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I do agree that a one shot, quest failure scenario is unpleasant and that a few attempts to try and succeed could be irritating. I have felt that frustration personally as well over the course of my time in this game. How I overcome that frustration is find a different way of doing things, which could include just skipping that quest altogether.
But this is what a 4-5 minute quest at most? So you have to try a few times to succeed on the hardest difficulty in the game, you lose what...15 minutes?
This life on an int based pure rogue running that quest with champs before the fix, it took me two attempts with the barb hire, first spawn, 1-2 shot, quest over, 20 seconds wasted, big deal, reset / repeat, second attempt was a success. Kept my BB...but still not huge xp even if running BB. Heck I would of even broke BB and done normal if I failed a few times and then pickup the BB again later. It's such a low level quest that it's insignificant in the grand scheme of my TR train journey.
If it's really that big a deal, run it as the very first quest after TR on normal to get it out of the way, or just skip it altogether if it's that much of a stress to you.
I am just not seeing what all the drama is over a low level quest. Things need to be tweaked a bit, it's been acknowledged by the devs, can we put this one to bed already and move on?
I am glad that the element of failure is back on the table and that things are not the easy button they used to be. It has forced me to actually start planning and preparing again and to decide which quests are worth doing and which ones I can skip.
If you are after the favour, then hate to say it, but you might have to play the quests a few times to get there...I don't see a problem with that...not everything should be easily accessible and some things should require an element of chance in order to succeed. Things shouldn't always be predictable, that's already an issue with metagaming the content...this cannot be predicted or prepared for and I am ok with that because it's such a short quest that even if I have to try it a few times to succeed I will or I will adjust my approach and just skip it altogether or run it on a different setting.
That's the problem with this day and age is that some people expect everything to be handed to them the first attempt... that should never be the case. Failure forces people to rethink their approach and strategy in any scenario. if luck isn't on your side, well it's unfortunate, get over it and move on...don't let something so insignificant ruin your enjoyment of the game. Seriously how many times have you ran this quest over the course of you DDO history? is it really that important to you that you MUST run it every life on Elite? If that's the case the problem might not be so much the fact that the quest irritates you or that the game mechanics are not favourable in the quest because of that element of failure is out of your control, but more the fact that you are not flexible to adapt with changes in the game and to adjust your approach. The game will evolve with updates, things will need to be tweaked including your play style, the game mechanics or the content.
That's the reality of an ever changing environment, you adapt and overcome.