I do not talk about lvl 16+ elites, or even epics, but the actual very second quest in the starter area for level 1 characters. This simply was and is not fun. I don't have anything against hard puzzles or enemies-at-level. As long as I have the tools, spells, and skills available to try another tactic. But one-shot-abilities, random "doom or cakewalk" mechanics don't make the game more challenging, they just make it unpredictable. But I want to play a D&D dice game and not a game of chance. Since I experienced this, I did not login anymore. Though I'm still here (and my vip sub is still running). And I'd appreciate an answer from one or more of the developers, what their intention for this deterring design was.

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Note: I stated - The absolute minimum!
    The absolute minimum for any class and any starting Con in the game, with Korthos gear (or nothing at all) would be 32 at level 1 - please be accurate.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    YET the OP has stated that he got One-Shot!
    May be true, but might equally be hyperbole. Certainly doesn't match with either Braegan or my own attempts to solo it after the claim was made (and yes, Champions with damage boost were most definitely involved in the runs I did).

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    My assumptions {whether false or not!}
    Well, please don't continue trying to discuss with your assumptions. I'd suggest you actually check out the things you are talking about and then come back so we can have a more informed discussion - otherwise this is all a waste of effort.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    And I've noticed that pretty much any time my DD hasn't been no crit-fail there will be at least one crit-fail! {Even when there's only one trap in the entire quest!}.
    That's unlucky for you, but certainly not my experience. That's variance, man.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Maybe YOU do but I prefer to accept that not everyone is perfect and newbies can quite easily find themselves with issues when it comes to skill points.
    Especially when so many skills require not just 23 points but high base stat, stat gear and skill gear on top!
    Certainly. Newbies can find themselves with all kinds of issues, but the OP was not a newbie - he was someone who by his own admission easily completed the quests on Elite in the past.

    Also - just as a point of reference - unless you are trying to get EE traps in the harder quests, you do not need 23 ranks in trapping skills when you are an Int-based character.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    OK now you've completely lost me:
    1) When did 28 Sorc enter this conversation? Actually when did Sorc enter this conversation?
    Err... to demonstrate the point in the most extreme case I can think of?

    If that was too far of a stretch for you, if you prefer I could calculate the same with a different character that may use sonic spells... a Wizard can still expect to have all those bonuses except a smaller Cha since it is not a principal stat. So; 45.5 or so at level 28 (and if we dial it right down, at level 5 you could still have +11.5 with Voice, Heroism, a small Cha item and e.g. Phiarlan's Ring).

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    2) With 1 point to unlock and +25 from a 60 Charisma
    ...and +4 from GH, and +6 from Charisma Skills (GS - requires about 6-7 Shroud runs to craft), and a +20 Perform item (Epic Chord of Reprisals), and 8 from Epic Levels (+1 skills each time), and +3 Luck...

    You are right, I miscalculated. It should be 66.5. And that's not including ship buff skill increase (add +3), nor really rare gear. Nor Epic destinies or past lives if you have them.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Now yes that's still 26 points rather than my 1 but the same can be said for Repair.
    Not at all. If I don't take a single point for Repair I still get the benefit of other modifiers to the skill that will not exist for Perform unless you take a point or eat a Skill tome. Unless you unlock it, you get a flat N/A - which equates to 0. Not 0 ranks, allowing for other modifiers to help, but a grand total of 0.

    Your marginal gain from investing fully in Repair is at most 23 points, since all the other bonuses are already present and usable - unlike with Perform. My marginal gain for investing one single point is over 60 points.

    Do you now understand?

    (DISCLAIMER: If you have a Perform skill tome or intend to use one, you don't need to follow my advice since the Tome will unlock it without any ranks needed)

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    On Epic?
    You did state Epic!
    I only mentioned Epic Prove Your Worth, and not Partycrashers(*See below). The point being is that those initial 4 points can make a real difference in those quests.

