Quote Originally Posted by Tonzofo View Post
Hello so pretty new, I kinda want to play a monk but am kinda worried about what people say about their viability. I play with 2 other people and currently we are running through our first lives, I am about to TR with them and really want to do a monk type build. I was thinking an unarmed monk would be pretty awesome but open to variant builds like INT based or shortsword, kama etc.

I have a +5 supreme tome and it'll be a 34 point build and will have a bard past life (Doing a monte cristo type character atm). They are likely going to be playing a acrobat and a thf barbarian type character. So I think that going light monk for better synergy would be a good idea? But yeah basically I'd like to be pretty sturdy and work well in the trio but have the ability to solo, willing to sacrifice dps for that.

Also been reading about possible Fighter/monk builds due to favored weapons, how viable are those also? I appreciate any insights.
ok so the best unarmed monk build I have run is a twist on the robo ryu build I posted Here but it is a blade forge and requires a +1 heart of wood to build it but for that you get a tolal tank of a monk that realy puts out the DPS at lev 30 I had 10.8 d8 base damage on my hand wraps and could be in the middle of mob of 10 or more on Epic elite with a AC of over 200, prr of 160+,dodge of 31, and self cast blur. It also has a working stunning fist and stunning blow for 1,2 stun before a WWA that hit for 14.8 d8 ya loved that.
I have since tweaked the enh and could post it with your past life and tomes. If that dose not work for you then tell me why (like no BF or do not want to use a +1 heart) and I will see what I can do for you.