sortof theorycrafting for my wizzy pl, since i want to have a few pls before doing a caster.

7 bard (for CSW/swashie enhs) 9 wizzy (for buffs, pl, doublestrike/EK enhs, and lvl 5 spells) 4 fighter? for feats/prot benefits from StD, and offensive damage buffs from vanguard.

s&b buckler+something, not sure what best dps for swashie is. would be going bard for the 1st 4 levels or so to get some healing in place right quick, not sure about leveling order after that.

another possibility is bard 3 (for skirmisher), wizzy 12 (for wraith), with 5 levels to play with.

ideas are more than welcome

(i'm not dead set on bard, its just bard dps with swashie is VERY attractive)