    In Epic PYW you probably won't get the bonus chest, no. However, you will prevent 1 or 2 unsavable stuns from Gentleman Glin if you've not dumped Diplomacy or Intimidate, and you buff up appropriately before starting the fight.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    And as you're now clearly moving the argument to Heroic Partycrashers {a Lvl 7 Quest on Elite} let's look at what that requires for a Wiz/Rogue {6/1} with a base 10 Cha and as he's 1st life at most a +3 Cha item.
    I never mentioned Epic Partycrashers, please read more carefully.

    I have a perfectly easy to get Cha+4 item with ML7 (Signet of the Silver Flame), and would be more than happy to donate one of the several spare scarab powders to any newcomer I met if they wanted it (I complete Necro II every life on every character, but have the only item I'd want to turn in for), or help them to complete the level 8 and 9 quests underlevel to farm it.

    However, I'll grant you that +4 Cha Masterful lootgen is not easy to find at ML7.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Maxed Diplo at EVERY level and a +7 Diplo item {Not easy to find as not exactly a major seller on the AH and likely to be vendor trashed by vets}
    The above will give you an 18 Diplo yes but there's no such thing as a +6 item

    Even if we accept Ship Buffs and the max available at Lvl 7 Cha swap in you're still going to need a +5 Diplo item!
    Oh but wait, you've swapped back to talking just about newcomers again, when I thought we were talking more about the general principle of this (after all, you were talking about how you build your characters when we got onto this topic). Well, let's look at both:

    Base Cha 10 = 0 Diplo
    4 points spent at level 1 = +4 Diplo
    Ship Cha +2 = +1 Diplo
    Ship +1 Diplo = +1 Diplo
    Cha +4 item = +2 Diplo
    Voice = +1 Diplo
    +7 Diplo Item = +7 Diplo
    Heroism = +2 Diplo

    == 18 Diplo.

    But let's play your game. Brand new player with no twink items, and only common items (so no +7s), and let's make it even better - no taking Diplo except at level 1:
    Base Cha 10 = 0 Diplo
    4 points spent at level 1 = +4 Diplo
    Cha +3 item = +1 Diplo
    Voice = +1 Diplo
    +5 Diplo Item = +5 Diplo
    Heroism = +2 Diplo

    == 13 Diplo
    Oh dear! Not enough to pass - well, except you could choose to take a Skill boost enhancement to make it viable (you could even re-spec for plat to do just this, and then spec it back out after if you really hated it that much).

    (for the record Epic Partycrashers would be around 29ish Diplomacy and 30-something Intim for Malior, and slightly less for the Tiefling - but now you can factor in +6 or +7 Cha, +6 Charisma Skills from Greensteel, +4 Greater Heroism, Luck+2, +15 or +17 item, +3 from ship buffs if you have them - that's at least 34DC at level 22, which would be an at-level run, and to be kind doesn't include rarer stuff like Litany of the Dead, Planar Focus with Insightful Cha, an augment for Exceptional +1 Cha, skill tomes from Sagas, etc. etc.)

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Super-High? I'd say that a 17dc for at best a tertiary skill is pretty high at Lvl 7!
    Certainly not super high, you are once again being hyperbolic - see above for the breakdown, and I can get 13DC with little effort aside from those first 4 points, and no ship buffs - which a Rogue skill boost or Human Versatility (if applicable) would make viable if you chose to play like that.

    Without those initial 4 points it wouldn't work at all, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    So - Making the mob turn around doesn't reduce your chance of getting hit?

    Yeah - Really not seeing this!
    You clearly do not understand the concept of mob aggro, and are confusing it with the temporary disorientation effect Bluff provides. I said nothing at all about it reducing the chance of the mob hitting you (and disrupting spellcasting and special attacks), I simply corrected you erroneous statement about how the skills function.

  3. #203
    Community Member PermaBanned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    ...I still say it's virtually impossible to fail C-Crystal IF you take in a Hire {ANY hire}, stick it on Active and make sure you yourself guard the d@rn Crystal!
    The OP would seem to disagree! Wasn't that the entire impetus for creating this thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    I prefer to accept that not everyone is perfect and newbies can quite easily find themselves with issues when it comes to skill points.
    Especially when so many skills require not just 23 points but high base stat, stat gear and skill gear on top!
    Just one of the many reasons new players (and even not so new players on new characters) shouldn't be expecting Elite aka The Highest Difficulty Setting to be accomplishable from the start!

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    2) With 1 point to unlock and +25 from a 60 Charisma you're still 39.5 points short of your +65.5!
    That's because you're only counting the one Skill point + Charisma bonus! You're leaving out any Performance skill item, Exceptional Charisma Skill item (ie GS), Persuasion/Command item, {eventually} Epic Level increases, and other potential increases like Completionist etc! Rapair can benefit from all of those sources without spending skill points, but Perform requires spending at least 1! Also, Perform/Sonic spell damage has no out-bound limit, but Repairs usefulness is limited by your characters max HP. Once you can heal (fix?) 99% of your Red Bar, any additional (100% or more) is wasted resource investment as it provides a benefit you can not receive!

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Again - This is expecting a lot of newbies!
    Again, newbies shouldn't be expected/expecting to accomplish Elite @ level!

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    So - Making the mob turn around doesn't reduce your chance of getting hit?
    Ealier you said it "sheds agro" and that is the incorrect part they were talking about! While a successful Bluff will spin them around and take Sneak Damage the Bluffed mob still hates your character just as much! Now granted, any additional damage you do against the Bluffed mob will be at a reduced rate of Threat Generation - but to bring this back around to running Cannith Crystal solo or with a hire - that reduced Threat while Bluffed won't make much (if any) agro difference - it can however make a significant difference in an experienced (<- key word there) player's ability to successfully defend the Crystal on Elite while @ or below level!
    I would still like to see... Something that tests character versatility and player adaptability rather than character focus strength and quest knowledge.
    I play the quests for the content of the quests not just as an XP/min merry-go-round.
    Actual play experience is worth infinitely more than theorycrafting...

  4. #204
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    Again, newbies shouldn't be expected/expecting to accomplish Elite @ level!
    Actually they do. At least at the beginning. ViP let's you have access to every content, earn 500 TP / month, and so on - but on Korthos, the only advantage of a ViP is to open quests on Elite. There is no other inaccessible alternative content, the 500 TP come next month and there also is no post box to get access to whatever would be delivered with ViP status. No, the only fun a ViP on Korthos can have is to open quests on Elite.

    If what you said was true, then every difficulty should be open to every player regardless if ViP or not. I mean, if my advantage is to be able to open a quest on a difficulty that offers just an unpredictable win/lose quest, then everyone should have access to it. It wouldn't make much difference. But then the ViP would become questionable the more.

  5. #205
    Community Member bartharok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanhelin View Post
    Actually they do. At least at the beginning. ViP let's you have access to every content, earn 500 TP / month, and so on - but on Korthos, the only advantage of a ViP is to open quests on Elite. There is no other inaccessible alternative content, the 500 TP come next month and there also is no post box to get access to whatever would be delivered with ViP status. No, the only fun a ViP on Korthos can have is to open quests on Elite.

    If what you said was true, then every difficulty should be open to every player regardless if ViP or not. I mean, if my advantage is to be able to open a quest on a difficulty that offers just an unpredictable win/lose quest, then everyone should have access to it. It wouldn't make much difference. But then the ViP would become questionable the more.
    I doubt any totally new players would buy VIP in a game that they could first try out for free.
    Dystopia = utopia achieved

  6. #206
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartharok View Post
    I doubt any totally new players would buy VIP in a game that they could first try out for free.
    I'm a returner. What do you actually want to say?

  7. #207
    Community Member PermaBanned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanhelin View Post
    There is absolutely no reason for champions in low level quests...
    I'm curious then, when do you think it would be appropriate? Level 6? Maybe 9 or perhaps not until 12 or 15?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lanhelin View Post
    I want to play a D&D dice game and not a game of chance.
    D&D dice games are games of chance:

    • Do you have great, good or poor starting stat numbers? Roll the dice and take a chance...
    • Do you hit or miss? Roll the dice, take a chance...
    • Do you succeed or fail? Roll the dice, take a chance...
    • Does that axe strike or fireball do a little damage or a lot? Roll the dice, take a chance...
    • Is the loot going to be excellent or meh? Roll the dice, take a chance...

    What non-chance based "D&D dice game" have you been playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lanhelin View Post
    Since I experienced this, I did not login anymore.
    So you got beat by a quest, complained, got advice, went back and beat it, and now aren't playing again?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lanhelin View Post
    I'd appreciate an answer from one or more of the developers, what their intention for this deterring design was.
    You mean like they said in this thread?

    Edit: Link is fixed ^^
    Last edited by PermaBanned; 01-02-2015 at 08:40 PM.
    I would still like to see... Something that tests character versatility and player adaptability rather than character focus strength and quest knowledge.
    I play the quests for the content of the quests not just as an XP/min merry-go-round.
    Actual play experience is worth infinitely more than theorycrafting...

  8. #208
    Community Member Keladon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    I'm curious then, when do you think it would be appropriate? Level 6? Maybe 9 or perhaps not until 12 or 15?

    D&D dice games are games of chance:

    • Do you have great, good or poor starting stat numbers? Roll the dice and take a chance...
    • Do you hit or miss? Roll the dice, take a chance...
    • Do you succeed or fail? Roll the dice, take a chance...
    • Does that axe strike or fireball do a little damage or a lot? Roll the dice, take a chance...
    • Is the loot going to be excellent or meh? Roll the dice, take a chance...

    What non-chance based "D&D dice game" have you been playing?

    So you got beat by a quest, complained, got advice, went back and beat it, and now aren't playing again?

    You mean like they said in this thread?
    But.. this isn't a D&D dice game. This is a realtime MMORPG ,something people seem to forget sometimes.

    There's also a reason they've changed so much compared to the D&D dice game.. because it just doesn't work in an MMO.

    Also... that's not how you use links (just wanted to let you know that link doesn't go anywhere)

  9. #209
    Community Member Thayion516's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanhelin View Post
    And I'd appreciate an answer from one or more of the developers, what their intention for this deterring design was.
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.


    There you go. Per a Dev, a new toon is not advised to be be playing on these settings. You should be on Normal by defualt.
    Thayion - Circle of Night - Ghallanda
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  10. #210
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanhelin View Post
    Actually they do. At least at the beginning. ViP let's you have access to every content, earn 500 TP / month, and so on - but on Korthos, the only advantage of a ViP is to open quests on Elite. There is no other inaccessible alternative content, the 500 TP come next month and there also is no post box to get access to whatever would be delivered with ViP status. No, the only fun a ViP on Korthos can have is to open quests on Elite.

    If what you said was true, then every difficulty should be open to every player regardless if ViP or not. I mean, if my advantage is to be able to open a quest on a difficulty that offers just an unpredictable win/lose quest, then everyone should have access to it. It wouldn't make much difference. But then the ViP would become questionable the more.
    that depends on how much the new player researched VIP.

    Move +10% faster in public spaces! This movement speed boost stacks with all other movement boosts in public areas.
    Ability to create guilds for free.
    Extra +10% XP. This bonus stacks with other sources of experience bonus.
    Chat: Unlimited (Same as premium)
    Customer service: Full. (Same as premium)
    Idle Auto-logout: Increases to 60 minutes.
    Gold Storage: Officially unlimited, technically limited to about 4.3 million pp. (Same as premium)
    Mail: Nearly unlimited (Not really, you get the same amount as premium account, which is exactly 50 maximum mails at a time.)
    Auctions: 50 items up for sale on platinum auction house, 20 items on the Shard Exchange.
    Enter quests directly on Hard/Elite without having to run prior difficulties
    Monster Manual access.
    Shared Bank Vault for free (20 slots)
    Shared Bank: Platinum Vault: First tier (50,000 platinum deposit) for free.
    Bag Deposit Box: 45 slots for free. (33 more than Premium)
    Daily Dice: One free roll on the Gold Chest each week.
    Harper Agent enhancements: access for all characters to this enhancement tree.

    Account Benefits 10 character slots per server (6 more than Premium, more may be purchased)
    500 complementary Turbine Points per month. More may be purchased or earned by gaining Favor.
    Access to the Druid and Monk Class. Must purchase Artificer (account-wide) or unlock through Favor (per server). Must purchase Favored Soul (account-wide) or unlock through Favor (per server).
    Official forums: Read/post. (Same as premium)
    Beta priority: High. (May refer to the slow release speed of content packs on the Lamannia test server's version of the DDO Store)
    Login Queue: Priority (This isn't a real benefit, the game has not yet implemented any log in queue tech, you simply get an error if the server is full regardless of your account type)
    Access to the Warforged, Half-Elf and Half-Orc races. Must purchase Drow (account-wide) or unlock through Favor (per server).

    I only took out 3 things from wiki that absolutely had nothing to do with Korthos. for a new player theres a lot that they could do with VIP. I mean, MM, +10% xp, access to monk, Harper tree, 500 TP and more are all quite good for a brand spanking new VIP player.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanhelin View Post
    To all those who adviced until page 10 (and probably will continue to advice on future pages by just quoting one of my initial postings) to do this quest on hn/hh - I managed to do it on he alone with the "weakest class", build to be a wizard, thanks to the hint with the barb hire and some positioning attempts.

    To all those who supported (not necessarily me but) the rant: thank you. There is absolutely no reason for champions in low level quests (except of vitalizing the forums with threads about it) that are meant to introduce new players to the game mechanics.

    To all those who just throw more or less elaborated l2p's around - thank you so much for your greatness, shinyness and all the other -nesses you think to represent. But please, go and pose elsewhere.

    Why did I start this thread? Because quests on Korthos never have been mortal in the past, regardless what difficulty, at least not for the player (for npcs to be protected yes, but at least not the village quests), no matter what initial class. And this was a good decision, to not frustrate new players/vips/returners at the beginning. I do not talk about lvl 16+ elites, or even epics, but the actual very second quest in the starter area for level 1 characters. This simply was and is not fun. I don't have anything against hard puzzles or enemies-at-level. As long as I have the tools, spells, and skills available to try another tactic. But one-shot-abilities, random "doom or cakewalk" mechanics don't make the game more challenging, they just make it unpredictable. But I want to play a D&D dice game and not a game of chance. Since I experienced this, I did not login anymore. Though I'm still here (and my vip sub is still running). And I'd appreciate an answer from one or more of the developers, what their intention for this deterring design was.
    I dont get you....

    To use your own words:

    "I don't have anything against hard puzzles or enemies-at-level. As long as I have the tools, spells, and skills available to try another tactic."


    "I managed to do it on he alone with the "weakest class", build to be a wizard, thanks to the hint with the barb hire and some positioning attempts."

    That means that you dont have anything against the current state of Cannith Crystal quest on Corthos, correct?
    Quote Originally Posted by bartharok View Post
    Its also a hireling, it needs buffs to figure out what end the food goes in.
    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Oh and Lol - Fortitude 57, Reflex 64, Will 55 {Godlike Saves!}.
    Quote Originally Posted by VCB View Post
    There are players that I wish could be improved to the point of being a hire.

  12. #212
    Community Member PermaBanned's Avatar
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    Bah - seems this posted twice, once with a working link & once without? Lol whatever, link is fixed in the first and this is now cleared.
    Last edited by PermaBanned; 01-02-2015 at 08:43 PM.
    I would still like to see... Something that tests character versatility and player adaptability rather than character focus strength and quest knowledge.
    I play the quests for the content of the quests not just as an XP/min merry-go-round.
    Actual play experience is worth infinitely more than theorycrafting...

  13. #213
    Community Member Keladon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thayion516 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.


    There you go. Per a Dev, a new toon is not advised to be be playing on these settings. You should be on Normal by defualt.
    But that's not what he said, is it?

    "We don't envision", I'll bet you they didn't envision people running naked shrouds either, yet they do.

  14. #214
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keladon View Post
    But that's not what he said, is it?

    "We don't envision", I'll bet you they didn't envision people running naked shrouds either, yet they do.
    oh goodie.. word games. cant wait to see how you twist the meaning of the dev response.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  15. #215
    Community Member Keladon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    oh goodie.. word games. cant wait to see how you twist the meaning of the dev response.
    Look, it's Qualor again.. and look, he didn't read what this was about .. again.

    When he's twisting the words of a dev, I'm going to point that out yes. But like I said, maybe you should actually read what HE said.

  16. #216
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    I'm curious then, when do you think it would be appropriate? Level 6? Maybe 9 or perhaps not until 12 or 15?
    The should be permabanned to epics. To let epics be a challenge for parties, actually for characters who want to achieve epic past lives or are in their final life.

    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    D&D dice games are games of chance:

    • Do you have great, good or poor starting stat numbers? Roll the dice and take a chance...
    • Do you hit or miss? Roll the dice, take a chance...
    • Do you succeed or fail? Roll the dice, take a chance...
    • Does that axe strike or fireball do a little damage or a lot? Roll the dice, take a chance...
    • Is the loot going to be excellent or meh? Roll the dice, take a chance...

    What non-chance based "D&D dice game" have you been playing?
    D&D has always been a 100/0 game - fulfill the conditions = do not fail. A doom/cakewalk chance on the other side is completely different. No matter what you skilled, no matter what you chose, it's doom. That's what I call an unpredictable by chance game. Dices are ok, but champs dice roll if they one-hit you for at the end -10 or -50 hp. This has nothing to do with dice roll regarding a D&D MMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    So you got beat by a quest, complained, got advice, went back and beat it, and now aren't playing again?
    Yes. Because it took a few minutes to realize what this change means.

    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    You mean like they said in this thread?
    Your link leads to nowhere.

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanhelin View Post
    Actually they do. At least at the beginning. ViP let's you have access to every content, earn 500 TP / month, and so on - but on Korthos, the only advantage of a ViP is to open quests on Elite. There is no other inaccessible alternative content, the 500 TP come next month and there also is no post box to get access to whatever would be delivered with ViP status. No, the only fun a ViP on Korthos can have is to open quests on Elite.

    If what you said was true, then every difficulty should be open to every player regardless if ViP or not. I mean, if my advantage is to be able to open a quest on a difficulty that offers just an unpredictable win/lose quest, then everyone should have access to it. It wouldn't make much difference. But then the ViP would become questionable the more.
    You are not taking into consideration one important aspect - player skill. I am able to solo Crystall on firstlife grotto geared character on elite (tried because of this topic, made a new char). I am premium, so I had to buy elite unlock.

    You are not. Does it mean it is impossible? No, because I can do it. Doest that means that the game is broken on your computer only, or that I am among 1% of the best players of this game, or that you have a lot to learn to become better at this game?

    You decide.
    Quote Originally Posted by bartharok View Post
    Its also a hireling, it needs buffs to figure out what end the food goes in.
    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Oh and Lol - Fortitude 57, Reflex 64, Will 55 {Godlike Saves!}.
    Quote Originally Posted by VCB View Post
    There are players that I wish could be improved to the point of being a hire.

  18. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanhelin View Post
    Actually they do. At least at the beginning. ViP let's you have access to every content, earn 500 TP / month, and so on - but on Korthos, the only advantage of a ViP is to open quests on Elite. There is no other inaccessible alternative content, the 500 TP come next month and there also is no post box to get access to whatever would be delivered with ViP status. No, the only fun a ViP on Korthos can have is to open quests on Elite.
    That's only true if you completely and willfully ignore that ViP status also allows you some class and race options from the start that must otherwise be earned, unlocked or purchased by non-ViPs. Can a brand new F2P make a Warforged Artificer as their very first character? Nope, but a ViP can

    Quote Originally Posted by Lanhelin View Post
    If what you said was true, then every difficulty should be open to every player regardless if ViP or not. I mean, if my advantage is to be able to open a quest on a difficulty that offers just an unpredictable win/lose quest, then everyone should have access to it. It wouldn't make much difference. But then the ViP would become questionable the more.
    ViP status only guaranties you can open elite, not easily defeat it - no where do I see ViP advertised as the ultimate P2W: "Pay the monthly sub and you can defeat the game on it's hardest setting your first run through!" Nor do I see a benefit in that hardest setting being Championless for (X) levels, just so that Elite can become more difficult to complete... eventually.
    I would still like to see... Something that tests character versatility and player adaptability rather than character focus strength and quest knowledge.
    I play the quests for the content of the quests not just as an XP/min merry-go-round.
    Actual play experience is worth infinitely more than theorycrafting...

  19. #219
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    Move +10% faster in public spaces! This movement speed boost stacks with all other movement boosts in public areas.
    Ability to create guilds for free.
    Extra +10% XP. This bonus stacks with other sources of experience bonus.
    Chat: Unlimited (Same as premium)
    Customer service: Full. (Same as premium)
    Idle Auto-logout: Increases to 60 minutes.
    Gold Storage: Officially unlimited, technically limited to about 4.3 million pp. (Same as premium)
    Mail: Nearly unlimited (Not really, you get the same amount as premium account, which is exactly 50 maximum mails at a time.)
    Auctions: 50 items up for sale on platinum auction house, 20 items on the Shard Exchange.
    Enter quests directly on Hard/Elite without having to run prior difficulties
    Monster Manual access.
    Shared Bank Vault for free (20 slots)
    Shared Bank: Platinum Vault: First tier (50,000 platinum deposit) for free.
    Bag Deposit Box: 45 slots for free. (33 more than Premium)
    Daily Dice: One free roll on the Gold Chest each week.
    Harper Agent enhancements: access for all characters to this enhancement tree.

    Account Benefits 10 character slots per server (6 more than Premium, more may be purchased)
    500 complementary Turbine Points per month. More may be purchased or earned by gaining Favor.
    Access to the Druid and Monk Class. Must purchase Artificer (account-wide) or unlock through Favor (per server). Must purchase Favored Soul (account-wide) or unlock through Favor (per server).
    Official forums: Read/post. (Same as premium)
    Beta priority: High. (May refer to the slow release speed of content packs on the Lamannia test server's version of the DDO Store)
    Login Queue: Priority (This isn't a real benefit, the game has not yet implemented any log in queue tech, you simply get an error if the server is full regardless of your account type)
    Access to the Warforged, Half-Elf and Half-Orc races. Must purchase Drow (account-wide) or unlock through Favor (per server).

    I only took out 3 things from wiki that absolutely had nothing to do with Korthos. for a new player theres a lot that they could do with VIP. I mean, MM, +10% xp, access to monk, Harper tree, 500 TP and more are all quite good for a brand spanking new VIP player.
    You did not read my post entirely, or did not understand it. Or want to defend something for not comprehensible reasons. I'd understand it if you worked in a marketing office, but I cannot offer help nor you could help me with what you posted. This is hilarious. What else should I reply to this?

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanhelin View Post
    You did not read my post entirely, or did not understand it. Or want to defend something for not comprehensible reasons. I'd understand it if you worked in a marketing office, but I cannot offer help nor you could help me with what you posted. This is hilarious. What else should I reply to this?
    Proper reply would be: I Lanhelin was wrong. I am sorry. I had a bad day/week. It could have happened to anybody.
    Quote Originally Posted by bartharok View Post
    Its also a hireling, it needs buffs to figure out what end the food goes in.
    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Oh and Lol - Fortitude 57, Reflex 64, Will 55 {Godlike Saves!}.
    Quote Originally Posted by VCB View Post
    There are players that I wish could be improved to the point of being a hire.

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